Rules and Regulations Implementing Executive Order No. 236, s. 2003 ( IRR of EO 236 )

December 23, 2003

December 23, 2003



The Honors of the Philippines

1.1: General Provisions

A. These Rules and Regulations are hereby issued in pursuance and implementation of Executive Order No. 236, s. 2003, to ensure its efficient and effective implementation.

B. The highest awards of the Philippine government are collectively known as the Honors of the Philippines. They are equivalent to the highest national honors of other nations, and subscribe to the same traditions and practices that govern the highest and most prestigious state awards.

C. The honors of the Philippines are wearable awards. Their wear and use is governed by rules and regulations that are in keeping with those of equivalent awards in other nations.

1.2: The Honors of the Philippines

I. The Quezon Service Cross is the highest honor of the Philippines and is the Republic's oldest civilian recognition. The President confers this honor with Congress' concurrence.

II. The Senior Honors of the Republic — the national Orders of Civil, Diplomatic, and Military Merit, namely the Orders of Lakandula and Sikatuna and the Philippine Legion of Honor, are all of equal rank and are collectively referred to as the Senior Honors of the Republic.

a. Order of Lakandula

b. Order of Sikatuna

c. Philippine Legion of Honor

III. National Orders of Cultural and Scientific Merit: the orders below are collectively known as the National Orders of Cultural and Scientific Merit of the Philippines. They are all of equal rank.

a. The Order of National Artists

b. The Order of National Scientists

c. The Order of National Social Scientists

d. The Gawad sa Manlilikha ng Bayan

IV. Other Orders of Merit

a. Order of Gabriela Silang

b. The Gawad Mabini

c. The Order of the Golden Heart

V. The Presidential Medal of Merit

VI. Discontinued Awards. Recipients of discontinued awards retain the prestige and privileges that pertain to these awards, and shall continue to wear and use them as previously authorized (refer to Order of Wear). When the last surviving recipient of a discontinued honor passes away, the honor shall be considered extinct.

1.3: The Chancellery of Philippine Orders and State Decorations

Under EO 236 Series of 2003, the focal point for the administration of the Honors Code is the Chancellery of Philippine Orders and State Decorations, in the Office of Presidential Protocol.

The Chancellery shall also serve as the Secretariat of the Committee on Honors. The Chief of Presidential Protocol serves as the Head of the Chancellery assisted by the Presidential Assistant for Historical Affairs as Deputy Head. CDScaT

The Chancellery may invite individuals knowledgeable in the field of phaleristics, and driven by a public service ethos, to serve as Advisers to provide technical advice if and when needed. The position of Adviser therefore shall be honorary and shall consequently carry neither remuneration nor formal rank.


The Selection of Recipients for Honors

2.1: Definitions

Decoration: the term shall cover, unless otherwise specified, the insignia of orders, medals, and decorations.

Nominating official: the official authorized to nominate an official or employee in government service for an award and, under the Commendation and Points System, authorized to award a commendation. For the purposes of these regulations, nominating officials shall be the Assistant Secretaries, or equivalent as defined by the appropriate cabinet official. For members of the Foreign Service assigned abroad, as well as for other public servants attached to a Foreign Service post, recommending officials shall be the heads of diplomatic or consular posts.

Ad diploma: when an honor is conferred ad diploma, only the diploma is presented to the recipient. The recipients of awards ad diploma may, at their discretion, procure the insignia on their own account.

Chancellery: The Chancellery of Philippine Orders and State Decorations

Honor: Any of the awards covered by EO 236, Series of 2003

Award: Under these regulations, any of the Honors under EO 236, or equivalent

Rank: one of the degrees in the Orders of the Philippines, which usually corresponds to an individual's protocular rank.

Good Standing: Individuals shall be considered in good standing if they are conducting themselves and performing within acceptable parameters.

2.2: Terminology

The President of the Philippines confers an honor upon an individual. The honor itself is identified by its name followed by the rank or degree, as applicable. It is improper to add "award" after the name of an honor.

Examples of proper terminology:

The President of the Philippines conferred the Order of Lakandula, rank of Bayani, on the Hon. Juan de la Cruz yesterday at Malacañang Palace.

Mr. Juan de la Cruz was conferred the Order of Sikatuna, rank of Maginoo by the President on 9 July 2004.

Philippine Legion of Honor, rank of Commander, conferred on 12 August 2004.

Juan de la Cruz was proclaimed a National Artist for Literature (or a National Scientist or a National Social Scientist) today.

The President conferred the Presidential Medal of Merit on Juan de la Cruz in recognition of his bringing great prestige to the country as a result of his Carnegie Hall concert last year.

Examples of incorrect use:

Mr. Juan de la Cruz received the Sikatuna presidential award yesterday.

In simple rites Mrs. Juana de la Cruz was awarded the Legion of Honor Award with the rank of Commander.

Mrs. Juana de la Cruz was made a National Artist for Dance last week.

2.3: Introduction

To be fully effective, an award should be timely. It is therefore important that awards committees act as quickly as possible in making recommendations for recipients of awards under the Honors Code. This is based on the assumption that the recognition of meritorious service builds morale.

The system established by EO 236 therefore builds upon the fine example set by the awards systems of the Philippine Coast Guard, the Philippine National Police, the Armed Forces of the Philippines, and their reserves and auxiliaries. They have recognized that having an active and effective awards system serves as an incentive for better individual performance. It is the intention that this spirit be translated to the civil service.

Therefore, the Honors Code aims to adequately and visibly recognize merit by individuals in the service of the Republic while enhancing the prestige of the various honors. This is to reward merit and encourage greater excellence in public service. In this regard, due weight must be given to the assessments of nominating officials.

Honors in the Civil Service can henceforth be earned in one of two ways. Awards committees may nominate an individual on the basis of a recommendation submitted by a nominating official. An individual may also be recommended for an award through the accumulation of the necessary number of points under the newly established commendation and points system.

2.4: Awards Committees

There shall be two types of awards committees: the Committee on Honors and the various awards committees in the various units of the government service.

A. The Committee on Honors

The Committee on Honors serves as a National Awards Committee. It is composed of the following:

The Executive Secretary, Chairman

The Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Vice-Chairman

Head, Presidential Management Staff, member

Presidential Assistant for Historical Affairs, member

Chief of Presidential Protocol, member

Chief of Protocol, DFA, member

All nominations from the various awards committees must be submitted to the Committee on Honors via the Chancellery of Philippine Orders and State Decorations. The Chancellery shall process nominations for the consideration of the Committee on Honors. The Committee on Honors shall screen and recommend these nominations to the President.

The Committee on Honors shall, as a general rule, serve as a screening committee to ensure that nominations received from the various awards committees meet two tests: that there has not been an abuse of discretion in making the nomination, and that the nominee is in good standing. Should a nomination meet these criteria, a recommendation to the President for conferment shall be made.

The President of the Philippines takes the recommendations of the Committee on Honors in the highest consideration when making the final decision on the conferment of awards.

B. Other Awards Committees

Where they do not yet exist, awards committees shall be established to implement the Honors Code. The awards committees shall serve primarily as reviewing committees to evaluate nominations for the conferment of honors received from nominating officials to ensure that there has not been an abuse of discretion on the part of the nominating official, and that the nominee is in good standing.

With regard to the Order of the Golden Heart, and honors junior to it, should a recommendation be within the nominating officials' scope of discretion and should the individual be in good standing, the nomination shall be endorsed to the President, through the Committee on Honors, with a recommendation that the honor be conferred.

With regard to the Senior Honors of the Republic, the awards committees shall make a thorough evaluation of the nomination and, should they concur with the nominating official and agree that a nominee is deserving of such a high honor, they shall forward the nomination to the Committee on Honors with a recommendation for conferment.

With regard to awards for members of the civil service as well as the Philippine Coast Guard, the Philippine National Police, and the Armed Forces of the Philippines, including their reserves and auxiliaries, the existing awards committees are mandated to review their modalities to ensure that their procedures are in conformity with the letter and the spirit of the Honors Code and its IRRs.


The various honors are detailed in Annex 1.

2.5: General Guidelines for Awards Committees

A. National Orders of Cultural and Scientific Merit

The existing modalities of the NCCA for selecting recipients for the Order of National Artists, and the Gawad sa Manlilikha ng Bayan, and of the NAST for selecting recipients of the Order of National Scientists, shall remain in force. IESDCH

With regard to the Order of National Social Scientists, the National Academy of Science and Technology shall formulate the guidelines for the conferment of the award, and shall pattern these criteria after those used in selecting recipients for the aforementioned Orders, as appropriate and applicable. The Order of National Scientists shall be conferred on those eligible for the Order of National Social Scientists until such time as the regulations and design for the Order of National Social Scientists shall have been promulgated.

B. The Gawad Mabini and the Presidential Medal of Merit

The Gawad Mabini and the Presidential Medal of Merit are conferred on individuals for individual, specific accomplishments.

The Gawad Mabini shall be conferred for an individual act of merit, such as: contributing substantially to the evacuation of Philippine nationals from a danger zone; for individual acts of merit in the provision of consular services or the protection of Philippine nationals; for exemplary performance in an international negotiation or mission; and for other individual acts of merit reflective of the finest traditions of the Foreign Service. It may also be conferred ad diploma, on those who provided substantive support to a foreign visit by the President or who contributed concretely to the successful preparation and/or hosting by the Philippines of a major international event. Generally, in this context the Gawad Mabini would be conferred for events at the level of Vice President and above (or equivalent).

The President Medal of Merit shall be awarded to civil servants who contributed materially to the mitigation of a natural disaster, uplifting the welfare of Philippine nationals, and other conspicuous acts of merit that reflect the finest traditions of the civil service. It shall also be conferred ad diploma, on those who provided substantive support to a foreign visit by the President or who contributed concretely to the successful preparation and/or hosting by the Philippines of a major international event. Generally, in this context the Presidential Medal of Merit would be conferred for events at the ministerial level and above.

C. Order of the Golden Heart

The Order of the Golden Heart, as the Republic's general order of civil merit, shall be awarded for, among others, recognition of long service. Upon the President's approval, the Grand Cross of the Order of the Golden Heart shall be conferred on career ambassadors, cabinet secretaries and undersecretaries upon appointment.

D. The Order of Lakandula, the Order of Sikatuna, and the Philippine Legion of Honor

Great care should be taken to ensure that nominations for the Senior Honors of the Republic serve to complement their stature and prestige. At the same time, it is the intention that these awards, in all their ranks, should be conferred on a regular basis to inspire members of the civil service to attain these awards.

These honors shall be conferred on public servants for demonstrated merit over a period of time. Nominations should therefore be based on a combination of specific tangible accomplishments and an exemplary service record as reflected in an individual's personnel appraisal reports. Other orders and decorations received by the prospective nominee shall also be considered in evaluating nominations for the three highest honors.

2.6: The Points System

There is hereby established a points system for the civil service to ensure maximum transparency and fairness in the conferment of honors upon those in government service. This is to recognize sustained demonstrated excellence, and to encourage greater merit in government.

Awards committees in the various departments and entities of government shall keep an active file of those who have been nominated for awards, as well as recipients of citations, in order to implement the points system. All government entities shall incorporate the points system in their personnel records systems.

The points system shall not be applicable for nomination to the Scientific and Cultural honors of the Republic.

A. Mechanics of the Points System

Nominating officials may at their discretion award commendations to deserving personnel.

These commendations shall take the form of a diploma, the format of which shall be prescribed by the Chancellery. Generally, an individual should not receive more than one commendation a year, except in exceptional circumstances. In such an event, the responsible cabinet official or head of agency must approve the additional commendation(s).

Each commendation shall count as 1 point and is to be entered into the personnel record of the recipient. When a certain number of points have been accumulated, the awards committees shall consider an individual for the corresponding honor, in the grade corresponding to his, or her, position.

B. Points Values of the Various Awards

The Presidential Medal of Merit and Gawad Mabini cannot be earned through the accumulation of points. However, should an individual be conferred these awards, the corresponding point value shall be included in their record and shall count towards earning one of the other honors. The point values of the various honors are as follows:


Point Value
Presidential Medal of Merit 4 points (award cannot be earned
  through points system)
Order of the Golden Heart 5 Points
Gawad Mabini 6 points (award cannot be earned
  through points system)
Order of Lakandula/ 10 points
Order of Sikatuna/  
Philippine Legion of Honor  



Should an individual in government service have accumulated 5 points, and should the individual be in good standing, the awards committee shall recommend to the Committee on Honors that the President consider the conferment of the Order of the Golden Heart ad diploma.

Once a member of the civil service has accumulated a total of 10 points, awards committees may consider a recommendation for one of the Senior Orders of the Republic. For the civil service, it shall be the Order of Lakandula; for a member of the Foreign Service, the Order of Sikatuna; and for a civilian employee of the Philippine Coast Guard, the Philippine National Police, the Armed Forces of the Philippines, or an employee of the Department of National Defense, the Philippine Legion of Honor.

With regard to the Senior Honors of the Republic, awards committees should agree on the basis of consensus that an individual is deserving of such a high honor before making a recommendation to the Committee on Honors.

2.7. Subsequent Awards

The Chancellery shall promulgate specifications for appropriate devices to indicate subsequent conferment of awards.

2.8. Implementing Provisions

If an individual has already been awarded the Philippine Legion of Honor or the Order of Sikatuna, it shall count as 10 points in their service record.

If an individual has already been awarded the Gawad Mabini, it shall count as 6 points in their service record.

If an individual has been awarded the Presidential Medal of Merit, it shall count as 4 points in their service record.

The following shall apply only to those previously nominated for, but not conferred, awards

 Each nomination for the Order of Sikatuna or the Legion of Honor shall count as 4 points.

 Each nomination for the Gawad Mabini or the Presidential Medal of Merit shall count as 2 points.

 Commendation letters, or equivalents to a commendation under these regulations including an outstanding personnel evaluation, shall count as 1 point.

2.9. National Awards Registry

The Chancellery, in cooperation with the National Historical Institute, shall serve as the national registry for the honors and awards of the Philippines, past and present. A registry of foreign awards, to include orders, decorations, and medals, shall also be established. The Chancellery shall coordinate the requirements for the acceptance of such awards.

2.10. Conferment on Foreign Diplomats

The conferment of Honors on foreign diplomats shall be based on, inter alia, considerations of amity and reciprocity.

When feasible and appropriate, the conclusion of bilateral agreements regulating the conferment of decorations on diplomatic officials should be pursued. The Department of Foreign Affairs shall prepare a model agreement that would serve as the basis of negotiations.

The following guidelines shall also apply:

For foreign diplomats who complete their tour of duty after at least two years of service in the Philippines, the Order of the Golden Heart shall be conferred.

For foreign diplomats who complete their tour of duty after at least three years of service in the Philippines, the Order of Sikatuna shall be conferred. In the case of foreign ambassadors, the rank of Datu, Silver Distinction, shall normally be conferred. The rank of Datu, Gold Distinction, shall be conferred in exceptional cases.

The Secretary of Foreign Affairs may confer the ranks of Lakan and below in the Order of Sikatuna, and the ranks of Komandante and below in the Order of the Golden Heart.

The service requirement may be waived, when appropriate.

These guidelines shall apply on foreign diplomats concluding their tour of duty beginning 1 January 2004.

2.11. Conferment on Friends of the Philippines

In order to recognize friends of the Philippines overseas, the Order of the Golden Heart shall be conferred on deserving foreign nationals abroad as part of the celebrations of Independence Day. The rank to be conferred shall be recommended by the head of the recommending diplomatic or consular post, taking into account the individual's accomplishments and prominence in society. The Secretary of Foreign Affairs may confer the award by authority of the President.


2.12. Schedule of Conferment

As specified in EO 236, series of 2003, the Honors of the Republic shall generally be conferred on national holidays. In that regard, there shall be two major occasions during which honors shall be conferred; Independence Day and Rizal Day. Awards Committees shall therefore ensure that they are able to submit nominations to the Chancellery within 60 days of those holidays to ensure that nominations can be processed in time. acSECT


The Order of Wear

3.1: The Order of Wear shall be as follows:

I. Honors of the Philippines

Quezon Service CrossSenior Honors of the Republic (by date of award)Order of Gabriela SilangMedal of HonorBayani ng Bagong RepublicaOrder of the Grieving HeartOrder of National ArtistsOrder of National ScientistsGawad sa Manlilikha ng BayanOrder of KalantiawGawad MabiniRizal Pro Patria AwardOrder of the Golden HeartRizal Collegiate PalmsMabini Teacher's MedalPresidential Medal of Merit

II. Other Presidential Awards

III. Service Awards of the Agencies of the National Government (by date of award)

IV. Decorations and Medals of the Uniformed Services (PCG, PNP, and AFP) in their Order of Precedence

V. Commemorative Medals of the Philippines (by date of award)

VI. Commemorative Awards of the Agencies of the National Government (by date of award)

VII. Insignia of the Order of the Knights of Rizal

VIII. Decorations of the Reserves and Auxiliaries of the Coast Guard, PNP, and the AFP in their Order of Precedence

IX. Insignia of Other Philippine Chivalric Orders, Fraternal Societies, and Professional Associations (by date of admission)

IX. *  Foreign Orders, Decorations And Medals (by date of award)

X. Insignia of Foreign Chivalric Orders, Fraternal Societies, and Professional Associations (by date of admission)


The Manner of Wear of Orders, Decorations and Medals by Citizens of the Philippines

4.1: General

This Section describes the correct manner of wearing decorations by citizens of the Philippines.

The manner of wearing decorations has evolved from a long tradition of recognizing eminent service and is generally based on internationally established customs and norms. These regulations adapt those customs to the Philippine tradition in order to add and enhance the dignity of Philippine honors and awards.

A general principle guiding these regulations is that a uniform set of guidelines should cover civilians and members of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), the Philippine National Police (PNP), the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), and the reserves and auxiliaries. This is to ensure that members of these services may wear their decorations with their civilian dress when necessary, and that civilians in the reserves and auxiliaries may likewise wear their distinctions in uniform. This is to promote the recognition of an individual's overall accomplishments in order to promote excellence.

4.2: General Guidelines on the Wearing of Different Forms of Insignia

A. Insignia can be placed in one of seven categories:

1. Ribbon bars

2. Lapel rosettes

3. Medals

4. Neck badges

5. Breast Stars

6. Sashes

7. Grand Collars

I. Ribbon bars are composed of slot-mounted pieces of ribbon in the shape of bars on the left side of the uniform to indicate orders, decorations, and medals when wearing uniform. Their size, shape, and composition shall conform to the regulations of the Philippine Coast Guard, the Philippine National Police, the Armed Forces of the Philippines, and their reserves and auxiliaries. However, devices to denote different ranks shall be as follows for all orders:

Grand Collar: gilt sunburst of a larger size than Grand Cross and demi-barrette in gold.

Grand Cross: gilt sunburst and demi-barrette in gold.

Grand Commander: gilt sunburst and a half silver and a half gold demi-barrette.

Grand Officer: gilt sunburst and demi-barrette in silver.

Officer: gilt sunburst.

Member: no device.

II. Lapel rosettes are formed in the colors of the order (usually the colors of the ribbon) and are intended for wear in the buttonhole of the left lapel of a jacket, or appropriate alternative location (for ladies or on other types of dress). Lapel rosettes may be worn on a daily basis with business dress.

With Barong Filipino, the rosette may be worn in the third buttonhole of the garment.

For rosettes of orders, wings on the sides of the rosette (demi-barrettes) indicate the rank of the holder in the order.

The rosettes that correspond to the various ranks in an order are as follows:



Form of rosette
Member No rosette — only a thin bar in the
  colors of the order
Officer Rosette only
Commander Rosette with a demi-barrette in silver
Grand Officer Rosette with a half silver and half gold
Grand Cross Rosette with a demi-barrette in gold
Grand Collar Rosette larger than for the Grand Cross
  Class, with a demi-barrette in very
  strong gold color



III. Medals come in two general categories: full size and miniature.

 Full size medals are worn only at daytime. They are worn on the left side. Generally, the lower grades of orders, as well as campaign and commemorative medals, and some decorations are awarded in medal form. If more than one medal is to be worn, they are mounted on a bar with the most senior medal closest to the heart, and the most junior closest to the left arm. The ribbons are adjusted in such a way that the bottoms of the medals are aligned in an even row.

 Miniature medals are worn when specified on certain daytime ceremonial occasions and at evening affairs. They include miniature representations of orders received. They are worn and mounted in the same manner as full size medals.

 Full size medals, and miniatures, are worn with the top of the ribbon positioned midway between the top of the shoulder and the jacket breast pocket. Ladies are to wear the medals, or miniatures, in a similar position, depending on the style of the dress. Medals are worn on a single horizontal line and extend over the left breast towards the shoulder but not beyond the shoulder seam, nor beyond the inner edge of the left lapel. If required, a second and third medal bar may be worn below the senior group. cHaDIA

IV. Neck badges are suspended from a ribbon and are worn around the neck. The maximum number of neck badges that can be work simultaneously depends on the type of attire worn.

V. Breast Stars are normally awarded as part of the insignia of senior grades in most orders. They are generally worn on the left side, unless otherwise prescribed. In most cases, a maximum of four breast stars may be worn on the left side, and a maximum of two on the right side, when it is prescribed that the breast star is worn on the right side.

 The order in which breast stars are worn is as follows:



If only one If two stars If three stars If four stars

star is worn are worn are worn are worn

VI. Sashes/Broad Ribands are normally the principal form in which the highest grades of orders are conferred, normally accompanied by a corresponding breast star. Sashes, also known as broad ribands, are usually worn from the right shoulder so that the badge rests on the left hip. In most countries including the Philippines, sashes should be worn over the waistcoat when wearing evening dress. When abroad, local custom should be respected.

 Only one sash may be worn at any given time.

VII. Grand Collars are usually the highest class of some orders (some orders do not have Grand Collars). They are usually conferred only on heads of state and government. They are usually worn only on the most formal of occasions. When Grand Collars are worn, the accompanying sash and breast star should also be worn.

4.3: General Notes on the Wear of Decorations Worn With Civilian Dress

The word 'Decorations' on the invitation card is the intimation from the host that decorations should be worn.

Annex 2 illustrates the placement, number and types of decorations that may be worn with civilian dress.

A. Barong Filipino

Due to the delicate nature of the Barong Filipino, breast stars should not be worn. If circumstances necessitate wearing a breast star, only one should be worn and great care should be taken to reinforce the area to which it is affixed.

Barong Filipino may be worn overseas in lieu of evening or dinner dress when the invitation specifies that national dress may be worn. At such events, only piña or jusi barong should be worn.

As a general principle, only miniature medals should be worn with Barong Filipino, either at daytime or evening functions.

B. Evening Dress (White Tie) and Dinner Jacket (Tuxedo)

When it is desired that decorations be worn with Evening Dress or Dinner Jacket invitations will state either 'Evening Dress — Decorations' or 'Dinner Jacket — Decorations'.

When 'Evening Dress — Decorations' is prescribed, those not in possession of full Evening Dress may wear Dinner Jacket, with decorations.

C. Morning Dress

It is very rare that decorations are worn with morning dress. Only a lapel rosette should be worn with morning dress if the invitation does not specifically indicate that decorations should be worn. In some countries a miniature medal, that of the highest award, is sometimes worn in the buttonhole of the left lapel in lieu of a lapel rosette.

When the wearing of orders, decorations and medals with morning dress has been specified it is usually for special official public functions such as memorial services. In any event, local custom should be followed.

D. Business/Lounge Suit

With Lounge Suit, another term for business suit, one neck badge and full size medals may be worn at appropriate daytime functions. At evening functions for which Lounge Suit is specified, one neck badge and miniatures may be worn.

It is not customary to wear breast stars or sashes with Lounge Suit.

E. The Wearing of Decorations by Ladies

Ladies in civilian dress may wear the orders, decorations and medals to which they are entitled under the same conditions as for men. The manner of wearing the insignia of orders, decorations and medals is the same as for males except ladies do not wear neck badges, but wear the badge mounted on a bow over the left breast instead.


4.4: General Notes on the Wearing of Decorations with Uniform

A. General

The same general principles that govern the wearing of decorations with civilian dress apply to uniform. Decorations are ranked as enumerated by the Order of Wear in Section II. All decorations received by an individual may be worn, consistent with the Order of Wear. In this regard, the appropriate orders shall be issued by the respective services.

Medals and miniatures mounted in a manner inconsistent with these regulations, but consistent with previous practice, may continue to be worn until such time that they are re-mounted because of the conferment of new awards.

B. Wearing of Medals

Medal type decorations, whether full-size or miniature, are to be worn on the left side of the uniform as with civilian attire, and are mounted as described above. A maximum of three rows of medals should be worn.

C. Wearing Neck badges

Neck badges are worn, when the use of either full-size or miniature medals is prescribed, with uniforms that include either a stand collar or a tunic and necktie, as well as with Mess Dress.

With uniforms that incorporate a standard necktie, the badge is worn with the ribbon under the shirt collar and the top of the badge placed just below the necktie knot.

With dress uniforms that feature a stand-collar, the badge is suspended from the ribbon worn inside the collar so that the top of the badge is positioned 2 cm below the lower edge of the collar.

With Mess Dress the badge is suspended so that the top of the badge is positioned 2 cm below the bow tie.

The maximum number of neck badges that can be worn with the various types of uniform is as follows:

 High-collar uniform (such as Navy dress whites and Marine dress blues): 3 (three)

 Uniform with necktie (such as Army dress whites): 2 (two)

 Mess dress: 1 (one); the correct method of wearing multiple neck badges is illustrated in Annex III

The correct manner of wearing more than one neck badge is illustrated in Annex 4.

D. Wearing Breast Stars

The same regulations that govern the wearing of breast stars with evening dress apply to uniform.

E. Wearing Sashes

As with civilian dress, a maximum of one sash may be worn with uniform. If the uniform incorporates a ceremonial belt, it is worn over the sash.

If the sash is from an order that prescribes that it should be worn over the left shoulder, medal bars should be affixed to the sash so that the medals are not obscured.

When worn with Mess Dress, sashes are worn in the same manner as Evening dress.

F. Wearing of Ribbons of Orders, Decorations and Medals

Ribbons shall continue to be worn as per current practice: ribbons of personal awards are to be worn on the left side of the uniform and unit awards on the right. CHIScD

For those holding the rank of officer and above in an Order, devices as prescribed by the Chancellery shall be affixed to the ribbon to indicate the rank of the holder.

Annex 4 illustrates the correct manner of wear of the various forms of insignia with uniform.

Detailed Descriptions of the Honors of the Philippines

Quezon Service Cross

Who may be conferred: Filipinos only

Who confers: the President with the approval of Congress

Criteria: For exemplary service to the nation in such a manner and such a degree as to add great prestige to the Republic of the Philippines, or as to contribute to the lasting benefit of its people. The service performed or contribution made can be measured on the scale established by the national benefaction of the late President Manuel L. Quezon.

Description: A green and white enameled Maltese Cross with ball finials, backed by a 64-ray gold sunburst. The center round medallion in green bears the profile image of Commonwealth President Manuel L. Quezon, encircled by the legend "Sic Florit Respublica" ("And thus, he distinguished the Republic") in gold on white. The decoration is connected to the suspension ring with a sampaguita wreath in green and white enamel.

Composition: silver gilt.

Ribbon: equal white-green-white-green-yellow-red-white-red-yellow-green-white-green-white stripes.

Order of Lakandula, Order of Sikatuna, Philippine Legion of Honor

Order of Lakandula

Who may be conferred: Filipinos and Foreigners

Who confers: The President


Filipino or foreign citizen who has:

a) demonstrated by his life and deeds a dedication to the welfare of society;

b) whose life is worthy of emulation by the Filipino people;

c) for deeds worthy of particular recognition, including suffering materially for the preservation and defense of the democratic way of life and the territorial integrity of the Republic of the Philippines, for devoting his life to the peaceful resolution of conflict, or for demonstrating an outstanding dedication to the fostering of mutual understanding, cultural exchange, justice and dignified relations among individuals; or

d) for acts that have been traditionally recognized by the institution of presidential awards, including meritorious political and civic service.

Description: The Order of Lakandula pays homage to prehispanic and Muslim-Filipino designs.

Composition: Grand Collar, Grand Cross and Grand Officer: silver gilt. Commander, Officer, Member: gilded bronze or copper.

Ribbon: Philippine blue.

Order of Sikatuna

Who may be conferred: Filipinos and Foreigners

Who confers: the President; the Secretary of Foreign Affairs upon authorization by the President

Criteria: For diplomatic merit upon individuals who have rendered exceptional and meritorious services to the Republic of the Philippines, upon diplomats, officials, and nationals of foreign states who have rendered conspicuous services in fostering, developing, and strengthening relations between their country and the Philippines, or upon personnel of the Department of Foreign Affairs, both in the Home Office and in the Foreign Service.

Description: A Maltese Cross in red and white enamel. Center medallion depicts two arms, one gauntleted in European-style and the other in tortoiseshell mail. Both hold daggers which drop blood into a cup resting on a parchment scroll, a stylized rendition of the Blood Compact between Rajah Sikatuna and the Spanish conquistador Legaspi. Above the arms is a an eight-rayed sun. Philippine symbolic sealions emerge from stylized blue waves between the arms of the cross. The Lakan and Dakilang Lakan classes are primarily white with a red border while the other ranks are primarily red with a white border.

Composition: Grand Collar, Grand Cross and Grand Officer: silver gilt. Commander, Officer, Member: gilded bronze or copper.

Ribbon: red, with yellow side stripes and thin white edges and a thin blue stripe through the center.

Philippine Legion of Honor

Who may be conferred: Filipinos and Foreigners

Who confers: the President; the Secretary of National Defense upon authorization by the President, the Secretary of DOTC and DILG

Criteria: Upon Filipino or foreign citizens in recognition of valuable and meritorious service in relation to the military affairs of the Republic of the Philippines. The highest rank, of Chief Commander, may also be conferred upon a civilian for life achievement in public service not otherwise qualifying for the Quezon Service Cross.

Description: Conventionalized eight-pointed sunburst outlined in red enamel and mounted on a green wreath. Central gold medallion with the Philippine sealion against a white enamel background.

Composition: Chief Commander, Grand Commander and Grand Officer: silver gilt. Commander, Officer, Member: gilded bronze or copper.

Ribbon: red-white-blue-white-red

Order of Gabriela Silang

Who may be conferred: Filipino or foreign spouses of heads of state.

Who confers: the President

Description: A stylized "G" and "S" in gold in a white enameled medallion, surrounded by stylized sheaves of rice.

Composition: silver gilt.

Ribbon: blue-yellow-red-yellow-blue

Order of National Artists

Who may be conferred: Filipinos only

Who confers: the President upon the recommendation of the National Commission on Culture and the Arts and the Cultural Center of the Philippines

Criteria: Individuals who have made distinct contributions in arts and letters.

Description: A grand collar featuring circular links portraying the arts; suspended from a sampaguita wreath in green and white enamel is an eight pointed conventionalized sunburst. Central medallion is divided into three equal portions, red, white and blue, recalling the Philippine flag, with stylized letters "K" in ancient Filipino script.

Composition: silver gilt.

Ribbon: no ribbon; the order has insignia in the form of a grand collar. Instead of a rosette, an enameled pin in the form of the insignia of the order. SCEHaD

Order of National Scientists

Who may be conferred: Filipinos only

Who confers: the President upon recommendation by the National Academy of Science and Technology

Criteria: For distinguished individual or collaborative achievement in the physical sciences and/or technology.


Composition: silver gilt.

Ribbon: no ribbon; the order has insignia in the form of a grand collar. Instead of a rosette, an enameled pin in the form of the insignia of the order.

Gawad Manlilikha ng Bayan

Who may be conferred: Filipinos only

Who confers: the President upon recommendation by the National Commission on Culture and the Arts

Criteria: Filipino citizen or group of Filipino citizens engaged in any traditional art uniquely Filipino, whose distinctive skills have reached such a high level of technical and artistic excellence and have been passed on to and widely practiced by the present generations in his/her community with the same degree of technical and artistic competence.

Description: Stylized medallion with prehispanic embellishments.

Composition: Gilded bronze or copper.

Ribbon: royal blue with two white central stripes.

Gawad Mabini

Who may be conferred: Filipinos only

Who confers: the President; the Secretary of Foreign Affairs upon authorization by the President


Criteria: Upon personnel of the Department of Foreign Affairs both in the Home Office and in the Foreign Service, and upon Filipinos who have rendered distinguished service or promoted the interests of the Republic of the Philippines at home and abroad.

Description: A stylized Romanian Cross bearing at the center the image of Apolinario Mabini, surrounded by three stylized letters "K" in ancient Filipino script.

Composition: Grand Cross: silver gilt. Commander, Member: gilded bronze or copper.

Ribbon: three equal stripes, red, yellow and blue.

Order of the Golden Heart

Who may be conferred: Filipinos and Foreigners

Who confers: the President or Cabinet Secretaries as authorized by the President

Criteria: Individuals who have rendered distinguished services or given noteworthy monetary or other material aid, encouragement to the campaign for the amelioration and improvement of the moral, social, and economic conditions of the Filipino masses, and for volunteerism in the service of the Filipino masses.

Description: Two hands and a heart over the Latin inscription intended as an abbreviation of Proverbs 31:20, "she hath opened her heart to the needy and stretched forth her hands to the poor," surrounded by sheaves of rice, all at the center of an enameled Maltese cross in green with finials.

Composition: Grand Collar, Grand Cross and Grand Officer: silver gilt. Commander, Officer, Member: gilded bronze or copper.

Ribbon: Solid red.

Presidential Medal of Merit

Who may be conferred: Filipinos and Foreigners

Who confers: the President


a) for outstanding service to the President, the Administration, or cabinet members;

b) for gaining prestige for the country in an international event, in the fields of literature, the sciences, the arts, entertainment, and other civilian fields of endeavor that foster national pride and artistic excellence;

c) who is a retiring cultural worker or artist, after serving the government in an official or advisory capacity, or a foreign artist who has promoted Philippine culture; or,

d) for acts of merit that enhance the prestige of the Republic of the Philippines, including heading the Philippine delegation or having contributed materially to the success of a major international conference or event that has brought prestige and honor to the country, including presidential visits overseas and major international events held in the Philippines.

Description: A cross patee in white enamel bearing a gilded fleur-de-lys between the arms; in the center a royal blue medallion bearing the Philippine sealion. HTSaEC

Composition: gilded bronze or copper.

Ribbon: Solid yellow.




Evening Dress
Dinner Dress
(White Tie)
At daytime
1 Grand Collar 1 Grand Collar 1 neck badge 1 Grand Collar  
or 1 neck badge or 1 neck badge   or 1 neck badge 1 neck
1 sash 1 sash 1 breast star Maximum of 4  
      breast stars Full-size
Miniature medals Maximum of 4 Miniature medals   medals
  breast stars   Full-size medals  
        At Evening
  Miniature medals     Functions
        1 neck





The Wear of Decorations with Civilian Dress






The Wear of Decorations with Uniform





Format for Diplomas and Certificates