Strengthening Program for Rural Banks (SPRB) Plus ( BSP Memorandum No. M-2014-003 )

January 27, 2014

January 27, 2014


TO : All Banks and Non-Bank Financial Institutions under BSP Supervision
SUBJECT : Strengthening Program for Rural Banks (SPRB) Plus


The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) and the Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC) have approved the following amendments and enhancements to the Strengthening Program for Rural Banks (SPRB) Plus to encourage more mergers, consolidations and acquisition of eligible rural banks (RBs) and thrift banks (TBs) by strategic third party investors (STPIs):

a) Extension of the SPRB Plus until 31 December 2014;

b) Increase in the Program Fund from P5 billion to an amount to be determined by the Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC) and BSP, once the Fund reaches a level where both agencies agree to augment the Fund;

c) Revision of the required ownership control in an Eligible Bank by an Eligible STPI to at least 60% (from at least 67%) of the outstanding capital stock of the Eligible Bank to align with the provisions of Circular No. 809 dated 23 August 2013 on the rules and regulations implementing R.A. No. 10574 (An Act Allowing the Infusion of Foreign Equity in the Capital of Rural Banks, Amending R.A. No. 7353, Otherwise known as "The Rural Banks Act of 1992");

d) Amendments to the following terms and conditions of the PDIC financial assistance (FA):

i) PDIC FA shall be in the form of either: a) a combination of Preferred Shares (PS) and Direct Loan; or b) Direct Loan (DL) only; EHTISC

ii) Increase in the amount of the PS component of the SPRB Plus FA from 50% to 100% of the required additional capital to bring the Eligible Bank's risk-based capital adequacy ratio (RBCAR) to 10% for Eligible Banks located in areas affected by typhoon Yolanda. For this purpose, the banks located in areas affected by typhoon "Yolanda" shall be based on the official list of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) and/or the official list of Provinces, Cities and Municipalities with declaration of State of Calamity. For all other Eligible Banks, the PS component shall remain at 50% of the required additional capital to bring the Eligible Bank's RBCAR to 10%;

iii) The principal amount of and interest rate on the DL component shall be equivalent to such amount and rate, respectively, that will provide an accumulated net interest spread (NIS) over the tenor of the DL equal to the PS for FA under item d.i (a) above or equal to 100% and 50% of the capital deficiency to bring RBCAR to 10% for Eligible Banks affected by "Yolanda" and other banks, respectively, for FA under item d.i (b) above; and

iv) The revision of tenor of the DL to a maximum of 10 years (from a fixed tenor of 10 years).

Shown in Annex A is the SPRB Plus framework with the amended/enhanced features.

For guidance and implementation.

(SGD.) NESTOR A. ESPENILLA, JR.Deputy GovernorBangko Sentral ng Pilipinas


Approved Amendments to the

Existing SPRB Plus Framework
SPRB Plus Framework with Approved Amendments
Program Strengthening Program for Rural Banks (SPRB) Plus Strengthening Program for Rural Banks (SPRB) Plus,
Title         as Amended  
Legal Basis RBs and TBs generally serve the same niche markets, Same    
  mostly catering to the financial needs of the countryside.      
  Hence, the legal basis for SPRB-Module 1 may likewise      
  be used for SPRB Plus, as follows:      
  The SPRB Plus is in recognition of the importance of thrift      
  and rural banks in providing financial services to the      
  community particularly in their specialized or niche markets,      
  and in maintaining financial stability in the economy pursuant      
  to Sec. 17d of RA 3591, as amended (the PDIC Charter).      
Rationale Viability of TBs and RBs is threatened by any or all of the   Viability of TBs and RBs is threatened by any or all of
  following: the following:  
  a) current slowdown in the economy brought about by a) governance issue/lack of competent management 
    the global financial crisis;     team/succession problems;
  b) erosion of confidence of depositors due to recent b) erosion of confidence of depositors due to recent 
    spate of bank failures;   spate of bank failures;
  c) a number of TBs and RBs are facing high c) a number of TBs and RBs are facing high 
    probability of closure due to their serious   probability of closure due to their serious
    financial condition.   financial condition, especially in the light of 
            typhoon "Yolanda", which totally devastated a
  The crucial situation of TBs and RBs, if not properly   number of provinces in the Visayas and other 
  addressed, could lead to disruption in delivery of    nearby areas;
  essential financial services to the communities they      
  serve, seriously erode confidence in the thrift and d) the devastation of areas wrought by typhoon
  rural banking sectors, and could have general or   Yolanda underscores the need for the
  systemic consequences.   continuous availability of banking services in
            such areas, thus promoting financial inclusion.
          The crucial situation of TBs and RBs, if not properly
          addressed, could lead to disruption in delivery of 
          essential financial services to the communities they
          serve, seriously erode confidence in the thrift and rural
          banking sectors, and could have general or systemic
Objectives The SPRB Plus is intended to encourage mergers, Same    
  consolidations and acquisition of weak RBs and TBs      
  which generally serve the same niche markets to      
  strengthen said banks via grant of FA by PDIC and/or      
  regulatory reliefs/incentives by BSP.      
Existing SPRB Plus Framework
SPRB Plus Framework with Proposed Further
Program The SPRB Plus shall be effective upon approval by both The SPRB Plus, as amended, shall be effective upon
Period PDIC and BSP and shall be available until 31 December  approval by both PDIC and BSP and shall be
  2013, subject to extension if necessary. available until 31 December 2014, subject to
          extension if necessary.
Program The P5Bn SPRB Fund shared equally by PDIC and BSP The P5Bn SPRB Fund shared equally by PDIC and 
Funding         BSP. The Monetary Board and the PDIC Board
          approved the increase in the Program Fund from P5
          billion to an amount to be determined by the
          Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC) and
          BSP, once the Fund reaches a level where both
          agencies agree to augment the Fund.
Eligibility 1. Basic criteria for Eligible Banks: Same    
    a) RBs with risk based capital adequacy      
      ratio (RBCAR) of less than 10%; TBs      
      with RBCAR of less than 10% and      
      must be serving-the countryside and/or      
      low income sectors      
  2. Basic criteria for Eligible STPIs*:      
  Universal and Commercial Banks (UKBs), TBs and RBs      
    a. BSP CAMELS rating of at least "3";      
    b. Not under BSP's Prompt Corrective Action      
      (PCA); and        
    c. No findings of unsafe and unsound banking      
      practice by the BSP or PDIC.      
  Non-Bank Corporations          
    a. Financially strong corporations of good      
  * STPIs may be a single entity or group of entities      
Mode of Entry Eligible STPIs which seek to merge, consolidate, acquire Eligible STPIs which seek to merge, consolidate,
  through P&A mode, or acquire not less than 67% of  acquire through P&A mode, or acquire not less than
  the total outstanding capital of an Eligible Bank 60% 1 of  the total outstanding capital of an Eligible 
  shall qualify under the SPRB Plus Bank shall qualify under the SPRB Plus. As amended
  The STPI may be allowed, subject to BSP approval, to It is understood that the acquisition of 60% or more of 
  convert the status of the acquired bank from RB to TB, the total outstanding capital of an Eligible Bank 
  consistent with the STPI's over-all business plan and  shall be subject to ownership limits provided 
  strategy.     under existing laws.
          The STPI may be allowed, subject to BSP approval,
          to convert the status of the acquired bank from RB to
          TB, consistent with the STPI's over-all business plan
          and strategy.  
Financial The FA shall be extended only to STPIs which are The FA shall be extended only to STPIs which are
Assistance TBs and RBs. Non-bank corporations which are not TBs and RBs that are not subsidiaries of UKBs or not
  subsidiaries of UKBs or not part of banking groups part of banking groups. Non-bank corporations
  may also be extended FA when circumstances which are not subsidiaries of UKBs or not part of
  strongly warrant as allowed under Section 17.d of banking groups may also be extended FA when
  R.A. 3591, as amended.   circumstances strongly warrant as allowed under
          Section 17.d of R.A. 3591, as amended.
  FA will be a combination of: FA will be either:
  a) Preferred Shares (PS) — intended to provide 1) a combination of:
    additional capital to bring eligible bank's      
    RBCAR to 10%; and     a) Preferred Shares (PS) — intended to
              provide additional capital to bring eligible
  b) Direct Loan (DL) — to build up sinking fund (SF)     bank's RBCAR to 10%; and
    to provide an automatic payment mechanism for PS      
            b) Direct Loan (DL) — to build up sinking fund
  Provided however, that pursuant to Sec. 17d of RA 3591,     (SF) to provide an automatic payment 
  as amended, (the PDIC Charter) the total cost     mechanism for PS.
  (in present value terms) of providing the above      
  combination of FA (PS and DL) should not exceed     OR
  the cost of closure of the eligible bank.      
          2) Direct Loan only — intended to provide income
            support to the surviving bank
  A. Features/Terms of PS will be as follows:      
          Provided however, that pursuant to Sec. 17d of
    a) Non-voting, cumulative, convertible to RA 3591, as amended, (the PDIC Charter), the
      common total cost (in present value terms)
          of providing the above FA (either a combination
    b) Redeemable starting at the end of 5th year of PS and DL or DL only) should not exceed the
      but not later than the 10th year cost of closure of the eligible bank.
    c) Put option to be exercised by PDIC as follows: The combination of PS and DL under FA#1 will have
          the following features:
      in the event of any default on the part of       
        the bank to comply with its covenants  Features/Terms of PS will be as follows:
        under the rehabilitation plan      
          a) Non-voting, cumulative, convertible to
      SF is equal to the amount of PS   common  
    d) Amount — up to 50% of the required b) Redeemable starting at the end of 5th
      additional capital to bring the eligible bank's   year but not later than the 10th year
      RBCAR to 10%      
          c) Put option to be exercised by PDIC
    e) Dividend rate — equal to prevailing 5-year FXTN   as follows:
  B. Terms of DL     in the event of any default on the part 
              of the bank to comply with its covenants
    a) Purpose — to purchase Government Securities     under the rehabilitation plan
            SF is equal to the amount of PS
    b) Principal — equivalent to such amount that will      
      allow the annual Net Interest Spread (NIS) d) Amount — up to 100% or 50% of the required
      from GS to accumulate over the tenor of DL   additional capital to bring the eligible bank's
      to such amount equal to the PS using the   RBCAR to 10% for eligible banks located
      following formula:   in areas affected by typhoon Yolanda 2 
            and other eligible banks, respectively
      Principal = (PS/Tenor of DL)/NIS rate      
          e) Dividend rate — equal to the prevailing
    c) Interest rate per annum — prevailing 10-year   5-year FXTN (gross basis) at the time
      FXTN (net of final tax) less NIS rate of 3%   of the release of the FA
    d) Tenor — 10 years, due and demandable upon      
      redemption of PS or exercise of put option      
    e) Collateral/Security — Pledge of GS to be Terms of DL  
      purchased using proceeds of DL      
          a) Purpose — to purchase Government Securities
          b) Principal — equivalent to such amount that will
            provide an accumulated net interest spread (NIS)
            over the tenor of the DL to such amount equal to
            the PS.
          c) Interest rate per annum — equivalent to such
            rate that will provide the bank with an annual NIS
            that will accumulate over the tenor of the DL to
            such amount equal to the PS
          d) Tenor — maximum of 10 years
          e) Collateral/Security — Pledge of GS to be
            purchased using proceeds of DL
          The terms of the DL under FA#2 will have the
          following features:
          a) Purpose — to purchase Government
            Securities (GS);
          b) Principal — equivalent to such amount that
            will provide an accumulated NIS over the
            tenor of the DL to such amount equal to
            100% and 50% of the capital deficiency to
            bring the eligible bank's RBCAR to 10% for
            eligible banks affected by typhoon Yolanda
            and other eligible banks, respectively;
          c) Interest Rate per annum — equivalent to such
            rate that will provide the bank with an annual NIS
            that will accumulate over the tenor of the DL to
            such amount equal to 100% and 50% of the
            capital deficiency to bring the eligible bank's
            RBCAR to 10% for eligible banks affected by
            typhoon Yolanda and other eligible banks,
          d) Tenor — maximum of 10 years;
          e) Collateral/Security — Pledge of GS to be
            purchased using proceeds of DL
Major Terms Major terms of the conditions of the SPRB FA will be as Same
and Conditions follows:         
  a) Quasi-reorganization and/Capital restructuring      
  b) Compliance with the FA agreement terms and      
    conditions as follows:        
    Financial Covenants      
      - payment terms and conditions      
      - achievement of rehabilitation plan      
        performance targets      
    Non-financial covenants      
      - submission of required reports      
      - improvement of bank operations and      
      - conduct by PDIC of periodic on-site      
        inspection and review      
      - appointment of consultant's and/or      
        nomination of representative in the bank's      
        board of directors      
  c) Compliance with PDIC regulatory issuances and      
    banking rules and regulations.      
Other Terms         Applications approved but not yet implemented or in
          process under the existing SPRB Plus shall qualify
          under the amended SPRB Plus.
Regulatory/ In addition to the incentives/regulatory reliefs granted Same    
Branching by BSP under the SPRB Module 1 as listed in Annex B,      
Incentives STPI banks can avail of additional branching incentives as follows:      
  The branch licensing fees* to be waived by the BSP      
  shall be equivalent to the amount of capital contribution      
  of the STPI banks to bring the eligible banks' RBCAR      
  to 10 percent. Under Circular No. 728 dated 23 June      
  2011, a bank applying for a branch license in restricted      
  areas shall be charged a licensing fee of P20 million for      
  UKBs and P15 million for TBs. Hence, if an STPI bank's      
  capital contribution in a TB is P50 million, said STPI bank      
  is qualified to establish 3 branches (P50 million/P15 million      
  = 3.33 branches) in restricted areas for free.      
  As additional premium, STPI UKBs and TBs shall be      
  granted one (1) additional license in restricted areas while      
  STPI RBs shall be granted one additional branching      
  license in areas outside Metro Manila, for every three (3)      
  distressed banks resolved under the Program.      
  In the case of RBs which are not eligible to establish      
  branches in Metro Manila, they can establish branches      
  outside Metro Manila equivalent to the number of branches      
  of the acquired bank/s. Branch processing fee applicable      
  to RBs of P25,000 shall be waived and the following      
  theoretical capital requirement under Circular No. 738 shall      
  not be imposed, provided that subject branches shall be      
  operational during the lifetime of the Program:      
Location of Branch
Date of 
Metro Manila
Up to 30 June 2012
Cebu and Davao
From 18 Jan. 2006
1st to 3rd Class
Up to 30 June 2012
4th to 6th Class
Up to 30 June 2012
1st to 3rd Class 
From 18 Jan. 2006
4th Class 
Up to 30 June 2012
5th to 6th Class 
From 18 Jan. 2006
Note: Please refer to Cir. No. 728 for applicable theoretical
capital requirement after 30 June 2012.  
In case the capital contribution of an STPI in the acquired  
bank is less than the amount of branch licensing fees  
under Circular No. 728, that is, P20 Mn for UKBs and  
P15 Mn for TBs, the STPI can still avail of one (1)  
branch license in restricted area for free.  
For STPI-RBs which have availed under Module I  
of the SPRB, the above proposed branching incentives  
for RBs under SPRB Plus may be granted subject to  
the same conditions.    
* This is different from the branch processing fees under  
Section 6 of Circular No. 728. Branch processing fees will  
still be charged from the STPI UKBs and TBs.  



1. To align the program's mode of entry with the provisions of BSP Circular No. 809 (series of 2013) relative to ownership of banks.

2. For this purpose, the banks located in areas affected by typhoon Yolanda shall be based on the official list of the NDRRMC and/or the official list of Provinces, Cities and Municipalities with declaration of State of Calamity.