Rules on the Accreditation of Instructors, Supervisors and Assessors of Approved Training Programs (ATPs) Conducted by Maritime Training Institutions (MTIs), or as Otherwise Approved by the Administration ( MARINA STCW Circular No. 04-14 )

September 09, 2014

September 9, 2014


TO : All Maritime Industry Stakeholders, Maritime Training Institutions, Training Instructors, Assessors and Other Entities and Individuals Concerned 
SUBJECT : Rules on the Accreditation of Instructors, Supervisors and Assessors of Approved Training Programs (ATPs) Conducted by Maritime Training Institutions (MTIs), or as Otherwise Approved by the Administration


Pursuant to Republic Act 10635 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) and the 1978 International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW), as amended, the following rules shall be adopted:

1. Objectives

1.1 To prescribe standards and procedures in the accreditation of Instructors, Supervisors and Assessors of Approved Training Programs (ATPs) conducted by Maritime Training Institutions (MTIs), whether public or private, or as otherwise approved by the Administration, in compliance with the requirements of the STCW Code, Section A-I/6 and other relevant provisions of the STCW, and other pertinent regulations; and

1.2 To ensure complete, effective and timely compliance with the 1978 STCW Convention, as amended. CDcHSa

2. Coverage

This Circular shall apply to all applicants for accreditation as Instructor, Supervisor or Assessor of in-service training of a seafarer, either on board or ashore in a Maritime Training Institution for an Approved Training Program (ATP), which is intended to be used in qualifying for certification under STCW, or as otherwise required by the Administration.

3. Definition of Terms

For the purpose of this Circular, in addition to the terms defined under STCW Circular No. 2014-01, the following terms shall be defined as follows:

3.1 "Instructor" means any person accredited or permitted by the Administration to conduct in-service training of a seafarer, either on board or ashore in an MTI, which is intended to be used in qualifying for certification under STCW;

3.2 "Supervisor" means any person accredited or permitted by the Administration to be responsible for the supervision of in-service training of a seafarer, either on board or ashore in an MTI, intended to be used in qualifying for certification under STCW;

3.3 "Assessor" means any person conducting in-service assessment of competence of a seafarer, either on board or ashore in an MTI, intended to be used in qualifying for certification under STCW;

3.4 "Capacity" refers to an individual's performance as Instructor, Supervisor or Assessor;

3.5 "Certificate of Accreditation" (COA) is a document issued by the Administration authorizing a person to perform as either Instructor, Supervisor or Assessor of in-service training of a seafarer, either on board or ashore in an MTI for an Approved Training Program, intended to be used in qualifying for certification under STCW;

3.6 "Interim Accreditation" (IA) is a temporary document issued by the Administration upon satisfactory initial evaluation of documentary evidence presented, authorizing a person to perform as Instructor, Supervisor or Assessor of in-service training of a seafarer, either on board or ashore in an MTI for an Approved Training Program, pending final determination of compliance by the applicant of all the requirements, which expires when: 1) the Certificate of Accreditation is issued, or 2) a Notice of Denial is issued, stating clearly the grounds for the denial of the application;

3.7 "Short-Term Permit" (STP) is a temporary document issued by the Administration, valid for fifteen (15) calendar days, permitting a person to perform as an Instructor of in-service training of a seafarer, either on board or ashore in an MTI for an Approved Training Program, upon determination that the applicant-instructor has complied with all the requirements as an instructor, except for: ECcDAH

.1 the presentation of proof of successful completion of the approved I.M.O. Model Course 6.09 (Training Course for Instructors) (STP-Type 1 or STP1); or

.2 in urgent cases when the MTI requires the services of the Instructor for more than eight (8) hours in a day (STP-Type 2 or STP2); or

.3 when the Instructor has not yet completed the relevant refresher/updating training, as appropriate (STP-Type 3 or STP3).

3.8 "Simulator Practical Operational Experience Log" (SPOEL) is a documentary evidence required by the Administration to comply with the requirements of STCW Code, Section A-I/6, Par. 4.3.1 on the requirement for an Instructor conducting training using a simulator to have gained practical operational experience on the particular type of simulator being used;

3.9 "Practical Assessor's Experience Log" (PAEL) is a documentary evidence required by the Administration to comply with the requirements of STCW Code, Section A-I/6, Par. 6.4 on the requirement for an Assessor of competence to have gained practical assessment experience;

3.10 "Simulator Practical Assessor's Experience Log" (SPAEL) is a documentary evidence required by the Administration to comply with the requirements of STCW Code, Section A-I/6, Par. 6.5 on the requirement for an Assessor of competence involving the use of simulators to have gained practical assessment experience on the particular type of simulator, under the supervision and to the satisfaction of an experienced assessor;

3.11 "Accreditation Division" means the division or service under the STCW Office, specifically tasked and is responsible for ensuring the proper and full implementation of this Circular.

4. General Provisions

4.1 All applicants for Instructor, Supervisor or Assessor shall file their application at the STCW Office, MARINA Central Office (Manila), with the duly accomplished checklist of documentary requirements for each Approved Training Program (ATP) being applied for.

4.2 Such application may be filed either by the individual applicant, or by the Maritime Training Institution (MTI), and must be filed separately for each capacity and for every ATP applied for. For applications filed by the MTI, the screening/evaluation of qualifications and documentary evidence shall form part of the MTI's Quality Standards System.

4.3 However, an application for an STP1, STP2 or STP3 must be filed by the MTI, and the screening/evaluation of qualifications and documentary evidence of the applicant-instructor shall form part of the MTI's Quality Standards System.

4.4 Upon prima facie determination of compliance with the requirements and payment of the applicable fees, the receiving officer the Accreditation Division of the STCW Office shall immediately issue either an Interim Accreditation (IA) or a Short-Term Permit-Type1 (STP1), as appropriate.

4.5 Immediately upon receipt of the IA or STP1, an MTI may utilize the services of the individual to perform in the capacity stated.

4.6 For an applicant who was issued an Interim Accreditation, he shall be issued a Certificate of Accreditation (COA) valid for five (5) years counting from the date that the Interim Accreditation was issued, upon final determination of full compliance with the requirements appropriate to his capacity for the particular ATP.

4.7 For an applicant-instructor who was issued a STP1 though the application filed by the MTI, he shall ensure that his performance as Instructor under the STP1 does not go beyond the term allowed. Both the individual and the MTI shall be responsible for the renewal of the STP1, if necessary.

4.8 All individuals who are issued a COA shall undergo re-accreditation every five (5) years. Applications for re-accreditation must be filed at least six (6) months prior to expiration to avoid delays in the processing, and any applicable penalties for late filing. An application for revalidation/re-accreditation shall be supported by the following:

.1 Documentary evidence showing proof of having performed as an Instructor, Supervisor or Assessor of competence, as appropriate, for not less than five (5) training classes for which capacity he is previously accredited during the preceding five (5) years; and

.2 Proof of successful completion of an approved updating/refresher training, as appropriate, for courses that have new requirements.

4.9 The list of Instructors, Supervisors and Assessors with a Certificate of Accreditation shall be posted in the MARINA website.

5. General Qualification Standards for Instructors, Supervisors and Assessors

In accordance with the pertinent provisions of STCW, and as required by this Administration, the following general requirements must be complied with in the application and approval of individual applicants in the following capacities:

5.1 Instructor

5.1.1 In accordance with STCW Code, Section A-I/6 (4), any person conducting training of a seafarer as an Instructor, either on board or ashore in an MTI, on an Approved Training Program which is intended to be used in qualifying the seafarer for certification under STCW, shall: CHTAIc

.1 have an appreciation of the training program and an understanding of the specific training objectives for the particular type of training being conducted;

.2 be qualified in the task for which training is being conducted by any of the following means, by showing proof of:

.1 prior approved seagoing service relating to the task; or

.2 prior approved training and issuance of COC or COP pertaining to the task, and refresher/updating training, as appropriate; or

.3 prior approved experience as instructor for a period of at least six (6) months in the last five (5) years, specifically relevant to the task or a substantially similar training program.

.3 if conducting training using a simulator, shall have proof of the following:

.1 have received appropriate guidance in instructional techniques involving the use of simulators (approved I.M.O. Model Course 6.10 or an approved substantially similar program); and

.2 have gained practical operational experience on the particular type of simulator being used by accomplishing Simulator Practical Operational Experience Log (SPOEL, Annex 2) for an aggregate period of at least 20 hours conducted on 10 separate days under the supervision of an experienced instructor/operator of that particular type of simulator;

.3 if conducting training using different types of simulators, must accomplish separate SPOEL for each type of simulator being used, in accordance with above.

5.1.2 Proof of successful completion of approved I.M.O. Model Course 6.09 (Training Course for Instructors). However, in the absence of this requirement, an applicant may be given a Short-Term Permit — Type 1 (STP1), valid for fifteen (15) calendar days from the day the STP1 is granted. The STP may be renewed, subject to applicable fees.

5.2 Supervisor

In accordance with STCW Code, Section A-I/6 (5), any person responsible for the supervision of in-service training of a seafarer, either on board or ashore in an MTI, which is intended to be used in qualifying the seafarer for certification under STCW, shall:

5.2.1 have a full understanding of the training program and the specific objectives for each type of training being conducted; and

5.2.2 have proof of successful completion of the approved I.M.O. Model Course 6.09 (Training Course for Instructors).

5.3 Assessor

In accordance with STCW Code, Section A-I/6 (6), any person conducting in-service assessment of a seafarer, either on board or ashore in an MTI, which is intended to be used in qualifying the seafarer for certification under STCW, shall:

5.3.1 have an appropriate level of knowledge and understanding of the competence to be assessed;

5.3.2 be qualified in the task for which the assessment is being made by any of the following means, by showing proof of:

.1 prior approved seagoing service relating to the task; or

.2 prior approved training and issuance of COC or COP pertaining to the task, and refresher/updating training, as appropriate; or

.3 prior approved assessment experience for a period of at least three (3) months within the last five (5) years, specifically relevant to the task or a substantially similar training program.

5.3.3 have received appropriate guidance in assessment methods and practice by submitting proof of successful completion of the approved I.M.O. Model Course 3.12 (Assessment, Examination and Certification of Seafarers);

5.3.4 have gained practical assessment experience by accomplishing Practical Assessor's Experience Log (PAEL, Annex 3) for an aggregate period of at least twenty (20) hours conducted on at least ten (10) separate assessment days under the supervision of an experienced assessor;

5.3.5 if conducting assessment involving the use of simulators, have gained practical assessment experience on the particular type of simulator being used by accomplishing Simulator Practical Assessor's Experience Log (SPAEL, Annex 1) for an aggregate period of at least twenty (20) hours conducted on at least ten (10) separate assessment days, under the supervision and to the satisfaction of an experienced assessor with the use of simulators;

5.3.6 if conducting assessment using different types of simulators, must accomplish separate SPAEL's for each type of simulator, as per 5.5.5 above.

6. Specific Qualification Standards for Instructors and Assessors

In accordance with the pertinent provisions of STCW, and as required by this Administration, the following specific qualification standards for ensuring that an applicant is qualified in the task for which training or assessment is being made, must be complied with, in the application and approval of individual applicants as Instructor or Assessor, under Annex 1, which may be amended as necessary. cCSHET

7. Documentary Requirements:

The application for accreditation shall be accepted by the Accreditation Division, STCW Office, upon presentation of the following:

7.1 For New Applicant as Instructor, Supervisor or Assessor:

7.1.1 Application Letter, clearly enumerating the specific ATP code and the capacity being applied for, based on Annex 1 (Specific Qualification Standards);

(Ex. 1) 1.1 Basic Training, Personal Survival Techniques — Instructor

2) 1.1 Basic Training, Personal Survival Techniques — Supervisor

3) 1.1 Basic Training, Personal Survival Techniques — Assessor

4) 10 Basic Training for Oil & Chemical Tanker Operations — Instructor

5) 11 Advanced Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations — Instructor

6) 11 Advanced Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations — Supervisor

7) 11 Advanced Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations — Assessor

7.1.2 Certified True Copy (CTC) of the required documents as proof of compliance with the approved qualification standards, under "General Qualification Standards" and "Specific Qualification Standards". Only the issuing authority of such documents may provide the CTC. If such CTC is not available, the original documents, along with photocopies, must be shown to the receiving officer of the Accreditation Division for comparison with the photocopies, to be marked in RED as "Original Shown". Redundant documents for various ATPs and capacities need not be submitted separately, but must be marked by the applicant in red ink specifying for which of the enumerations under Annex 1 (Specific Qualification Standards) such documents apply;

 (Ex: If prior approved seagoing service related to all the seven (7) capacities cited above in 7.1.1 is submitted, then it should be marked "(1.1.2), (1.1.2), (1.1.2), (10.3), (11.3), (11.3), (11.3)")

7.1.3 Receipt of payment of the required fees and charges to the STCW Office, MARINA Central Office.

7.2 For an Applicant with Existing Valid or Expired Accreditation as Instructor, Supervisor or Assessor for Approved Training Programs (ATPs) prior to the 2010 Manila Amendments:

7.2.1 All the documentary evidence, similar to 7.1 above; or

7.2.2 For an applicant-instructor only, in lieu of similar requirements in 7.1.2 above, Certified True Copy (CTC) of the Existing Valid or Expired Accreditation for specifically-related Approved Training Programs (ATPs) prior to the 2010 Manila Amendments, issued by MARINA or other government agency that previously performed this function. (Example: Previous Accreditation as Instructor in General Tanker Familiarization (GTF) may be used to apply as Instructor in Basic Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Operations (BTLGT), with the submission of other requirements such as prior sea service on liquefied gas tanker, etc.), plus a certification from an MTI that the applicant has previously performed in such capacity (Instructor, Supervisor, or Assessor) for that ATP for a specific period of time, with inclusive dates; and HTacDS

7.2.3 In addition to 7.22 for an applicant-instructor, refresher/updating training, as appropriate. In the absence of such refresher/updating training, he may be issued an STP3.

7.2.4 Payment of the required fees and charges to the MARINA Central Office, STCWO.

8. Other Matters Relating to the Performance of Functions as Instructor, Supervisor or Assessor

8.1 An Assessor may not conduct Assessment of Competence of a seafarer who had completed an Approved Training Program in an MTI wherein he is the Instructor;

8.2 An Assessor may conduct Assessment of Competence of a seafarer who had completed an Approved Training Program wherein he is the Supervisor;

8.3 A Supervisor may not supervise the conduct of training wherein he is the Instructor, and must always be available to supervise the conduct of ATPs that he is supervising;

8.4 An STP1 will never ripen into a Certificate of Accreditation as an Instructor and is valid for a maximum period of fifteen (15) calendar days only;

8.5 To ensure the quality of instruction and good health of Instructors of Approved Training Programs, an accredited Instructor is highly discouraged from performing as such for more than eight (8) hours a day, whether in a similar ATP or not, or in different MTIs. However, in urgent cases, an MTI may apply for a STP2 on behalf of the Instructor, valid for a period of not more than fifteen (15) days, stating clearly in the application the reason for such urgency. The interval between such performances as Instructor shall be at least seven (7) days;

8.6 An Instructor or Assessor may perform as such in different MTIs, with prior notice from the Instructor or Assessor to the Monitoring Division, STCW Office at least three (3) working days from the start of the conduct of such ATPs, which shall not exceed a period of one (1) month, specifically showing:

.1 the dates and hours that will be covered;

.2 the ATPs and specific batch numbers; and

.3 a letter of permission from the Heads of both MTIs that the Instructor or Assessor has been allowed by both MTIs to do so.

8.7 The accreditation for ATPs with multiple functions or tasks (i.e., Basic Training, Management Level Course) shall be applied for, and be issued, separately.

8.8 During the Accreditation, Monitoring or Surveillance process, the Administration may suspend the validity of the Accreditation of the Instructor, Supervisor or Assessor upon a clear finding that such individual grossly lacks the competence to carry out the task for which he was accredited to perform, until after satisfactory compliance of clearly showing by the individual that has eventually met the competence to perform as such.

8.9 Any false or forged entry to, or the production of any fake documentary evidence for qualification shall be grounds for future action by the Administration against the candidate and the perpetrator.

9. Fees and Charges

9.1 Fees shall be charged for each application and separately for accreditation in each capacity and each ATP.

9.2 As approved under MC 2013-12, the following fees shall apply:

.1 Application Fee — P500.00 (per application, irrespective of the number of capacities and ATP's applied for, in a single application);

.2 Accreditation Fee (including STP) — P500.00 (for each capacity and ATP (or Functions), separately);

.3 Replacement of lost/damaged Certificate of Accreditation — P500.00;

.4 Surcharge for expired Certificate of Accreditation, or late filing — P500.00.

10. Validity of Certificate of Accreditation and Related Documents

10.1 The Certificate of Accreditation (COA) for every capacity shall be valid for five (5) years, inclusive of the period of validity of the Interim Accreditation (IA), as appropriate.

10.2 The application for renewal shall be filed at least six (6) months before the expiration of the original certificate. Otherwise, the surcharge given in 9.2.4 shall apply.

10.3 COA's issued prior to this Circular with a five-year validity period that are still valid, shall remain valid until their expiration date, except when the Administration specifically implements new requirements in compliance with STCW.

10.4 COA's previously issued by the Administration, or by any other government agency, that do not specify a validity period shall be deemed expired as of October 15, 2014.

10.5 An Interim Accreditation (IA) has a maximum validity of six (6) months, and shall automatically expire upon the issuance of a COA. One (1) month prior to such expiration, the individual or MTI where he is employed shall notify the Accreditation Division, STCW Office, in writing.

11. Fines and Penalties

As approved under MC 2013-12:

11.1 An applicant who after due process, has been found to have submitted false statement in his application, fraudulent or tampered certificates or documents shall pay the following administrative penalties.

.1 First Offense — P5,000.00

.2 Second and Succeeding Offenses — P10,000.00

11.2 Any Certificate of Accreditation issued by MARINA shall be subject to suspension or revocation if the holder is found guilty of gross violation of this Circular.

11.3 Other applicable penalties, as prescribed in the IRR of R.A. 10635 and other applicable penal rules.

12. Transitory Provisions

12.1 All applications for Instructor, Supervisor or Assessor received by the Accreditation Division of STCW Office until the effectivity date of this Circular shall continue to be subject to the existing rules prior to such effectivity date;

12.2 All applications for Instructor, Supervisor or Assessor received by the STCW Office that have been previously preliminarily evaluated by the Accreditation Division are deemed issued an Interim Accreditation as of the effectivity date of this Circular, and upon showing proof that Accreditation fees have been paid;

12.3 All applications received by the STCW Office from effectivity date of this Circular shall be subject to these Rules.

13. Repealing Clause

All previous issuances relating to the procedure for Accreditation of Instructors, Supervisors and Assessors, are hereby superseded, repealed or amended accordingly, except for the approved fees and fines under MARINA Circular 2013-12.

14. Effectivity

This STCW Circular shall take effect immediately on the day of its publication.

Manila, Philippines, September 9, 2014.


Signed by representativeExecutive Director


(SGD.) DR. MAXIMO Q. MEJIA, JR.Administrator


This is to certify that STCW Circular No. 2014-04 was approved by the Administrator on September 23, 2014



Specific Qualification Standards for Instructors and Assessors for the Approved Training Programs (ATPs) under the STCW

The Specific Qualification Standards must be used in conjunction with the General Qualification Standards. The specific qualification standards for an instructors and an assessor in an Approved Training Program (ATP) are similar, except when Assessors are specifically required to have additional qualifications under this Annex. HAaScT


Approved Training Program
Instructor or Assessor
1. Basic Training (BT), Regulation VI/1 1.1.1 Must be a current/previous holder of a
        COP in PSCRB; and
  1.1. Personal Survival Techniques    
    (PST) Table A-VI/1-11.1.2   Must have not less than two (2) years
        seagoing service.
  1.2. Fire Prevention and Fire 1.2.1 Must be a current/previous holder of a
    Fighting (FPFF),   COP in Advanced Fire Fighting; and
    Table A-VI/1-2    
      1.2.2 Must have not less than two (2) years
        seagoing service;
      1.2.3 In lieu of all the above requirements,
        a certified fire fighter with not less
        than two (2) years experience obtained
        under the Bureau of Fire Protection
        (BFP) or similar organization.
  1.3. Elementary First Aid (EFA), 1.3.1 Registered Nurse; or Paramedic
    Table A-VI/1-3   with valid PNRC Certificate in
        First Aid; or
        Marine Officer with valid COP in
        both Medical First Aid and Medical
  1.4. Personal Safety and Social 1.4.1 Must have successfully completed
    Responsibility (PSSR),   the approved PSSR Module of BT,
    Table A-VI/1-4   or as a separate course;
      1.4.2 Must be a holder of a Certificate of
        Competency (COC) of a Navigational
        or Engineering Watch; and
      1.4.3 Must have not less than one (1) year
        seagoing service as an
        Officer-in-charge (OIC) of a
        Navigational Watch or Engineering
        Watch, or in a higher capacity.
2. Proficiency in Survival Craft and  2.1 Must be a previous/current holder of a 
  Rescue Boats (other than Fast   COP in PSCRB; and
  Rescue Boats) (PSCRB),    
  Table A-VI/2-1 2.2 Must have not less than one (1) year
        seagoing service after obtaining the
        COP in PSCRB.
3. Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats 3.1 Must be a previous/current holder of a
  (PFRB), Table A-VI/2-2   COP in PFRB; and
      3.2 Must have not less than one (1) year
        approved seagoing service on a vessel
        equipped with a FRB after obtaining
        the COP in PFRB.
4. Advanced Fire Fighting (AFF), 4.1 Must be a previous/current holder of a
  Table A-VI/3   COP in AFF;
      4.2 Must be a previous/current holder of a
        COC at the Management Level; and
      4.3 Must have not less than six (6) months
        of seagoing service in the Management
        Level.    SHTaID
      4.4 In lieu of all the requirements above, a
        certified fire fighter with not less than
        five (5) years experience obtained
        under the Bureau of Fire Protection
        (BFP) or similar organization.
5. Medical First Aid (MEFA), 5.1 A registered Nurse; or
  Table A-VI/4-1   A registered Medical Doctor; and
      5.2 With not less than one (1) year
        in-service experience.
6. Medical Care (MECA), 6.1 A registered Medical Doctor; and
  Table A-VI/4-2    
      6.2 Must have not less than one (1) year
        in-service experience.
7. Ship Security Officer (SSO), 7.1 Must be a previous/current holder of 
  Table A-VI/5   COP as SSO;
      7.2 Must be a previous/current holder of
        COC as OIC of a Navigational or
        Engineering Watch (or higher); and
      7.3 Must have proof of having performed
        not less than six (6) months as SSO
        on board.
8. Security Awareness Training for 8.1 Must be a previous/current holder of a
  all Seafarers, Table A-VI/6-1   COP as SSO;
      8.2 Must be a previous/current holder of a
        COC as OIC of a Navigational or
        Marine Engineering Watch (or higher);
      8.3 Must have not less than one (1) year
        seagoing service after the
        implementation of the ISPS Code.
9. Security Training for Seafarers 9.1 Must be a previous/current holder of a
  with Designated Security Duties,   COP as SSO;
  Table A-VI/6-2    
      9.2 Must be a previous/current holder of a
        COC as OIC of a Navigational or
        Marine Engineering Watch; and
      9.3 Must have not less than one (1) year
        seagoing service as OIC of a
        Navigational or Marine Engineering
10. Basic Training for Oil and  10.1 Must be a previous/current holder of a
  Chemical Tanker Cargo   COP in Advanced Training for Oil
  Operations, Table A-V/1-1-1   Tanker Cargo Operations (or
        Specialized Training in Oil Tanker-
        STOT); or a COP in Advanced
         Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo
        Operations (or Specialized Training in
        Chemical Tanker- STCT);
      10.2 Must be a previous/current holder of a
        COC as OIC of a Navigational or
        Marine Engineering Watch (or
        higher); and
      10.3 Must have not less than one (1) year
        approved seagoing service in the
        Operational Level on an Oil and/or
        Chemical Tanker with related cargo
        operations duty.
      10.4 In addition for an Assessor, current
        holder of a valid COC in Advanced
        Training for Oil Tanker Cargo
        Operations; or a COC in Advanced
        Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo
11. Advanced Training for Oil Tanker 11.1 Must be a previous/current holder of a
  Cargo Operations, Table A-V/1-1-2   COP in Advanced Training for Oil
        Tanker Cargo Operations (or STOT);
      11.2 Must be a previous/current holder of a
        COC at the Management Level; and
      11.3 Must have not less than one (1) year
        approved seagoing service in the
        Management Level on an Oil Tanker.
      11.4 In addition for an Assessor, current
        holder of a valid COC in Advanced
        Training for Oil Tanker Cargo
12. Advanced Training for Chemical 12.1 Must be a previous/current holder of
  Tanker Cargo Operations,   COP in Advanced Training for 
  Table A-V/1-1-3   Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations
        (or STCT);
      12.2 Must be a previous/current holder of
        COC at the Management Level; and
      12.3 Must have not less than one (1) year
        approved seagoing service in the
        Management Level on a Chemical
      12.4 In addition for an Assessor, current
        holder of a valid COC in Advanced
        Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo
13. Basic Training for Liquefied Gas 13.1 Must be a previous/current holder of a
  Tanker Cargo Operations,   COP in Advanced Training for 
  Table A-V/1-2-1   Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo
        Operations (or STLGT);
      13.2 Must be a holder of a COC as OIC
        of a Navigational or Marine
        Engineering Watch; and    EcIDaA
      13.3 Must have not less than one (1) year
        seagoing service in the Operational
        Level (or higher) on a Liquefied Gas
        Tanker with related cargo operations
      13.4 In addition for an Assessor, current
        holder of a valid COC in Advanced
        Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker
        Cargo Operations.
14. Advanced Training for Liquefied  14.1 Must be a previous/current holder of a
  Gas Tanker Cargo Operations,   COP in Advanced Liquefied Gas
  Table A-V-1-2-2   Tanker Cargo Operations;
      14.2 Must be a holder of a COP at the
        Management Level Deck; and
      14.3 Must have not less than one (1) year
        seagoing service in the Management
        Level on a Liquefied Gas Tanker.
      14.4 In addition for an Assessor, current
        holder of a valid COC in Advanced
        Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker
        Cargo Operations.
15. Crowd Management, Passenger 15.1 Must have completed an approved
  Safety and Safety Training for   training course in Crowd Management,
  Personnel Providing Direct   Passenger Safety and Safety Training
  Services to Passengers in   for Personnel Providing Direct Services 
  Passenger Spaces, Section A-   to Passengers in Passenger Spaces;
  V/2[.1] and [.2]    
      15.2 Must be a holder of a COC as a OIC
        of Navigational Watch; and
      15.3 Must have not less than one (1) year
        seagoing service in an OIC position on
        a Passenger Ship after completing the
        training in Crowd Management.
16. Crisis Management and Human 16.1 Must have completed an approved
  Behavior Training and Passenger   training course in Crisis Management
  Safety, Cargo Safety and Hull   and Human Behavior Training and
  Integrity Training, Section A-   Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety and
  V/2[.3] and [.4]   Hull Integrity Training;
      16.2 Must be a holder of a COC as an OIC
        of Navigational Watch; and
      16.3 Must have not less than one (1) year
        seagoing service as an OIC on a Ro-ro
        Passenger Ship after obtaining the
        approved training in Crisis
17. General Operator's Certificate/  17.1 Must be a holder of a General
  Global Maritime Distress and    Operator's Certificate (GOC) issued
  Safety System (GMDSS) Radio   by the National Telecommunications
  Operator, Table A-IV/2   Commission (NTC);
      17.2 Permit to Teach from NTC; and
      17.3 Must not have less than two (2) years
        seagoing service as OIC of a
        Navigational Watch on a ship operating
        in the GMDSS as prescribed by the
        SOLAS '74 Convention, as amended.
18. Management Level Course for    
  Marine Deck Officers, Table A-II/2    
  18.1 Function 1 - Navigation at the 18.1.1 Must be a holder of Certificate
    Management Level   of Completion of the Management
        Level Course for Marine Deck
      18.1.2 Must be a previous/current holder
        of a COC at the Management Level
        Deck; and
      18.1.3 Must have not less than one (1) year
        seagoing service in the Management
        Level Deck position on board a ship of
        500 gross tonnage or more.
      18.1.4 In addition for an Assessor, must be a
        current holder of a valid COC at the
        Management Level Deck, and must
        have not less than two (2) years
        seagoing service in the Management
        Level Deck position on board a ship of
        3,000 gross tonnage or more.
  18.2 Function 2 - Cargo Handling and 18.2.1 Must be a holder of Certificate
    Stowage at the Management Level   of Completion of the Management
        Level Course for Marine Deck
      18.2.2 Must be a previous/current holder
        of a COC at the Management Level
        Deck; and
      18.2.3 Must have not less than one (1) year
        seagoing service in the Management
        Level Deck position on board a ship
        of 500 gross tonnage or more.
      18.2.4 In addition for an Assessor, must be
        a current holder of a valid COC at the
        Management Level Deck, and must
        have not less than two (2) years
        seagoing service in the Management
        Level Deck position on board a ship of
        3,000 gross tonnage or more.
  18.3 Function 3 - Controlling the 18.3.1 Must be a holder of Certificate
    Operation of the Ship and Care   of Completion of the Management
    for Persons on Board at the   Level Course for Marine Deck
    Management Level   Officers;
      18.3.2 Must be a previous/current holder
        of a COC at the Management Level
        Deck; and
      18.3.3 Must have not less than one (1) year
        seagoing service in the Management
        Level Deck position on board a ship
        of 500 gross tonnage or more.
      18.3.4 In addition for an Assessor, must be
        a current holder of a valid COC at the
        Management Level Deck, and must
        have not less than two (2) years
        seagoing service in the Management
        Level Deck position on board a ship
        of 3,000 gross tonnage or more.
19. Management Level Course for    
  Marine Engineer Officers, Table    
  19.1 Function 1 - Marine Engineering at 19.1.1 Must be holder of a Certificate of
    the Management Level   the Completion of the Management
        Level Course for Marine Engineering
      19.1.2 Must be a previous/current holder of 
        a COC at the Management Level
        Marine Engineer Officer; and
      19.1.3 Must have not less than one (1) year
        seagoing service in a Management
        Level Marine Engineer Officer
        position on board a ship powered by
        main propulsion machinery of 3,000
        kW propulsion power or more.
      19.1.4 In addition for an Assessor, must be
        a current holder of a valid COC at the
        Management Level Engineer Officer,
        and must have not less than two (2)
        years seagoing service in the
        Management Level Engineer Officer
        position on board a ship of 3,000 kW
        propulsion power or more.
  19.2 Function 2 - Electrical, Electronic 19.2.1 Must be holder of a Certificate of 
    and Control Engineering at the   Completion of the Management
    Management Level   Level Course for Marine Engineering
      19.2.2 Must be a previous/current holder of
        a COC at the Management Level
        Marine Engineer Officer; and
      19.2.3 Must have not less than one (1) year
        seagoing service in a Management
        Level Marine Engineer Officer
        position on board a ship powered by
        main propulsion machinery of 3,000
        kW propulsion power or more.
      19.2.4 In lieu of all the above requirements,
        a Licensed Professional Electrical
        Engineer (EE) or Electronics and
        Communications Engineer (ECE)
        with proof of not less than one (2) n
        years in- service experience as an EE
        or ECE.
      19.2.5 In addition for an Assessor, must be
        a current holder of a valid COC at the
        Management Level Engineer Officer,
        and must have not less than two (2)
        years seagoing service in that capacity;
        OR current holder of a valid COC as an
        Electro-Technical Officer and must
        have not less than two (2) years
        seagoing service in that capacity.
  19.3 Function 3 - Maintenance and 19.3.1 Must be holder of a Certificate of 
    Repair at the Management Level at   Completion of the Management
    the Management Level   Level Course for Marine
        Engineering Officers;
      19.3.2 Must be a previous/current holder of
        a COC at the Management Level
        Marine Engineer Officer; and
      19.3.3 Must have not less than one (1) year
        seagoing service in a Management
        Level Marine Engineer Officer
        position on board a ship powered by
        main propulsion machinery of 1000 kW
        propulsion power or more.
      19.3.4 In addition for an Assessor, must be a
        current holder of a valid COC at the
        Management Level Engineer Officer,
        and must have not less than two (2)
        years seagoing service in the
        Management Level Engineer Officer
        position on board a ship of 3,000 kW
        propulsion power or more.
  19.4 Function 4 - Controlling the 19.4.1 Must be holder of a Certificate of
    Operation of the Ship and Care   Completion of the Management
    for Persons on Board at the   Level Course for Marine
    Management Level   Engineering Officers;
      19.4.2 Must be a previous/current holder of
        a COC at the Management Level
        Marine Engineer Officer; and
      19.4.3 Must have not less than one (1) year
        seagoing service in a Management
        Level Marine Engineer Officer
        position on board a ship powered by
        main propulsion machinery of 3,000
        kW propulsion power or more.
      19.4.4 In addition for an Assessor, must be
        a current holder of a valid COC at the
        Management Level Engineer
        Officer, and must have not less than
        two (2) years seagoing service in the
        Management Level Engineer
        Officer position on board a ship of
        3,000 kW propulsion power or more.
20. Operational use of Electronic 20.1 Must have completed an approved 
  Chart Display and Information   training course in Operational Use
  Systems (ECDIS)   of ECDIS, and its updated version
      20.2 Must be a previous/current holder
        of a COC as an OIC Navigational
        Watch (or higher); and
      20.3 Must have not less than one (1)
        year seagoing service as OIC of a
        Navigational Watch on board a
        ship equipped with ECDIS.
21. Rating Forming Part of a 21.1 Must be a previous/current holder of
  Navigational Watch   a COP as AB Deck, or COC as 
  (Regulation II/4)   OIC-NW (or higher); and
      21.2 Must have not less than one (1)
        year of seagoing service after
        obtaining the COP or COC, or
      21.3 In addition for an Assessor, must
        be a current holder of a valid COC
        as OIC-NW (or higher), and must
        have not less than two (2) years
        seagoing service in that capacity
        on board a ship of 500 gross
        tonnage or more.
22. Rating Forming Part of an 22.1 Must be a previous/current holder of 
  Engineering Watch   a COP as AB Engine, or COC as
  (Regulation III/4)   OIC-EW (or higher); and
      22.2 Must have not less than one (1) year
        of seagoing service after obtaining
        the COP or COC, or combined;
      22.3 In addition for an Assessor, must
        be a current holder of a valid COC
        as OIC-EW (or higher), and must
        have not less than two (2) years
        seagoing service in that capacity on
        board a ship of 1000 kW or more.
23. Able Seafarer Deck 23.1 Must be a previous/current holder of
  (Regulation II/5)   a COP as AB Deck, or COC as
        OIC-NW (or higher); and
      23.2 Must have not less than one (1) year
        of seagoing service after obtaining
        the COP or COC, or combined;
      23.3 In addition for an Assessor, must be
        a current holder of a valid COC as
        OIC-NW (or higher), and must have
        not less than two (2) years seagoing
        service in that capacity on board a
        ship of 500 gross tonnage or more
        OR a valid COP as AB Deck, and
        must have not less than two (2) years
        seagoing service as Boatswain on
        board a ship of 500 grass tonnage or
24. Able Seafarer Engine 24.1 Must be a previous/current holder of
  (Regulation III/5)   a COP as AB Engine, or COC as
        OIC-EW (or higher); and
      24.2 Must have not less than one (1) year
        of seagoing service after obtaining the
        COP or COC, or combined;
      24.3 In addition for an Assessor, must be a
        current holder of a valid COC as
        OIC-EW (or higher), and must have not
        less than two (2) years seagoing service
        in that capacity on board a ship of 1000
        kW propulsion power or more OR a
        valid COP as AB Engine, and must
        have not less than two (2) years
        seagoing service as Machinist or CPO
        Engine (or similar) on board a ship of
        1000 kW propulsion power or more.
25. Electro-Technical Officer 25.1 Must be holder of a Certificate of
  (Regulation III/6)   Completion of the Management Level
        Course for Marine Engineering
      25.2 Must be a previous/current holder of a
        COC at the Management Level Marine
        Engineer Officer; and
      25.3 Must have not less than one (1) year
        seagoing service in a Management
        Level Marine Engineer Officer position
        on board a ship powered by main
        propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW
        propulsion power or more.
      25.4 In lieu of all the above requirements,
        a Licensed Professional Electrical
        Engineer (EE) or Electronics and
        Communications Engineer (ECE)
        with proof of not less than one (2) n
        years in- service experience as an EE
        or ECE.
      25.5 In addition for an Assessor, must be a
        current holder of a valid COC at the
        Management Level Engineer Officer,
        and must have not less than two (2)
        years seagoing service in that capacity;
        OR current holder of a valid COC as an
        Electro-Technical Officer (ETO) and
        must have not less than two (2) years
        seagoing service in that capacity.
26. Electro-Technical Rating 26.1 Must be holder of a Certificate of
  Regulation III/7   Completion of the Management Level
        Course for Marine Engineering
      26.2 Must be a previous/current holder of a
        COC at the Management Level Marine
        Engineer Officer; and
      26.3 Must have not less than one (1) year
        seagoing service in a Management
        Level Marine Engineer Officer position
        on board a ship powered by main 
        propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW
        propulsion power or more.
      26.4 In lieu of all the above requirements, a
        Licensed Professional Electrical
        Engineer (EE) or Electronics and
        Communications Engineer (ECE) with
        proof of not less than one (1) year in-
        service experience as an EE or ECE.
      26.5 In lieu of all the above requirements, a
        Licensed Master Electrician (ME) with
        proof of not less than one (2) * years
        in-service experience as a Master
      26.6 In addition for an Assessor, must be a
        current holder of a valid COC at the
        Management Level Engineer
        Officer, and must have not less than
        two (2) years seagoing service in that
        capacity; OR current holder of a valid
        COC as an Electro-Technical Officer
        (ETO) and must have not less than two
        (2) years seagoing service in that




Simulator Practical Operational Experience Log(STCW Code, Section A-I/6, Par. 4.3.1)

NAME (Last, First, MI): ____________________________________________

SIMULATOR MANUFACTURER: _______________________________

Model _________________

MTI & Location: __________________________________________________


Type of 
Name & Signature
Signature of
Hours & Mins.
of Supervisor 



Notes of Supervisor/s regarding the ability of applicant to use this particular simulator model: _________________________________________________________________________

Signature over Full Name of Applicant-Instructor: ____________________________


1. Candidate must complete minimum of 20 hours on at least 10 separate days. ASHECD

2. The Supervisor/s must have been previously approved by the Administration.

3. The Administration may subject the applicant-instructor to demonstration at anytime, even after the issuance of a Certificate of Accreditation.

4. Candidate is required to separately complete IMO Model Course 6.10 or similar approved training program.

5. This document must be accomplished in 3 original copies, with one copy to be submitted to the Administration, a copy to be retained each by the applicant-instructor and the MTI.


Practical Assessor's Experience Log(STCW Code, Section A-I/6, Par. 6.4)

NAME (Last, First, MI): ____________________________________________

MTI & Location: __________________________________________________


Type of 
Name & Signature
Signature of
Hours & Mins.
of Supervising 

Notes of Supervising Experienced Assessor regarding the ability of applicant to conduct assessment of competence: _____________________________________________________________

Signature over Full Name of Applicant-Assessor: ____________________________


1. Candidate must complete minimum of 20 hours on at least 10 separate days.

2. The Supervisor/s must be approved by the Administration as an Assessor of Competence.

3. The Administration may subject the applicant-assessor to demonstration at anytime, even after the issuance of a Certificate of Accreditation.

4. Candidate is required to separately complete IMO Model Course 3.12 or similar approved training program.

5. This document must be accomplished in 3 original copies, with one copy to be submitted to the Administration, a copy to be retained each by the applicant-instructor and the MTI.


Simulator Practical Assessor's Experience Log(STCW Code, Section A-I/6, Par. 6.5)

NAME (Last, First, MI): ____________________________________________

SIMULATOR MANUFACTURER: ___________________ Model ____________

MTI & Location: __________________________________________________


Type of 
Name & Signature
Signature of
Hours & Mins.
of Supervisor 

Notes of Supervisor/s regarding the ability of applicant to use this particular simulator model: _________________________________________________________________________

Signature over Full Name of Applicant-Instructor: ____________________________


1. Candidate must complete minimum of 20 hours on at least 10 separate days.

2. The Supervisor/s must be approved by the Administration as Assessor of Competence using Simulator.

3. The Administration may subject the applicant-assessor to demonstration at anytime, even after the issuance of a Certificate of Accreditation.

4. Candidate is required to separately complete IMO Model Courses 3.12 & 6.10 or similar approved training program.

5. This document must be accomplished in 3 original copies, with one copy to be submitted to the Administration, a copy to be retained each by the applicant-instructor and the MTI. cSEAHa

n Note from the Publisher: Copied verbatim from the official copy. Discrepancy between word and figure.