The Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 11698 Otherwise Known as the "Vintage Vehicle Regulation Act" ( IRR of RA 11698 )
January 30, 2023
January 30, 2023
WHEREAS, Article XIV, Section 14 of the 1987 Constitution declares that the State shall foster the preservation, enrichment, and dynamic evolution of a Filipino culture based on the principle of unity in diversity in a climate of free artistic and intellectual expression;
WHEREAS, Section 16 of the same Article of the Constitution also affirms that all the country's artistic and historic wealth constitutes the cultural treasure of the nation and shall be under the protection of the State which may regulate its disposition;
WHEREAS, Republic Act No. 11698 otherwise known as the "Vintage Vehicle Regulation Act" (Act) lapsed into law on 15 April 2022 to protect and promote the nation's heritage by establishing regulatory policies that encourage the preservation, maintenance, occasional use, and registration of vintage vehicles;
WHEREAS, Section 20 of Republic Act No. 11698 mandates the Land Transportation Office (LTO), after public hearings and consultation with concerned sectors of society, to formulate and issue the necessary rules and regulations for the effective and speedy implementation of Republic Act No. 11698 within sixty (60) days of its effectivity;
NOW, THEREFORE, these Implementing Rules and Regulations (Rules) are promulgated and issued to guide all concerned agencies and stakeholders in the implementation of Republic Act No. 11698:
Preliminary Provisions
SECTION 1. Title and Coverage. —
These rules and regulations shall be known and referred to as the "The Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 11698," which shall apply to all aspects of the regulation of the importation and exportation, registration, and use of vintage vehicles.
SECTION 2. Declaration of Policy. —
These Rules are promulgated consistent with and in furtherance of the policy of the State to preserve its heritage and patrimony through the preservation of vintage vehicles, to provide an environment that will encourage its entrepreneurs and industries to participate in the large and expanding international markets for their restoration, and to permit its businessmen, technicians, and workforce to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for the purpose.
SECTION 3. Construction and Interpretation. —
These Rules shall be construed and interpreted in light of the Declaration of Policy found in Section 2 of the Act. Any doubt as to the interpretation of these Rules shall be resolved in a manner that will attain of the objectives of the law, particularly:
a. To protect, preserve, enhance, and promote the nation's heritage by preserving vintage vehicles and in furtherance thereof permit the importation of such vehicles in historically correct condition;
b. To establish and strengthen regulatory policies that encourage their preservation, maintenance, occasional use, and registration;
c. To increase economic opportunities by creating conditions favorable to small and medium industries that may participate in the international markets for the restoration and repair of vintage vehicles and the manufacture of their spare and replacement parts; and
d. To encourage tourism through the promotion of automobile tours, establishment of vintage vehicle or car museums, exhibits, vintage motorsports, and similar events.
SECTION 4. Definition of Terms. —
For purposes of and when used in these Rules, the following terms or words and phrases shall mean or be understood as defined hereunder unless the context of a particular section clearly indicates that a different meaning is intended: CAIHTE
a. Authentic Spare Part — refers to a replacement part, whether old or newly produced, that is identical in appearance and function to an original component installed in the vehicle or in vehicles belonging to the same model line as the vehicle at the time of manufacture, but not necessarily made of the same material, including chassis and monocoque shell and subframe replacements of the same pattern as the original. This will include spare parts from the manufacturer's stock intended for the later servicing or repair of vehicles of the same model line as the vehicle;
b. Automobile Lineage Brand — refers to the original manufacturer's name or latest brand name as a result of corporate merger or acquisition;
c. Concours d'Elegance or Concours — refers to a vintage vehicle which condition is for exhibition or contest;
d. For restoration vintage vehicle — refers to a vintage vehicle, whether containing the important parts such as engine, transmissions, chassis and body or just the body shell, which is for further modification or restoration in the Philippines. This definition shall be used only for purposes of Section 3 of Rule V hereof;
e. Leisure driving — refers to the act of driving the registered vintage vehicle at a speed not exceeding the maximum allowable speed at a given portion of the highway;
f. Motor vehicle — refers to any self-propelled vehicle using the public highways which are designed to carry passengers or goods, including automobiles, pick-up trucks, vans, sports utility vehicles, Asian utility vehicles, and motorcycles. A trailer, caravan, or other vehicle intended to be towed by attachment to a motor vehicle shall be deemed a motor vehicle for purposes of the Act and these Rules;
g. Original components — refer to parts of the vehicle, including the motor, chassis, and gearbox, that were originally installed by its manufacturer at the time of its production;
h. Personal purpose — as used in Section 1 of Rule II of these Rules, refers to the use of a registered vintage vehicle by the registered owner, his/her immediate family members or any authorized person, which includes the use of the vehicle to obtain repairs or maintenance, test the vehicle's operation in racetracks, or participate in car club activities, exhibits, tours, parades, motorsports, and similar events. For purposes of the provisions on importation under Section 1 of Rule V hereof, the definition of personal use or purpose under the applicable law or regulation shall be controlling;
i. Restoration Mode or RESTOMOD — refers to vintage car that has been restored but modified with modern parts and technology;
j. Registration — refers to the act of compliance to the documentary requirements, standards and procedures of Republic Act No. 11698 and these Rules in order for a vintage vehicle to be classified by the Land Transportation Office under a 'vintage vehicle' subclassification;
k. Registered vintage vehicle — refers to a vintage vehicle registered with a 'vintage vehicle' subclassification that benefits from the exemptions and privileges under Republic Act No. 11698 and these Rules;
l. Spare parts — refer to component parts, sub-assemblies or complete assemblies, identical to or interchangeable with original components of a vintage vehicle, and accessories that are permitted to be installed on a vintage vehicle under Section 2 of Rule IV hereof; and
m. Vintage vehicle — refers to a motor vehicle, whether powered by an internal combustion engine, electricity, a combination of both, or other means, that is at least forty (40) years old reckoned from the date of manufacture, whose chassis, engine, steering assembly, and suspension assembly are either original or authentic and whose body has not been altered in general appearance, subject only to the exceptions in Section 2 of Rule IV hereof. It shall exclude replicas and reproductions of vintage vehicles.
Limitations on the Use of Registered Vintage Vehicles
SECTION 1. Limited Use. —
Registered vintage vehicles may only be used occasionally for personal purposes and/or leisure driving. As such, the registered vintage vehicle must not be used as the owner's primary mode of transportation in the conveyance of passengers or goods.
Moreover, registered vintage vehicles that are not equipped with appropriate lights or reflectors shall not be allowed to be operated after one-half hour from sunset until at least one-half hour before sunrise, as determined and published by the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA), and whenever weather conditions require the use of such lights or reflectors. DETACa
SECTION 2. Prohibition to Use for Commercial Purposes and as a Public Utility Vehicle. —
A registered vintage vehicle shall in no event be used for commercial purposes, except only for motion pictures, advertisements, pictorials, weddings, and motorcades. A registered vintage vehicle shall not be used as a public utility vehicle, or for the commercial transport of persons or goods including as a transport vehicle accredited with and operating through transport network corporations.
SECTION 3. Applicability of Prohibitions. —
The prohibitions set out in the preceding sections, including the prohibitions on modifications in relation to Section 2 of Rule IV hereof, shall only apply to registered vintage vehicles. Motor vehicles that are not registered pursuant to Rule VI hereof or which do not seek to benefit from any exemption or privilege under Rule III of these Rules are not covered by such prohibitions but shall be subject to all laws and regulations governing the registration and use of motor vehicles in general, including all emission, safety, roadworthiness and other standards.
Exemptions from Standards and Restrictions
SECTION 1. Exemption from Standards Set by Law After the Manufacturing Date. —
In recognition of their small number, their expected limited use, and the historical fact that the technology available at the time of their manufacture will not permit them to meet modern standards, registered vintage vehicles shall not be required to meet anti-pollution, safety, road-use, and other standards that were not in force at the time of their manufacture, either as a condition for their registration or use on public roads.
SECTION 2. Exemption from Anti-Pollution and Clean-Air Standards. —
The exhaust emission limit of gaseous pollutants as provided in Section 21 of Republic Act No. 8749 or the "Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999" shall not apply to registered vintage vehicles. However, registered vintage vehicles with modern engine replacement permitted under Section 2 (d) of Rule IV hereof shall be required to comply with the prevailing clean-air standards if such modern engine was manufactured on or after the effectivity of Republic Act No. 8749.
The noise emission limit of ninety (90) decibels measured at ten (10) meters distance from the source, pursuant to National Pollution Control Commission Memorandum Circular No. 002, series of 1980, shall only apply to vintage vehicles manufactured after 21 October 1980. For purposes of uniformity in measurement, the sound level of the motor vehicle shall be measured at an engine speed ranging from 2,500 to 3,000 revolutions per minute.
SECTION 3. Exemption from the Required Installation of Seat Belt Devices and the Prohibition on the Importation of Any Vehicle without Appropriate and Operational Seat Belt Devices. —
All vintage vehicles manufactured after 31 December 1967, whether registered under these Rule or not, must be fitted with appropriate and operational seat belt devices before they may be imported or used as mandated by Sections 7, 8 and 10 of Republic Act No. 8750 or the "Seat Belts Use Act of 1999."
SECTION 4. Exemption from the Prohibition on the Importation, Registration, and Use of Right-Hand Drive Vehicles. —
The prohibition on the importation, registration, and use of right-hand drive vehicles under Section 1 of Republic Act No. 8506 shall not apply to vintage vehicles manufactured on or before 31 December 1970, in historically correct condition, or to vintage vehicles intended principally for officially and legally sanctioned racing or other motorsport. However, such exempted vintage vehicles must still be driven safely on the right side of the highway in accordance with Section 37 of Republic Act No. 4136.
SECTION 5. Entitlement to Avail the Exemptions. —
All vintage vehicles (a) imported after the effectivity of these Rules or (b) benefiting from any exemption or privilege under these Rules must first be registered with the LTO under a 'vintage vehicle' registration subclassification as provided in Rule VI hereof before they may avail the exemptions stated in the preceding sections.
Minimum Standards in the Inspection of Vintage Vehicles
SECTION 1. Period Specification. —
A registered vintage vehicle shall be preserved and maintained in a historically correct condition. Subject to the permitted modifications specified in the succeeding section, a vintage vehicle shall be considered to be in its historically correct condition if: aDSIHc
a. its chassis, engine, steering, and suspension shall not have been replaced or modified except with original or authentic components; and
b. its body has not been changed in general appearance.
SECTION 2. Permitted Modifications. —
The following modifications, subject to validation through visual inspection by motor vehicle inspectors of the LTO or its authorized private motor vehicle inspection service providers, shall be permitted on vintage vehicles:
a. Modifications of a type that is not manifestly prejudicial to road safety and can be demonstrated to have been made when the vintage vehicle was in production or within ten (10) years of the end of production;
b. Modifications to brakes, suspension, axles, and running gear to improve efficiency or safety;
c. Use of carburetors, fuel injection systems or emission control devices not original to the vintage vehicle to improve efficiency, economy or environmental performance;
d. Installation of a new, modern engine of the same brand or manufacture and of the same general specification (e.g., fuel type, piston displacement, number of cylinders, engine configuration or layout, etc.) as the engine original to the vintage vehicle or vehicles belonging to the same historic model line or automobile brand lineage as the vintage vehicle; and
e. Installation of after-market accessories and equipment, such as radios, air-conditioning, and directional lights, to permit the convenient or safe use of the vehicle, except those which are expressly prohibited by law to be used or attached in any motor vehicle such as, but not limited to, sirens, bells, horns, whistles, or other similar gadgets that produce exceptionally loud or startling sound, and domelights, blinkers and other similar signaling or flashing devices.
Whenever a modification is alleged to have been made while the vintage vehicle was still in production or within ten years from the end of its production under Item (a) of the above enumeration, the registered owner shall submit a notarized affidavit describing in detail the extent of and the reason for the modification, the shop or person that performed the modification and the approximate date the modification was carried out. Such affidavit shall be attached to and made an integral part of the Motor Vehicle Inspection Report (MVIR) for the initial registration under a vintage vehicle subclassification.
SECTION 3. Inspection for Registration and its Renewal. —
As a general rule, a vintage vehicle applying for registration or the renewal of its registration under Rule VI hereof shall be subject to inspection to determine whether it is unsightly, unsafe, improperly equipped, or otherwise unfit to be operated in public highways based on the standards that were in force at the time of its manufacture, and to ensure its conformity with the preceding sections on period specification and permitted modifications.
In addition, registered vintage vehicles manufactured after 31 December 1975 must also comply with the following minimum safety and roadworthiness standards insofar as they do not impose upon the vehicle any requirement that was not originally installed to the vehicle when it was manufactured:
a. Tires and wheels
1. No registered vintage vehicle covered by this section shall be operated upon any public highway with metallic tires. Solid tires, whenever used, shall be with sufficient thickness to prevent the metal rims thereof from coming in direct contact with the road.
2. Tires shall be free from any significant damages such as cracks or cuts to the base cords.
3. The tire wear indicator should not be exposed. Tires should not be regrooved to make it appear that the tread are still deep or the tread wear indicators were scraped.
4. The wheel should have no fractures or welding defects.
b. Wheel bolt/s and nut/s
1. The wheel stud bolt/s and nut/s must be complete and tight.
2. The wheel hub should not be damaged affecting the secure fixing of the wheels.
c. Brakes and braking system
1. There must be no signs of fluid leakages.
2. The braking system shall be secured that it shall fully withstand the operation and shall be fixed and may not be damaged by vibration, impact and similar condition.
3. The braking system shall be constructed in a manner that its performance does not interfere with the steering system.
4. The service brake system shall be so constructed that even if a part of the brake piping (except the part of the piping which serves two or more wheels) is damaged the brake may still be applied to at least two wheels. This provision shall not apply to the service brake system of a motor vehicle provided with an emergency brake system or a brake system capable of applying the brakes to at least two wheels while running in case of a service brake system failure. ETHIDa
5. The brake fluid shall not impair the function of the service brake systems due to brake pipe corrosion caused by the brake fluid or because of bubble formation caused by the heat.
6. The brake performance shall conform to the requirements under an application of force of ninety (90) kilograms or less for the foot-operated type and thirty (30) kilograms or less in the case of hand-operated type.
d. Horns — Every registered vintage vehicle covered by this section shall be provided with a horn or signaling device in good working order. However, no horn or signaling device emitting an exceptionally loud, starling, or disagreeable sound shall be installed or used on any motor vehicle.
e. Headlights — Every registered vintage vehicle covered by this section with more than one meter of projected width, while in use on any public highway shall bear two headlights, one on each side, with white or yellowish light visible from the front, which, not later than one-half hour after sunset and until at least one half hour before sunrise and whenever weather conditions so require, shall both be lighted.
f. Tail lights — Every registered vintage vehicle covered by this section shall, during the above-mentioned hours, also bear on each side in the rear a lamp showing a red light visible at least one hundred meters from the rear of the vehicle and a lamp throwing a white light upon the number plate issued for such vehicle.
g. Stop lights — Every registered vintage vehicle covered by this section shall be equipped at the rear with at least one lamp which shall throw a sustained bright red light visible under all conditions, even under bright sunlight, when the brakes are applied.
h. Signal lights — Every registered vintage vehicle covered by this section shall be equipped with fixed direction-indicator lamps with flashing amber or yellow lights used to indicate to other road users that the driver intends to turn or change lanes. Such signal lights must be fitted at the right and left side on the front and rear portions of the vehicle, and visible by day and by night to road-users affected by the vehicle's movements.
i. Motorcycle and other vehicle lights — Every registered vintage vehicle covered by this section with less than one meter of projected width shall be subject to the preceding provisions of this section, except that one headlight and one taillight shall be required.
j. Lights and reflectors when parked or disabled — Appropriate parking lights visible one hundred meters away shall be displayed at a corner of the vehicle whenever such vehicle is parked on highways or in places that are not well-lighted or is placed in such manner as to endanger traffic. Furthermore, every registered vintage vehicle covered by this section shall be provided at all times with built-in reflectors or other similar warning devices either pasted, painted or attached at its front and back which shall likewise be visible at night at least one hundred meters away.
k. Windshield/window glass — Windshield/window glass shall be made of a substance whose transparency does not deteriorate; these shall be such that they do not cause any appreciable distortion of object seen through the windscreen and that in case of breakage, the driver still has a sufficient clear view of the road.
l. Windshield wiper — Every registered vintage vehicle covered by this section shall be equipped with a mechanically or electrically operated device for wiping off raindrops or other moisture from its front windshield.
m. Muffler — Every registered vintage vehicle covered by this section that is propelled by an internal combustion engine shall be equipped with a muffler, and whenever said motor vehicle passes through a street of any city, municipality, or thickly populated district or barrio, the muffler shall not be cut out or disconnected. No registered vintage vehicle covered by this section shall be operated in such a manner as to cause it to emit or make any unnecessary or disagreeable odor, smoke or noise.
The LTO, in consultation with stakeholders, may promulgate additional guidelines for safety inspection of registered vintage vehicles. In no event shall a registered vintage vehicle be required to meet standards, whether set out in these Rules or in those which may later on be established, that exceed or are more stringent than those that were in force at the year the vehicle was manufactured.
SECTION 4. Random Roadside Inspection. —
As in the case of any motor vehicle and in the interest of public safety and responsible ownership, the LTO and its deputized agents shall conduct random inspection of registered vintage vehicles on public roads and highways to check their adherence to applicable land transportation laws and rules including their continuous compliance to Sections 1, 2 and 3 of this Rule. cSEDTC
Importation and Exportation
SECTION 1. Importation. —
Vintage vehicles, whether concours, RESTOMOD and/or for repair or restoration, authentic components, original or replica body shells, engines and transmissions, spare parts and accessories may be imported into the Philippines by any person or entity, subject to the existing rules and regulations of the LTO on the accreditation of Manufacturers, Assemblers, Importers, Rebuilders, Dealers and Other Entities authorized to import motor vehicles and/or its components (MAIRDOEs) whenever applicable. Provided, That natural persons who import motor vehicles for personal use and not intended for sale shall not be required to undergo MAIRDOEs accreditation, and shall only be required to register into the Land Transportation Management System in order to process stock reporting for the purpose of motor vehicle registration.
Moreover, for imported brand new motor vehicle components/parts covered by the mandatory certification of the DTI-Bureau of Philippine Standards (BPS) which are intended for the repair or restoration of vintage vehicles, a Certificate of Exemption shall be issued to the importers by the DTI-BPS subject to its existing rules and regulations.
Furthermore, to expedite the processing of imported personally-owned vintage vehicles for personal use, the requirement of an Authority to Release Imported Goods (ATRIG) shall be dispensed with, subject to the rules issued by the Secretary of the Department of Finance (DOF) and Commissioners of the Bureau of Customs (BOC) and the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), relative to the importation of automobiles.
SECTION 2. Exportation. —
A vintage vehicle may be exported without restriction: Provided, That in the interest of preserving the cultural and historical heritage associated with vintage vehicles, the exportation of vintage vehicles that have historical significance to the country, such as vehicles of Presidents of the Philippines, as certified by the National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP) in accordance with rules and guidelines, shall be prohibited, except for the purpose of repair or restoration abroad as authorized by the NHCP.
For this purpose, the following vintage vehicles shall be considered as having historical significance to the country:
a. Those currently or previously in the ownership of any President of the Philippines;
b. Those regularly used as an official vehicle of the President of the Philippines or officially designated as such by the Presidential Security Group (PSG) or any of its legal predecessors or successors;
c. Those used as a private vehicle of the President of the Philippines during their term on a regular basis, and those used by the President on historic events;
d. Those in the ownership or once owned by a person of historic significance as recognized by the NHCP, and those used by such persons during a historic event;
e. Those used in events of historic significance that are considered one-of-a-kind or unique; and
f. Those used during periods prior to the common use of automobiles in the Philippines.
For recording purposes, the NHCP shall require the registration documents of the abovementioned vehicles as well as short summaries of their ownership to be submitted for assessment. Moreover, for vintage vehicles which are sought to be classified as vehicles that are owned or were owned or used by a President of the Philippines, the NHCP shall also coordinate with the present owners and the PSG, in applicable cases, to validate the truthfulness of the information submitted.
SECTION 3. Valuation for Tariffs, Import Duties and Other Taxes. —
The Bureau of Customs (BOC), for purposes of valuation for tariffs, import duties and other taxes of imported vintage vehicle, shall differentiate concours, RESTOMOD and for restoration vintage vehicle, subject to the provisions of Sections 700 to 707 of Republic Act No. 10863, otherwise known as the Customs Modernization and Tariff Act. Restoration mode and for restoration shall have a lower valuation against concours for the same make and model of vintage vehicle.
Procedures for Registration
SECTION 1. Creation of a Registration Subclassification for Vintage Vehicles; Applicable Motor Vehicle User's Charge. —
In consonance with Section 7 of Republic Act No. 4136, as amended by Batas Pambansa Blg. 74, a 'Vintage Vehicle' subclassification is hereby created under the Private, Government and Diplomatic registration classifications.
The collectible motor vehicle user's charge for vehicles registered under a vintage vehicle subclassification shall be the rates prescribed under Republic Act No. 8794 depending on the classification/category where their status and configuration fall. SDAaTC
SECTION 2. Registration under a Vintage Vehicle Subclassification. —
Vintage vehicles seeking to benefit from any exemption or privilege under these Rules must be specially registered with the LTO under a vintage vehicle subclassification, which shall be reflected in the Certificate of Registration.
a. For vintage vehicles imported after the effectivity of these Rules and imported vintage vehicles with source documents which are not yet registered, the procedures and documentary requirements for the initial registration of vintage vehicles shall be the same as those for used imported vehicle, except for the application form for registration as a vintage vehicle under the Act and compliance to the prevailing inspection and emission standards. As such, the following requirements must be submitted for their initial registration:
1. Certificate of Stock Report (CSR);
2. Duly accomplished and approved Motor Vehicle Inspection Report (MVIR);
3. Original and photocopy of any valid government issued identification document of the registered owner with photo and signature;
4. Philippine National Police (PNP)-Highway Patrol Group (HPG) Motor Vehicle Clearance Certificate;
5. Proof of electronically transmitted appropriate Third Party Liability (TPL) Insurance Certificate of Cover (COC);
6. Certificate of title issued by the country of origin or commercial invoice of motor vehicle; and
7. Duly accomplished LTO application form for registration as a vintage vehicle under Republic Act No. 11698 (attached as "Appendix 1").
b. Motor vehicles that have current or previous records of annual registration with the LTO (including those vehicles that were registered but are placed on storage) may be specially registered under a vintage vehicle subclassification to avail any exemption or privilege under these Rules. This transaction requires the issuance of a new Certificate of Registration.
The following documentary requirements must be submitted for the registration of such vehicles as vintage vehicles:
1. Original Official Receipt (OR) and Certificate of Registration (CR);
2. For vehicles with stored plates, Return Receipt of Plate/License (RRPL);
3. Proof of electronically transmitted appropriate TPL Insurance COC;
4. Duly accomplished and approved MVIR; and
5. Duly accomplished LTO application form for registration as a vintage vehicle under Republic Act No. 11698 (attached as "Appendix 2").
In addition to the submission of the documents enumerated above, the license plates previously issued by the LTO to the subject vintage vehicle shall also be surrendered for replacement. Provided, That the license plates that were originally issued when the vintage vehicle was still in production need not be surrendered. Provided, however, That said period-correct license plate which remain in the possession of the owner may be only attached to the vintage vehicle when displayed in exhibits or museums, and not when the vintage vehicle is used in public roads.
c. A vintage vehicle that has not been registered with the LTO (after the reorganization by virtue of Executive Order No. 125-A, series of 1987, which became effective on 13 April 1987) but has registration documents issued by the legal predecessors of the LTO, such as the Motor Vehicles Office (MVO) and the Land Transportation Commission (LTC)/Bureau of Land Transportation (BLT), may also be registered with the LTO under a vintage vehicle subclassification by submitting the following documentary requirements:
1. Original registration document issued by the MVO, LTC or BLT which will be confirmed with available registration records of the LTO or verified for its authenticity at the Property Section of the LTO Central Office;
2. Proof of electronically transmitted appropriate TPL Insurance COC;
3. Duly accomplished and approved MVIR; and
4. Duly accomplished LTO application form for registration as a vintage vehicle under Republic Act No. 11698 (attached as "Appendix 2").
If the submitted registration document can neither be verified against available LTO records nor sufficiently established as authentic, the subject vintage vehicle may still be registered following the procedure and requirements under Section 3 (b) of this Rule.
SECTION 3. Registration of Vintage Vehicles with Lost Papers. —
a. A vintage vehicle with lost original LTO Certificate of Registration (CR) or Official Receipt (OR) of registration payment may be registered under a vintage vehicle subclassification to avail any exemption or privilege under these Rules, subject to the submission of the following documentary requirements:
1. Notarized affidavit of loss signed by the registered owner stating the details of the motor vehicle and registered owner and alleging the circumstances of how the CR or OR was lost; acEHCD
2. Original and photocopy of any valid government issued identification document of the registered owner with photo and signature;
3. Proof of electronically transmitted appropriate TPL Insurance COC;
4. Duly accomplished and approved MVIR (with photographs showing the front, rear, side and top of the vehicle); and
5. Duly accomplished LTO application form for registration as a vintage vehicle under Republic Act No. 11698 (attached as "Appendix 2").
b. Within three (3) years from the effectivity of these Rules unless extended or revoked by the LTO Assistant Secretary, an owner of a vintage vehicle that has not been previously recorded or registered with the LTO and has no evidence of ownership, including those acquired without the necessary documentation or those with lost deed of donation, sale or conveyance, may apply for its initial registration with the LTO under a vintage vehicle subclassification by submitting the following documents to the Operations Division of the LTO Central Office or its Regional Offices:
1. Duly accomplished LTO application form for registration as a vintage vehicle under Republic Act No. 11698 (attached as "Appendix 3");
2. Original and photocopy of any valid government issued identification document of the registered owner with photo and signature;
3. Notarized affidavit that states that:
i. the applicant is the owner, is in possession of the vehicle, and knows of no claim on the vehicle;
ii. the circumstances by which the applicant came to lawfully acquire the vehicle supported by relevant documents to substantiate claim; and
iii. an undertaking that the owner-applicant shall assume legal responsibility for valid claims, whether criminal, civil or administrative in nature, arising from his/her acts or omissions in relation to the importation, acquisition, possession, registration or ownership of the vehicle.
4. Clearance from the relevant police agency that there is no record of the vehicle having been stolen (PNP-HPG MV Clearance);
5. Duly accomplished and approved MVIR; and
6. Reference document for the vehicle's date of manufacture, such as:
i. commercial invoice of the vehicle;
ii. relevant documents from the official website of the manufacturer (e.g., owner's manual, specification sheets, etc.);
iii. vehicle identification number (VIN) verification; or
iv. certification by the car manufacturer or of a vintage car association or interest group recognized by the LTO.
c. As part of the registration process of vintage vehicles falling under Section 3 (b) of this Rule, the LTO shall cause the publication of a notice of the application in a newspaper of general circulation once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks at the expense of the applicant and on its website within three (3) days from receipt of each complete application, describing the vehicle and stating that the applicant has applied for registration (sample attached as "Appendix 4"). As such, upon a finding that the application and the supporting documents are sufficient in form and substance, the concerned LTO officer shall issue an endorsement containing the sample format of the notice for publication which the applicant will submit to a publisher of a newspaper of general circulation. As proof, the applicant shall submit to the LTO a clipping of the publication and the affidavit of publication from the publisher of the newspaper where the publication was made.
If the LTO receives no objection to the application or claim by third parties on the vehicle within three (3) months from the last date of publication, it shall register the vehicle as a vintage vehicle under these Rules upon submission of an electronically transmitted appropriate TPL Insurance COC and payment of a one-time fee of ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00) in addition to the regular fees and charges for the registration of vintage vehicles. The registration of the vintage vehicle with the LTO and the issuance of a Certificate of Registration shall be without prejudice to rights of persons who may claim ownership of the vintage vehicle under applicable laws.
d. The date of manufacture of a vintage vehicle with lost, incomplete, or inconsistent papers may be ascertained through the car manufacturer or the assistance of a vintage car association or interest group recognized by the LTO, which must meet the following qualifications:
i. duly organized automobile or motorcycle association or interest group registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission;
ii. at least five (5) years in existence; and
iii. affiliated with international groups, federations or associations related to motorcycles, automobiles or vintage vehicles in general, or recognized by international governing bodies.
However, the basis of the year model or year of manufacture must be the oldest component if any of the major component (i.e., engine, chassis or body) of a vintage vehicle was taken from another vehicle belonging to the same historic model line or automobile brand lineage. SDHTEC
If the exact date of manufacture cannot be ascertained, the registration paper and entry in the database of the LTO shall indicate this fact and a permanent annotation that the "date of manufacture is not available but has been estimated by [name of authority/association]."
SECTION 4. Re-stamping of Identification Serial Numbers of Vintage Vehicles. —
a. The owner of a vintage vehicle with an unreadable chassis number caused by corrosion may apply for the re-stamping of the original chassis number by the manufacturer or authorized restoration or repair shop by submitting the following documents to the Operations Division of the Regional Office in the region where the vintage vehicle was last registered:
i. Original CR and latest original OR of registration payment;
ii. Duly accomplished and approved MVIR indicating that the impression of the chassis number is no longer legible;
iii. Notarized affidavit explaining the reason for the re-stamping and stating that such vehicle will be registered as vintage vehicle; and
iv. PNP-HPG recommendation to restore the original/registered chassis number.
Upon determination of the completeness of the documentary requirements, the concerned Regional Office shall seek confirmation/validation of the registration documents from the registering LTO District/Extension Office or authentication by the Property Section of the LTO Central Office. Once the registration documents are confirmed or authenticated, the concerned LTO Regional Director shall issue an authorization for the re-stamping of the original chassis number upon payment of the appropriate fees. The re-stamping process shall be only be undertaken by the manufacturer or an authorized repair shop. Within three (3) days after the re-stamping is completed, an affidavit of the mechanic who performed the re-stamping and a duly accomplished and approved MVIR with stencil impression reflecting the correct re-stamped chassis number shall be submitted to the LTO for purposes of documentation.
b. No re-stamping shall be allowed for a corroded or defaced engine number. In such cases, the retrieval of the engine number must be done through macro-etching examination or other acceptable means of determining the identification marks in the engine by the PNP Forensic Group as endorsed by the PNP-HPG. The engine number indicated in the Macro-Etching Certificate shall be used for registration.
SECTION 5. Onsite Registration. —
Vintage vehicles which are not regularly used, and those on permanent exhibit or in museums may apply for onsite registration where the vintage vehicle is parked or exhibited. Upon written request to the LTO District or Extension Office having geographical area of responsibility over the location where the vintage vehicle is parked or exhibited, the onsite registration may be granted for the initial registration or renewal of registration upon payment of an onsite registration fee of Ten Thousand Pesos (P10,000.00), in addition to the regular fees and charges for the registration of vintage vehicles. Provided, however, That an additional One Thousand Pesos (P1,000.00) shall be collected for every vehicle in excess of five (5) vintage vehicle for a given site and schedule.
SECTION 6. Validity and Renewal of Registration. —
A registered vintage vehicle's registration shall be valid for three (3) years on a renewable basis. The LTO, however, is not precluded from providing a longer validity of registration.
After the expiration of its registration as a registered vintage vehicle, the vehicle shall cease to benefit from any exemption or privilege under these Rules unless renewed as a registered vintage vehicle.
SECTION 7. Optional Registration. —
The registration under a vintage vehicle subclassification as stated in the preceding sections of this Rule shall not be mandatory for eligible vintage vehicles.
Moreover, an owner of a registered vintage vehicle with a registration that has expired or is about to expire may opt to revert to a regular annual registration, which shall subject the vehicle to all laws and regulations governing the registration and use of motor vehicles in general, including all emission, safety, roadworthiness and other standards.
In the case of vintage vehicles on permanent exhibit or in museums, the registration with the LTO is at the option of the owner or museum if the vintage vehicle is no longer in running condition.
SECTION 8. License Plate. —
The LTO shall issue to each registered vintage vehicle distinctive license plates containing the words "vintage vehicle" and the model year at the bottom center of the plate in addition to the usual letters and numerals appearing therein. If the model year is not available, the year of manufacture may also be indicated in the license plate. The design specifications of the license plate that will be issued for registered vintage vehicles is provided in "Appendix 5" hereof.
The color scheme of such license plate shall be based on the registration classification of the vintage vehicle. Considering their small number and limited use, the license plates for registered vintage motorcycles shall be exempted from the color strip scheme mandated by the Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 11235. AScHCD
The LTO shall assign an alphanumeric series or prefix for vintage vehicles that are registered for the first time. However, vintage vehicles that have been issued license plates prior to the effectivity of these Rules shall retain the same identification numbers and letters that was permanently assigned to them in accordance with Section 17 of Republic Act No. 4136, as amended by Batas Pambansa Blg. 43.
In addition to the registration fees and charges, the owner of the registered vintage vehicle shall pay a plate fee in the amount of four hundred fifty pesos (P450.00) for motor vehicles with four wheels or more, or one hundred twenty pesos (P120.00) for motorcycles. However, the LTO Assistant Secretary shall have the power to increase or adjust the plate fee herein imposed to a price not exceeding the government's procurement expense.
Registered vintage vehicles must display the said license plates at all times. The license plates shall be kept clean and cared for, and shall be firmly affixed to the vehicle in such a manner as will make it entirely visible and always legible.
Upon reversion to a regular annual registration, as mentioned in the preceding section of this Rule, the vintage vehicle license plate shall be surrendered to the LTO for replacement with regular license plates subject to the payment of the corresponding fees.
Miscellaneous and Final Provisions
SECTION 1. Availment of Fiscal and Tax Incentives. —
Restoration shops and companies, which are accredited by the DTI as service and repair enterprises pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 1572, s. 1978, and in the business of importation of vintage vehicles for restoration in the Philippines and for export of the same, shall be eligible to avail themselves of the fiscal and tax incentives provided in Republic Act No. 11534, otherwise known as "An Act Reforming the Corporate Income Tax and Incentives System, Amending for the Purpose Sections 20, 22, 25, 27, 28, 29, 34, 40, 57, 109, 116, 204 and 290 of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997, as Amended, and Creating Therein New Title XIII, and for Other Purposes" (CREATE Act), and other applicable laws. Eligible restoration shops and companies shall comply with all the requirements provided under the CREATE Act and its IRR in the availment of fiscal and tax incentives.
In particular, eligible restoration shops and companies must comply with the requirements provided under Sections 297 (B) and 304 of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 as amended by the CREATE Act, and adhere to the procedures prescribed in Part III of its IRR on Registration and Availment of Incentives including the listing of the activity in the Strategic Investment Priority Plan (SIPP), the conduct of a cost-benefit analysis, and compliance with the agreed performance commitments for the continuous enjoyment of fiscal incentives.
SECTION 2. Vintage Vehicle Restoration Database and Catalog of Motor Vehicle Specifications. —
Recognizing the historical and cultural value and contribution of vintage vehicles to employment and the industry in general, the LTO shall establish and maintain a national database that lists and describes vintage vehicles in the country, which it shall share with the NHCP for purposes of determining vintage vehicles that have historical significance to the country.
To support the local restoration industry, the LTO shall include in its database authorized and licensed companies and shops engaged in the repair or restoration of vintage vehicles or in the manufacture of spare and replacement parts for vintage vehicles, private sector associations and interest groups.
In order to effectively implement the sections on period specification and permitted modifications under Rule IV hereof, the Operations Division of the LTO Central Office, in coordination with stakeholders and interest groups, shall compile available resources to develop a comprehensive catalog of specifications of all motor vehicle models that have been manufactured in or imported into the country. Such catalog shall be used as the primary reference in determining whether a vintage vehicle has been preserved and maintained in a historically correct condition. For the meantime, owners applying for the registration of their vintage vehicles must present documents containing the original specifications of their vehicle during inspection.
To ensure continuous updating of the catalog, all manufacturers and assemblers of motor vehicles shall, not later than three (3) months prior to the introduction of any new model of motor vehicle in the market, submit the specification of the new model in compliance with Section 5 of Republic Act No. 8794.
SECTION 3. Information and Education Campaigns on Vintage Vehicles. —
The LTO and the NHCP shall promote and encourage the conscientious, correct and safe maintenance of vintage vehicles through consistent information and education campaigns and other means. AcICHD
The LTO shall actively engage relevant government agencies, such as the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), in strengthening opportunities and programs for technical vocational education or skills training programs and technological development in the vintage vehicle repair or restoration, vintage vehicle spare and replacement parts manufacturing and related industries. In addition, the TESDA shall ensure the development of policies, measures and competency standards on technical education and skills training programs on vehicle restoration, including the accreditation, monitoring and evaluation of institutions engaged in skills training on repair, restoration and other related fields.
SECTION 4. Consultation with Stakeholders. —
The LTO shall consult with vintage vehicle owners or representatives from owners' groups or associations in the development of other relevant policies and issuances. Any draft issuance or policy shall also be circulated electronically via email and other social media channels for meaningful engagement of stakeholders especially owners, collectors, restorers, mechanics, and enthusiasts.
SECTION 5. Transitory Provision. —
Vintage vehicles that have already registered for the current year at the time these Rules take effect shall be permitted to immediately register under a vintage vehicle subclassification which will allow the earlier availment of exemptions or privileges under the Act and these Rules. The validity of such registration shall be two (2) years reckoned from the expiry of the registration for the current year. Correspondingly, a motor vehicle user's charge equivalent to two (2) years, in addition to other applicable fees, shall be collected from and paid by the owner of the vintage vehicle.
SECTION 6. Separability Clause. —
If any provision of these Rules is declared invalid or unconstitutional, such parts not affected by such declaration shall remain in full force and effect.
SECTION 7. Repealing Clause. —
All orders, rules and regulations and other issuances, or parts thereof, which are inconsistent with these Rules are hereby repealed, amended or modified accordingly.
SECTION 8. Effectivity. —
These Rules shall take effect on 17 April 2023 after publication in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation, and after its registration with the Office of the National Administrative Register at the University of the Philippines Law Center, U.P. Diliman, Quezon City.
Approved this 30th day of January 2023 at the Land Transportation Office-Central Office, East Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City.
(SGD.) ATTY. JOSE ARTURO M. TUGADEAssistant Secretary
New Application
Currently/Previously Registered
Lost Papers
Sample Publication for the Registration of Vintage Vehicles with Lost Paper
In compliance with the provisions of Republic Act No. 11698 otherwise known as the "Vintage Vehicle Regulation Act" and its Implementing Rules and Regulations, notice is hereby made to inform the public that Mr./Ms. __________________________ has applied for the registration of the vehicle which photo and details appear below:
Year Model/Manufactured:
Engine No:
Chassis No:
In support of his/her application, the above-named applicant has submitted a Notarized Affidavit to the LTO stating that: TAIaHE
1. he/she is the owner, is in possession of the subject vehicle, and knows of no claim on the vehicle;
2. he/she purchased the vehicle from Mr./Ms. _____________ who bought the same from Mr./Ms. _____________ who inherited the vehicle from his grandfather and through the passage of time, the documents relating to the vehicle were lost and diligent effort to locate such were found futile; and
3. he/she shall solely assume legal responsibility for valid claims, whether criminal, civil or administrative in nature, arising from his/her acts or omissions in relation to the importation, acquisition, possession, registration and ownership of the vehicle.
Any objections to the intended registration or claims to the vehicle may be sent to LTO Regional Office No. ____ through [email protected] In the event that no adverse claim will be received by the LTO after three (3) months from this publication, said office shall commence in the registration of the vehicle consistent with the provisions of RA 11698 and its IRR.
License Plate Specifications
1. For registered vintage vehicles (private)
2. With four wheels or more:
3. For registered vintage motorcycles (private):
Published in The Daily Tribune on January 31, 2023.