Rules and Regulations Governing the Licensure of Primary Care Facilities in the Philippines ( DOH Administrative Order No. 2020-0047 )
September 30, 2020
September 30, 2020
SUBJECT | : | Rules and Regulations Governing the Licensure of Primary Care Facilities in the Philippines |
Section 27.b of the Universal Health Care (UHC) Act or Republic Act (RA) No. 11223 states that, "The DOH shall institute a licensing and regulatory system for stand-alone health facilities, including those providing ambulatory and primary care services, and other modes of health service provision." HTcADC
The Department of Health (DOH), through the Health Facilities and Services Regulatory Bureau (HFSRB) and Center for Health Development Regulation Licensing and Enforcement Divisions (CHD-RLEDs), already regulates stand-alone health facilities providing ambulatory services such as birthing homes, infirmaries, medical facilities for overseas workers and seafarers, ambulatory surgical clinics, and hemodialysis clinics.
As listed in the 2020 National Health Facility Registry, there are 2,592 rural health units (RHUs) classified as primary care facilities (PCFs) and are currently not being regulated by DOH. These PCFs shall deliver initial-contact, accessible, continuous, comprehensive and coordinated care to the communities they serve, as envisioned in the UHC Act. Thus, to fulfill the UHC goals in ensuring that only safe and quality primary care services are being delivered to every Filipino, PCFs will now be regulated and henceforth must comply with the licensing standards and requirements in this Order.
This Order aims to set the guidelines and the minimum standards and requirements for licensing primary care facilities.
This Order shall apply to all government and private primary care facilities, and not to the outpatient departments of hospitals and infirmaries that deliver primary care services.
A. Applicant — the natural or juridical person who is applying for a License to Operate or Certificate of Accreditation of a hospital or any other health facility.
B. Assessment Tool — the checklist which prescribes the minimum standards and requirements for licensure or accreditation of health facilities.
C. Department of Health-License to Operate (DOH-LTO) — a formal authority issued by DOH to an individual, agency, partnership or corporation to operate a hospital or other health facility.
D. Department of Health-Permit to Construct (DOH-PTC) — a permit issued by DOH through HFSRB to an applicant who will establish and operate a hospital or other health facility, upon compliance with required documents prior to the actual construction of the said facility. A DOH-PTC is also required for hospitals and other health facilities with substantial alteration, expansion, renovation, increase in the number of beds, transfer of site, or for additional services (add-ons) beyond their service capability. It is a prerequisite for License to Operate.
E. Health Facilities — refers to facilities or institutions, whether stationary or mobile, land based or otherwise, that provides any of the following services: diagnostics, therapeutic, rehabilitative, and other health care services except medical radiation facilities and hospital-based or stand-alone pharmacies.
F. Individual-based health services — refer to services which can be accessed within a health facility or remotely that can be definitively traced back to one (1) recipient, has limited effect at a population level and does not alter the underlying cause of illness such as ambulatory and inpatient care, medicines, laboratory tests and procedures, among others (RA 11223).
G. Initial Applications — refer to applications by newly constructed health facilities, or those with changes in the circumstances of the facility, such as, but not limited to, change of ownership, transfer of site, and increase in bed and major alterations or renovations.
H. One-Stop Shop (OSS) Licensing System — a strategy of the DOH to harmonize the licensure of hospitals, their ancillary and other health facilities including, but not limited to, the clinical laboratory, HIV testing, drinking water analysis and drug testing; blood bank, blood collection unit and blood station; dialysis clinic; ambulatory surgical clinic; pharmacy; and medical x-ray facility; but excluding hospital-based Medical Facilities for Overseas Workers and Seafarers (MFOWS), hospital-based Drug Abuse Treatment and Rehabilitation Center, hospital-based Stem Cell Facility, facilities for kidney transplantation, and facility using radioactive material that are currently regulated by the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI). The OSS shall also apply to non-hospital-based Medical Facilities for Overseas Workers and Seafarers, non-hospital-based Ambulatory Surgical Clinics, non-hospital-based Dialysis Clinics, Infirmaries and Birthing Homes.
I. Population-based health services — refer to interventions such as health promotion, disease surveillance, and vector control which have population groups as recipients (RA 11223).
J. Primary Care — refers to initial-contact, accessible, continuous, comprehensive and coordinated care that is accessible at the time of need including a range of services for all presenting conditions, and the ability to coordinate referrals to other health care providers in the health care delivery system, when necessary. (RA 11223)
K. Primary Care Facility (PCF) — refers to the institution that primarily delivers primary care services which shall be licensed or registered by the DOH (RA 11223 IRR).
L. Primary Care Provider Network (PCPN) — refers to a coordinated group of public, private, or mixed primary care providers, which serve as the foundation of a Health Care Provider Network (HCPN).
M. Primary Care Worker — refers to health care worker, who may be a health professional or community health worker/volunteer, certified by DOH to provide primary care services (RA 11223 IRR).
A. All Primary Care Facilities (PCFs) shall secure a DOH-LTO and must be compliant at all times with the licensing standards and requirements set forth by HFSRB and FDA.
B. PCFs under the same management, but operating in separate premises, shall secure separate DOH-LTOs.
C. A PCF can either be government-owned or privately-owned. It can be a rural health unit, urban health center, private medical clinic, among others.
D. All government PCFs shall provide both individual-based and population-based primary care services.
E. All private PCFs shall provide individual-based primary care services, based on the guidelines set forth by DOH and PhilHealth.
F. All PCFs shall follow the guidelines for individual and population based services set by DOH and PhilHealth.
G. PCFs shall provide medical consultations and minor surgical services within their premises and shall not be allowed to outsource these services.
H. Ancillary services of a PCF shall include the following:
1. Clinical laboratory
2. Diagnostic radiologic services
3. Pharmacy
4. Birthing services
5. Dental services
6. Ambulance service (Type 1)
I. Ancillary services shall comply with licensing standards set by DOH and/or FDA, as applicable.
J. If the ancillary services are owned by the PCF and located within its premises, such as, clinical laboratory, pharmacy, birthing services, diagnostic radiological services, dental services, and ambulance service, the guidelines for the OSS implementation based on AO No. 2018-0016, titled "Revised Guidelines in the Implementation of the One-Stop Shop Licensing System" shall be strictly followed at the Center for Health Development-Regulatory Licensing and Enforcement Divisions (CHD-RLEDs).
K. If ancillary services are outsourced and located either within or outside the premises of the PCF, a valid Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with DOH- or FDA-licensed facilities, as applicable, shall be required.
L. If the PCF and the ancillary services (located outside the premises of the PCF), have the same owner, a valid MOA or its equivalent shall still be required.
M. Barangay Health Stations (BHS) shall be under the supervision of their respective rural health units/urban health centers and shall not secure their own DOH-LTO.
N. All applications, whether for initial or renewal, shall be processed manually or through the Online Licensing and Regulatory System (OLRS), once the system is fully functional.
O. PCFs shall strictly follow the standards, criteria and requirements prescribed in the Assessment Tool for Licensing of Primary Care Facilities (ANNEX B). aScITE
A. Licensing Standards
PCFs shall follow the standards, criteria and requirements prescribed in the Licensing Standards for Primary Care Facilities (ANNEX A).
B. Assessment Tool
An Assessment Tool for Licensing of Primary Care Facilities (ANNEX B) shall be used by regulatory officers and other stakeholders to evaluate compliance of PCFs to DOH standards and technical requirements for safety. This particular tool shall also serve as the Self-Assessment Tool to be used by owners of PCFs prior to inspection or monitoring visits by the CHD-RLEDs.
C. A single DOH-LTO shall be issued to the PCF, and shall include:
1. Category of health facility;
2. Ownership; and
3. Validity period.
D. Every PCF may be monitored by CHD-RLEDs.
E. PCF shall have a contingency plan in case of suspension or revocation of the DOH or FDA LTO of any of its ancillary services, whether located within or outside its premises.
F. PCFs shall have a Manual of Operations, which shall include, but not limited to, the standard operating procedures being implemented in the facility, the DOH guidelines and Manual of Procedures for primary care services, once available; and copies of relevant laws and DOH issuances.
G. PCFs shall use only FDA registered drugs and/or devices.
A. Application for DOH-PTC
1. A DOH-PTC shall be required for construction of new PCFs and for renovation or expansion of existing PCFs.
2. A completely filled out application form for DOH-PTC, whether manual or online, shall be submitted to the respective CHD-RLED.
3. The procedural guidelines for the processing of DOH-PTC shall be in accordance with Administrative Order (AO) No. 2016-0042, also known as, "Guidelines in the Application for Department of Health-Permit to Construct (DOH-PTC)."
B. Application for DOH-LTO
1. A completely filled out application form for DOH-LTO, whether manual or online, shall be submitted to the respective CHD-RLED.
2. All applications, whether for initial or renewal, shall be processed manually or through the OLRS, once the system is fully functional.
3. The licensing process, both for initial and renewal of DOH-LTO, shall be in accordance with AO No. 2018-0016, also known as, "Revised Guidelines in the Implementation of the One-Stop Shop Licensing System."
4. For ancillary services owned and located within the premises of the PCF, the following documents shall be transmitted to CHD-RLED by the following releasing offices either manually or through the OLRS, once the system is fully functional:
Releasing Office |
Document |
Food and Drug Administration-Center for Device Regulation Radiation Health Research (FDA-CDRRHR)/FDA Regional Field Office (FDA-RFO) |
Certificate of Compliance for diagnostic radiology |
FDA Regional Field Office |
Recommendation Letter/ |
C. Validity of DOH-LTO
The DOH-LTO of PCF shall be valid for three (3) years. Renewal of DOH-LTO shall follow the annual cut-off dates as prescribed in AO No. 2019-0004, titled "Guidelines on the Annual Cut-off Dates for Receipt of Complete Applications for Regulatory Authorizations Issued by the Department of Health."
D. Fees
1. The DOH-LTO fee shall follow the schedule of fees prescribed by DOH.
2. The applicant, upon filing the application, shall pay the corresponding fee to the CHD Cashier.
A. Any violations relative to the existing laws, rules and regulations of PCF and its ancillary services shall be subjected to the corresponding sanctions stated in their respective existing laws, rules and regulations, and this Order. The sanctions shall be borne by the PCF, regardless of location and ownership.
B. The following shall be considered as a violation of PCF:
1. Noncompliance to any of the licensing standards indicated in the Assessment Tool for Licensing of Primary Care Facilities (ANNEX B) beyond the compliance period provided by CHD-RLED.
2. Noncompliance of an ancillary service, regardless of location and ownership, beyond the compliance period provided by CHD-RLED or FDA. However, if the PCF has more than one (1) outsourced clinical laboratory, diagnostic radiologic services, pharmacy, birthing services, dental services, and ambulance service (Type 1), with a valid MOA, the PCF will not be sanctioned if at least one ancillary facility of the appropriate category is fully compliant with existing rules and regulations.
C. The following sanctions shall be imposed on PCFs found with violations:
1. For violation to any of the licensing standards indicated in the Assessment Tool for Licensing of Primary Care Facilities (ANNEX B) beyond the compliance period provided by CHD-RLED:
Number of Incidence |
Sanction |
First Offense |
Written Warning |
Second Offense |
Thirty thousand pesos (Php30,000) |
Third Offense |
Fifty thousand pesos (Php50,000) |
Fourth Offense |
Suspension of thirty days (30 days) or revocation of LTO |
2. For noncompliance of an ancillary service, regardless of location and ownership, beyond the compliance period provided by CHD-RLED or FDA:
Number of Incidence |
Sanction |
First Offense |
Written Warning |
Second Offense |
Twenty thousand pesos (Php20,000) |
Third Offense |
Additional twenty percent (20%) of the previous fine |
Fourth Offense and onwards |
Suspension of thirty days (30 days) or revocation of LTO |
D. The PCFs or the ancillary service/s shall be cleared of its violation after complying with the necessary corrective actions and the prescribed sanction.
Any PCF aggrieved by the decision of the Director IV of CHD, or in his/her absence or unavailability or when delegated, the Director III of CHD, may, within ten (10) days after receipt of the notice of decision file a notice of appeal to the Secretary of Health, whose decision shall be absolute and executory. All pertinent documents and records of the applicant shall then be elevated by the CHD.
A. The requirement for DOH-PTC shall be waived for existing and operating PCFs prior to the effectivity of this Order. In lieu of this requirement, an as-built plan shall be submitted to the CHD-RLED.
B. The application fee for DOH-LTO and DOH-PTC for PCF shall be waived until a new schedule of fees is issued by DOH.
C. Existing PCFs which cannot completely comply with the licensing standards of ambulance service based on A.O. No. 2018-0001, also known as "Revised Rules and Regulations Governing the Licensure of Ambulances and Ambulance Service Providers," during initial application of DOH-LTO shall be given a grace period until October 1, 2022. A DOH-registered Patient Transport Vehicle shall serve as the transportation service of the PCF while complying with the licensing standards of their ambulance service. HEITAD
D. Furthermore, existing PCFs which cannot completely comply with the required dental equipment and instruments in Annex B of this Order during initial application of DOH-LTO shall be given a grace period until October 1, 2023, to attain full compliance with the licensing standards set forth by this Order.
Provisions from previous issuances that are inconsistent or contrary to the provisions of this Order are hereby rescinded and modified accordingly.
In the events that any provision or part of this Order is declared unconstitutional or null and void or rendered invalid by any court of law of competent authority, those provisions not affected by such declaration shall remain valid and effective.
This order shall take effect fifteen (15) days after publication in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation. Copies of this Order shall be filed with the U.P. Law Center pursuant to Book VII, Chapter 2, Sec. 3 of E.O. 292.
(SGD.) FRANCISCO T. DUQUE III, MD, MScSecretary of Health
Health Facilities and Services Regulatory Bureau
Licensing Standards for Primary Care Facilities
There shall be an adequate number of qualified, trained and competent staff to ensure efficient and effective delivery of quality primary care services.
A. Every PCF shall have a duly licensed physician, as head of the facility, to oversee the clinical and administrative operations of the health facility.
B. For rural health units and urban health centers, the head of the facility shall also oversee the clinical and administrative operations of barangay health stations within their jurisdiction.
C. The minimum staffing standards such as staff composition and number/ratio shall be set by DOH. Adjustments in the staffing pattern shall depend on the workload and services being provided, using applicable workload assessment tools.
D. The staff must be competent and shall have the appropriate learning and development interventions and certification prescribed by DOH as a primary care worker.
E. There shall be staff development and continuing education program at all levels of organization to upgrade the knowledge, attitude and skills of staff.
Every PCF shall have physical facilities with adequate and appropriate areas to safely, effectively, and efficiently provide health services to patients. As such, it shall:
A. Conform to applicable national and local regulations for the construction, renovation, maintenance and repair of the same.
B. Conform to the required space for the conduct of its activities depending on its workload and the services being provided, as stated in the Checklist for Review of Floor Plans for Primary Care Facility (ANNEX C).
C. Have an approved DOH-Permit to Construct (DOH-PTC) in accordance with the planning and design guidelines prepared by DOH (ANNEX C).
Every PCF shall have available and operational equipment, instruments, materials and supplies consistent with the services it will provide. As such, it shall:
A. Adequately equipped based on the primary care services it provides.
B. Have an updated inventory, program for calibration, preventive maintenance and repair of equipment.
C. Have a contingency plan in case of equipment breakdown and malfunction.
Every PCF shall ensure that the services being delivered to patients comply with the standards in the Assessment Tool for Licensing of PCF (ANNEX B) and other related relevant issuances.
A. Primary care services, both individual- and population-based, shall be defined and set into guidelines by DOH and PhilHealth.
B. All government PCFs shall provide both individual-based and population-based primary care services.
C. All private PCFs shall provide individual-based primary care services.
D. Ancillary services of PCF include the following:
1. Clinical laboratory
2. Diagnostic radiologic services
3. Pharmacy
4. Birthing services
5. Dental services
6. Ambulance service (Type 1)
E. Ancillary services may be outsourced and located outside the premises of PCF, through a valid Memorandum of Agreement with DOH or FDA-licensed health facilities or services within the primary care provider network.
F. Clinical laboratory services, either provided within the PCF or outsourced from one or more DOH-licensed clinical laboratories, shall include the following:
1. Complete blood count with platelet count
2. Urinalysis
3. Fecalysis
4. Fecal occult blood test
5. Lipid profile (total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides)
6. Fasting blood sugar
7. Oral glucose tolerance test
8. Pap smear
9. Creatinine
10. Blood typing
11. Screening for hepatitis B, syphilis, and HIV
12. Sputum microscopy or Nucleic acid amplification test
13. Dengue rapid test
G. In DOH-identified endemic areas, additional appropriate diagnostic test/s shall be provided, either within the PCF or outsourced from one or more DOH-licensed clinical laboratories (example: Kato Katz Schistosomiasis, Malaria smear, Filaria smear, slit-skin smear, and rapid plasma reagin for Syphilis).
H. Every PCF shall have documented administrative Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the provision of its services.
I. Every PCF shall have documented technical policies and procedures for individual-based and/or population-based primary care services, based on policies, guidelines, and Manual of Procedures issued by DOH and PhilHealth.
J. Every PCF shall have documented policies and procedures on the establishment and/or its participation in the primary care provider network.
K. PCFs that provide primary care services through digital technologies for health and mobile health services, shall adhere to the existing or subsequent telemedicine guidelines issued by DOH Knowledge Management and Information Technology Service (KMITS).
Every PCF shall establish and maintain a system for continuous quality improvement activities.
A. Each PCF shall have policies and procedures on Quality Assurance Program (QAP) and continuous quality improvement.
B. The Quality Assurance Program shall have a written plan and its implementation shall be continuous with period reviews.
Every PCF shall maintain a system of communication, recording and reporting and releasing of patient's results, in adherence to Republic Act (RA) No. 10173 also known as the "Data Privacy Act of 2012" and RA No. 11332 also known as the "Mandatory Reporting of Notifiable Diseases and Health Events of Public Health Concern Act."
A. Medical Records
B. Validated Electronic Medical Records (EMR)
C. Proof of submission of data to National Database of Human Resources for Health Information System (NDHRHIS)
D. Technical records/logbooks of: ATICcS
1. Sentinel/adverse events
2. Navigation, coordination and referrals of patients through the Primary Care Provider Network and Health Care Provider Network
E. Administrative records of:
1. Minutes of the Meeting
2. Attendance logbook
3. 201 Personnel Staff files
4. Reports of DOH inspection and monitoring activities
5. Preventive and corrective maintenance of equipment
6. Maintenance and monitoring of health facility
F. Records Management
1. There shall be documented policies and procedures on access to and confidentiality of patient's information. Likewise, the right of the patient to obtain records of treatment and other relevant medical information shall be observed.
2. Retention and disposal of medical records and other relevant information whether paper-based or electronic media shall be in accordance with the standards promulgated by DOH or by competent authorities for such purposes.
PCF shall ensure that the environment is safe for its patients and staff, including the general public.
A. There shall be a program of proper maintenance and monitoring of physical facilities.
B. There shall be procedures for the proper disposal of infectious wastes and toxic and hazardous substances in accordance with RA 6969, also known as "Toxic and Hazardous Substances and Nuclear Wastes Act" and other related policy guidelines and/or issuances.
C. There shall be a "No smoking policy" and that the same shall be strictly enforced.
D. There shall be a contingency plan in case of accidents and emergencies.
Assessment Tool for Licensing a Primary Care Facility
Planning and Design Guidelines for Primary Care Facility
This Planning and Design Guidelines applies to all new construction and renovation of primary care facilities (PCF) as defined and classified under this Administrative Order. The following provisions and requirements shall be applied in the planning and design process of the construction, addition, alteration and renovation of a PCF.
1. General Requirements:
1.1 Location. The Primary Care Facility (PCF) shall be situated in an area or location that is conveniently accessible both to clients and staff via available means of public transportation.
1.2 Access. Separation and access shall be maintained, regardless the classification of PCF and whether the PCF is freestanding or is part of another facility. Building entrance should be at grade level, clearly marked, and located so that patients need not go through other activity areas. Design shall preclude unrelated traffic within the facility.
1.3 Privacy. The design shall ensure appropriate levels of patient audible and visual privacy and dignity throughout the care process, from the interviews, examinations, treatment, counselling and other testing procedures and related activities.
1.4 Parking. A PCF shall provide a minimum of one (1) parking space for every one hundred (100) square meters of gross floor area (GFA) and the fraction thereof. Aside from this, the PCF shall also provide a designated Parking slot for an ambulance and/or patient transport vehicle.
1.5 The PCF shall conform to all applicable local and national regulation for the construction, renovation, maintenance and repair of its facilities.
2. Space Requirements
2.1 The PCF shall have adequate space or area provided for its various space/room requirements in order to attain the effective and efficient operation of its activities and functions.
2.2 PCF shall provide have the following zones, if applicable:
2.2.1 General Administrative Services and Public Areas;
2.2.2 Clinical Services Area;
2.2.3 Ancillary Services Area;
2.2.4 Support Services Area.
2.3 The General Administrative and Public Areas shall be comprised of the following spaces:
2.3.1 Main Lobby, provided with: A Reception and information counter or desk. Sufficient waiting area for clients, an area of 1.4 square meters shall be allocated per person. Consideration should be given to special needs of specific patient groups, such as of person with disabilities (PWD), infants, pregnant women, etc., such as dedicated seats for PWD, presence of ramps in the entrance, handrails, diaper changing and breastfeeding room, and alike. Conveniently accessible toilet for the public. Provision of one (1) toilet for every eight (8) patient shall be applied. A separate toilet for male and female is preferred, and shall be PWD-accessible. Conveniently accessible wheelchair storage.
2.3.2 Office for Staff. General or individual office(s) for the staff, business transactions, and clerical and administrative functions shall be provided, with sufficient space for the staff and the activity involved therein, to attain effective and efficient operation of its activities and function. A separate toilet for the staff, Provision of one (1) toilet for every fifteen (15) personnel shall be applied. Other spaces for staff such as conference room, staff pantry and the like, are optional.
2.3.3 Sufficient Storage for Records and Supplies.
2.4 The Clinical Services Area shall be composed of the following spaces:
2.4.1 Physician Office(s)/Consultation Room(s);
2.4.2 Medical Examination Room, which shall have a minimum floor area of 7.43 square meters per examination table/bed, exclusive of ante-room and toilet (if any). Room arrangement should permit of at least 850 mm clearance at the side and foot of the examination table/bed. A space for handwashing and a counter/shelf space for writing shall be provided.
2.4.3 Minor surgical room shall have a minimum floor area of twelve (12) square meters, excluding vestibule and toilet (if any). The minimum room dimension shall be three (3) meters. A hand washing station and a counter or shelf for writing shall be provided. A space for handwashing shall be provided.
2.5 The Ancillary Services Area(s) shall be composed of the following spaces:
2.5.1 Clinical Laboratory, which shall be composed of the following: Extraction Area, separate from the Clinical work area; Clinical Work Area with Sink (minimum of 20.00 square meters in floor area); A Pathologist Area (may be a separate room or be a part of the Clinical Work Area); Access to Toilet and waiting area.
2.5.2 Diagnostic Radiology Facility. The Medical X-ray Facility (Chest X-ray for Heart and Lungs) shall meet the requirements set by the FDA-CDRRHR, and shall comprise of the following spaces: X-ray room (with a minimum width of 2.50 m. and minimum length of 3.00 m. as required by the DOH-CDRRHR), and a control booth and dressing area; Darkroom (with a minimum dimension of 2.00 m by 1.50 m as required by the DOH-CDRRHR); Film Reading Room and Film File Storage; Access to Toilet and waiting area;
2.5.3 Birthing Facility (must comply with the requirements provided in the Annex C — Planning and Design Guidelines for Birthing Home of Administrative Order No. 2016-0042 of the Guidelines in the Application for the DOH-Permit-to-Construct (PTC)).
2.5.4 Pharmacy, with a minimum floor area of fifteen (15) square meters, provided with work counter and sink.
2.5.5 Dental Clinic. Provide at least 8.63 square meters per dental chair that includes space for one (1) dental chair, space for movement of person, and space for passage of equipment.
2.5.6 Designated Parking Area for Ambulance and/or Patient Transport Vehicle.
2.6 The Support Services Area(s) shall be composed of the following spaces:
2.6.1 Waste Holding Room/Area, for temporary and sanitary storage of segregated waste which includes infectious waste such as contaminated sharps and needles and non-infectious waste or general waste;
2.6.2 Janitor's Closet, with slop sink and housekeeping cabinet;
2.6.3 Designated Sputum Collection Area. TIADCc
3. Functional Requirements
3.1 The different areas of the PCF shall be functionally related to each other.
3.2 Main entrance of the PCF directly accessible from public road and should be located at ground level with sufficient ramps compliant to BP 344 (with a clear width of 1.2 meters and minimum slope of 1:12) to accommodate person with disabilities (PWD) and groups with special needs.
3.3 There shall be a ramp for clinical and ancillary services located on the upper floor (if any).
3.4 The Reception and information counter or desk shall be located in such a manner that it will afford visual control of the main entry to the PCF. Its layout shall allow the staff to see and acknowledge incoming clients/patients and at the same time facilitate their transaction activities.
3.5 The waiting area shall be planned in such a way that it is easily accessible from the main entry and located adjacent to the Reception and information counter or desk. Furthermore, the waiting area shall have a pleasing environment for the clients and patients and shall be adequately spaced and provided with appropriate furniture.
3.6 The office, shall be located adjacent to the lobby and both shall be located near the main entrance of the PCF.
3.7 The design and planning of the PCF shall also consider important factors such as medical equipment to be accommodated (especially those of the diagnostic radiological and clinical laboratory facilities), proper office/clinic layout/s which include/s furniture, fixtures and equipment, provision of client-friendly transaction windows and counter where necessary, comfortable seats for waiting and appropriate signage.
3.8 The General Administrative Service and Public Areas namely the Lobby, The Office, and Records Storage shall be planned contiguous to one another as they are closely related in terms of function, providing easy accessibility between these areas.
3.9 The Consultation and Examination Rooms shall be planned adjacent or easily accessible from the main lobby.
3.10 The Minor Surgical Room and Birthing Room shall be located away from the main traffic and access shall be limited to authorized personnel and patient only.
3.11 The Ancillary Zone for diagnostic services, namely the Clinical Laboratory and Medical X-ray Facility, shall also be planned contiguous or adjacent to one another. Appropriate waiting areas for these rooms should be provided.
3.12 Ancillary Services Areas shall be located and arranged to prevent non-related traffic through the room.
3.13 Support Service areas shall be planned in such a way that they are accessible to both clients and staff but concealed from the direct view or zoned away from the rest of the major areas of the PCF for aesthetic purposes. These rooms may be clustered in a service zone or perhaps located at corridor ends.
3.14 Sputum Collection Area shall be located in an open air environment away from the main flow of patients and staff in the facility, but should be not too far away from the point where the patient can deliver the sputum sample, and shall be provided with partitions on both side for privacy and lavatory/sink for handwashing.
4. Specific Technical Requirements
4.1 Fire Safety. The PCF shall conform to the Division 11 of Chapter 2 and applicable provisions of the 2019 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9514 or the Fire Code of the Philippines. There shall be a minimum of two (2) exits, as remote from each other for each floor of the building, which terminates directly at an open public space to the outside of the building. Exits shall be restricted to the following permissible types: Doors leading directly outside the building; stairs and smoke-proof enclosures, ramps, horizontal exits and exit passageways.
4.2 Patient Movement. The recommended minimum width for public corridor for PCF shall be at least but not limited to 1.80 meters or six (6) feet. Wider corridors shall be provided if waiting areas along the corridor will be accommodated. Width of service corridors may be reduced to 1.20 meters. Rooms shall be properly labelled and identified for ease of way finding.
4.3 Lighting. The entire facility shall be well-lighted for the comfort of patients and staffs.
4.4 Ventilation. There shall be provision of natural ventilation (if applicable) for comfortable environment of patient and staff. Nonetheless, the facility may opt for artificial ventilation if natural ventilation is not possible. Areas requiring a controlled environment, such as the laboratory, diagnostic radiological facility and areas handling temperature sensitive supplies and equipment, shall be artificially ventilated to attain specific HVAC requirements.
In compliance with the Building Code requirements, floor to ceiling height of all rooms of the PCF shall be at least but not limited to 2.40 meters for artificially ventilated rooms and 2.70 meters for naturally ventilated rooms. However, for radiographic and other rooms containing tall and ceiling-mounted equipment, the ceiling shall be of sufficient height in order to accommodate the equipment and/or fixtures.
4.5 Water Supply. A water supply from an approved public water supply system whenever available shall be provided. However, other sources may be tapped provided that the water supply has under gone thorough treatment to make it safe for human consumption. Water tank shall also be installed if it necessary just to ensure that the water supply required for the efficient function of the facility is maintained.
4.6 Flooring. Floor finishes to be used for various rooms and areas of the PCF shall be readily cleanable and appropriately wear-resistant. Floors subject to traffic while wet (i.e., entrance porch and toilet facilities) shall have a non-slip surface.
4.7 Walls and Partitions. All walls of the Clinical Laboratory in general shall be structurally sound, safe, and sturdy with minimum fire resistant rating as prescribed by the Fire Code of the Philippines for this type of occupancy. Wall finishes shall be washable and in the proximity of plumbing fixtures shall be smooth and moisture resistant.
The outlying walls housing the examination rooms, minor surgical room, diagnostic radiological facility (with special enclosures as specified by the Center for Device Regulation, Radiation Health and Research (CDRRHR)), Clinical Working Area of the Clinical Laboratory, Birthing Facility and toilet facilities shall be constructed from floor to ceiling to ensure a safe and secured environment with audio and visual privacy for patients undergoing procedures.
The interior walls enclosing the clinical services areas shall concave at the base of the wall towards the floor to create a seamless finish to prevent the accumulation of dirt and dust.
Cubicle curtains and draperies if used for the PCF shall be non-combustible or flame-retardant.
4.8 Doors. The minimum clear opening for the main door for the PCF shall be at least but not limited to 0.90 meters to easily accommodate patients regardless of the type of movement. Installing vision panels to control doors and doors leading to clinical and ancillary services rooms is recommended, if applicable.
The recommended door width of rooms of the PCF that will accommodate patients for consultation, examination, and treatment purposes shall be at least but not limited to 860 millimeters for convenient access of both users and equipment.
Windows. The minor surgical room and birthing room (if birthing facility is on-site) may have windows for natural light and cross ventilation of natural air especially during routine decontamination or cleaning, provided that such windows shall be at least 1.60 meters from the finished floor up to the window sill to ensure privacy.
5. References
A. Relevant Laws and Standards
a) Batas Pambansa Blg. 344. An Act to Enhance the Mobility of Disabled Persons.
b) Presidential Decree (PD) 1096. The National Building Code with its revised Implementing Rules and Regulations.
c) 2019 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA 9514 Fire Code of the Philippines.
d) 1999 National Plumbing Code of the Philippines of the RA 1378 or the Plumbing Law.
B. DOH Issuances and Manuals
a) A.O. 2016-0042 — Guidelines in the Application for Department of Health-Permit to Construct (PTC). Department of Health, Manila, 2016.
b) Manual on Healthcare Waste Management, 4th Edition. Department of Health, 2020.
C. Books and Publication
a) Guidelines for Design and Construction of Hospital and Health Care Facilities. American Institute of Architects, 2001.
b) De Chiara, Joseph, (2001). Time-Saver Standards for Building Types (4th edition). McGraw-Hill Book Company.
c) Fajardo (2002). Planning and Designers Handbook, Second Edition. Quezon City. 5138 Merchandising.
Checklist for Review of Floor Plans
Sample Floor Plan
Sample Floor Plan