Revised Rules and Regulations Governing the Issuance of Non-Professional Driver's Licenses ( LTO Administrative Order No. AVT-2015-031 )

September 22, 2015

September 22, 2015


SUBJECT : Revised Rules and Regulations Governing the Issuance of Non-Professional Driver's Licenses


In accordance with the provisions of Republic Act No. 4136, otherwise known as the Land Transportation and Traffic Code, as amended by Batas Pambansa Blg. 398, the following rules and regulations governing the issuance of Non-Professional Driver's Licenses are hereby prescribed and promulgated for the compliance, information and guidance of all concerned:

I. Coverage

This Order revises the rules and regulations governing the issuance of Non-Professional Driver's Licenses, its qualifications, requirements, procedures and validity in order to ensure the efficient and effective implementation of the laws, rules and regulations implementing the same.

II. Definition of Terms

A. Driver — shall mean any licensed operator of a motor vehicle.

B. Student Driver's Permit (SP) — is an authority embodied in a form prescribed by the Land Transportation Office (LTO) to a person who desires to learn to operate a motor vehicle when accompanied by a duly licensed driver, whether Non-Professional or Professional, possessing the appropriate restriction code/s for the type of motor vehicle driven.

C. Non-Professional Driver's License (NPDL) — is an authority embodied in a form prescribed by the LTO to a person to operate a private motor vehicle.

D. Professional Driver's License (PDL) — is an authority embodied in a form prescribed by the LTO to a person to operate a private or public utility vehicle.

E. Motor Vehicle (MV) — refers to any vehicle propelled by any power other than muscular power using the public highways but excepting road rollers, trolley cars, street-sweepers, sprinklers, lawn mowers, bulldozers, graders, forklifts, amphibian trucks and cranes if not used on public highways, vehicles which run only on rails or tracks, and tractors, trailers and traction engines of all kinds used exclusively for agricultural products. HEITAD

F. Private MV — refers to MV owned by individuals and juridical persons for private use.

G. Public Utility/For-Hire (PUV) — refers to a vehicle with a valid Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC) issued by the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) or City/Municipal Tricycle Operators Permit (MTOP) issued by the Local Government Unit (LGU) where the route of operation is indicated.

H. Restriction Code (RC) — is a specification in the driver's license as to the type of MV a licensed driver is allowed to operate.

I. Accredited Physician — refers to any practicing doctor of medicine duly licensed to practice medicine in the Philippines, who examines applicants for driver's and conductors' licenses and issue medical certificates as proof thereof.

J. Medical Certificate — is a statement from a physician that attests to the result of a medical examination done on an applicant.

K. Drivers with Partial Disability — refers to drivers given certain limitations as a result of a partial physical impairment.

L. Delinquent Driver's License — refers to any type of driver's license whose validity has already expired for a period of less than two (2) years.

M. Dormant Driver's License — refers to any driver's license that has expired or has been delinquent for two (2) but less than ten (10) years. Any driver's license that has expired for ten (10) years or more shall have its records cancelled and applicant shall revert to the requirements for a new application for a Student Permit.

N. Foreign Driver's License — refers to a valid driver's license duly issued by a foreign sovereignty.

O. Conversion of Foreign Driver's License — refers to an application for the conversion of a Foreign Driver's License to an NPDL.

P. Change Classification — refers to an application to change a PDL to an NPDL.

III. Qualifications and Requirements

A. Qualifications:

1. Must be at least eighteen (18) years old;

2. Must be physically and mentally fit to operate a motor vehicle;

3. Must be able to read and write Filipino, English or the applicable local dialect;

4. Must be a holder of a valid SP issued at least thirty (30) days prior to the application; and

5. In addition, for foreigners, the applicant must have been in the Philippines for at least one (1) month with proof that he/she will stay in the country for at least one (1) year from date of application.

B. Documentary Requirements for the Issuance of a New NPDL/Conversion:

1. Duly accomplished Application for Driver's License (ADL);

2. Valid SP issued at least thirty (30) days from date of application;

3. Medical Certificate issued by any licensed practicing physician stating that the applicant is physically and mentally fit to operate a motor vehicle or otherwise stating his/her impairment; and

4. In addition, for foreigners, original and photocopy of passport with entry of at least one (1) month and visa duration of at least one (1) year from date of application, or if born in the Philippines, present original and photocopy of birth certificate duly authenticated by the NSO.

- In the event that the applicant is a holder of a valid Foreign Driver's License, the applicant may present the original and photocopy of Foreign Driver's License, if not in English language, original and photocopy of official English translation from the local Embassy of the issuing country, instead of an SP.

C. Documentary Requirements for Subsequent Transactions after the issuance of an NPDL:

a. Renewal

i. NPDL not expired for more than ten (10) years; and

ii. Medical Certificate issued by any licensed practicing physician stating that the applicant is physically and mentally fit to operate a motor vehicle or otherwise stating his/her impairment.

b. Additional Restrictions Codes

i. Duly accomplished ADL; ATICcS

ii. Valid NPDL; and

iii. Medical Certificate issued by any licensed practicing physician stating that the applicant is physically and mentally fit to operate a motor vehicle or otherwise stating his/her impairment.

c. Revision of Records/Change Classification

i. Duly accomplished ADL;

ii. Valid NPDL/PDL; and

iii. In cases of change/s in name, date of birth and/or civil status, original and photocopy of birth certificate or marriage contract, as the case may be, duly authenticated by the NSO.

IV. Procedure

A. New NPDL/Additional Restriction Codes

1. Step 1

 The applicant shall submit all the documentary requirements to the receiving personnel.

- Receiving personnel shall check only the completeness of the documents required and transmit the same to an evaluator.

- The evaluator shall evaluate the qualifications of the applicant and, if qualified, encode the application in the system.

2. Step 2

 The applicant shall be called for photo and signature taking.

3. Step 3

 The applicant shall be called to pay the required fees to the Cashier.

4. Step 4

 The applicant shall immediately proceed to undergo written examinations in the form of the Basic Driving Theory Test for NPDL and will be immediately informed of the results of the same.

5. Step 5

 An applicant who passes the written examinations for NPDL shall be required to immediately take the practical driving test for the RC/s applied for.

 After passing both examinations, the application shall be approved by the Approving Officer.

- Applicants who fail to pass the Basic Driving Theory Test and/or the Practical Driving Test shall not be allowed to take the same test within a period of one (1) month from the date of the last examination. If the applicant fails to pass any of the written or practical examinations twice within a period of one (1) year, he/she shall not be allowed to apply for the same within a period of one (1) year from the date of the last examination. If applicant fails to pass any of the written or practical examinations thrice, he/she shall no longer be allowed to apply for the same for a period of two (2) years from the time of the latest failure. However, in case the application is only for additional RC/s, he/she shall be allowed to renew his/her NPDL and, for this purpose, such shall be annotated on the record of the applicant.

6. Step 6

 Upon approval, the NPDL card with the Official Receipt shall be released to the applicant, who shall be required to write his/her name and affix his/her signature in the appropriate Release Form.

B. NPDL Renewal/Conversion/Revision of Records/Change Classification

1. Step 1

 The applicant shall submit all the documentary requirements to the receiving personnel.

- Receiving personnel shall retrieve the details of the license from the system and show the same to the applicant, who shall be required to confirm the same for any revision/s and be informed of the appropriate fees to be paid.

- If there are no revision/s to be made, applicant shall be advised to proceed to the next step.

- If there are revision/s to be made, the applicant shall be required to fill up an ADL for the desired revision/s attaching therewith the appropriate document/s required, if necessary, for re-submission. For this purpose, ADL forms must be made readily available for applicant/s at the same receiving window.

 In cases of revision/s of records only, the receiving personnel shall check only the completeness of the re-submitted documents and transmit the same to an evaluator.

- The evaluator shall evaluate the qualification of the applicant and, if qualified, encode the application in the system.

- Upon encoding, the application shall be approved by the Approving Officer. TIADCc

2. Step 2

 The applicant shall be called for photo and signature taking.

3. Step 3

 The applicant shall be called to pay the required fees to the Cashier.

4. Step 4

 The NPDL card with the Official Receipt and the expired card shall be released to the applicant, who shall be required to write his/her name and affix his/her signature in the appropriate Release Form.

V. Validity

A. An NPDL holder may only operate a private MV with RC 1, 2, 4 and 6. 

B. All appropriate RCs and Conditions must be indicated in the driver's license cards.

C. An NPDL shall be valid for three (3) consecutive years reckoned from the date of birth of the licensee, unless sooner revoked or suspended. However, an NPDL holder who has not committed any violation/s during the three (3)-year period preceding its expiration shall be entitled to a renewal of such license for a five (5) year period.

D. All licenses may be applied for renewal on or before, but not earlier than thirty (30) days from, the date of birth of the license holder. Provided, however, that a license holder who can present an airline ticket showing proof of imminent travel out of the country during the time the NPDL must or may be renewed, shall be allowed to renew his/her license earlier than 30 days from expiry thereof.

E. If the expiry date falls on a weekend, holiday or non-working day, the license shall be renewed on or before the last working day prior to the expiry date of such license, otherwise the same shall become delinquent except when the license is surrendered to the LTO on or before the last working day prior to the expiry date in order to avoid payment of the delinquency fees.

F. Any driver who fails to renew his license when required and within a period of two years from the expiration thereof may renew the same provided that the penalties for late renewal are paid.

G. Any expired license, which is not renewed for more than two (2) years but less than ten (10) years from such expiration, may be renewed after payment of penalties for late renewal. In addition, the applicant shall be required to undergo and pass both the written and practical examinations.

H. Any expired license, which has expired or remained dormant for more than ten (10) years, shall no longer be renewed. The applicant may, however, re-apply for a new driver's license after securing an SP.

VI. Storage of License

Any driver who desires to discontinue using his license may surrender the same to any LTO Licensing Center, District or Extension Office. The storing Office, upon payment by the applicant of the Storage Fee shall inform the License Section of the Central Office, through its Regional Office, of the storage for the annotation of the driver's license record.

VII. Restriction Codes and Conditions

A. Restriction Codes:

Motorcycles/Motorized Tricycles/bicycle 1
- Propelled with motor or battery-operated  
Vehicles up to 4500 kgs. GVW 2
- This includes motor/electric/hybrid  
  vehicles with conventional clutch up  
  to 4500 kgs. GVW  
Vehicles above 4500 kgs. GVW 3
- This is limited to motor/electric/hybrid  
  vehicles with conventional clutch above  
  4500 kgs. GVW  
Automatic Clutch up to 4500 kgs. GVW 4
- This includes motor vehicles with  
  automatic clutch up to 4500 kgs. GVW  
Automatic Clutch above 4500 kgs. GVW 5
- This is limited to motor vehicles with  
  automatic clutch above 4500 kgs. GVW  
Articulated Vehicle 1600 kgs. GVW and below 6
- This includes motor vehicles with light  
  trailer, i.e., Jeep trailer, up to 1600 kgs.  
Articulated Vehicle 1601 up to 4500 kgs. GVW 7
- This includes motor vehicles with medium  
  trailer, i.e., horse trailer, 1601 up to 4500  
  kgs. & above GVW  
Articulated Vehicle 4501 kgs. & above GVW 8
- This includes motor vehicles with heavy  
  trailer, i.e., long-bed trailer, high bed trailer,  
  truck trailer 4501 kgs. & above GVW  


VIII. Venue of Application

A. Applications for new NPDL as well as its subsequent transactions may be done at any LTO Licensing Center and District/Extension Office. AIDSTE

B. The plain renewal of NPDL without revision may be done at any LTO Driver's Licensing Renewal Offices (DLROs).

IX. Administrative Liability

Any official or employee who, after due notice and hearing, is found guilty of committing any of the following acts, either willfully or through negligence, shall be administratively liable for offense(s) defined under the Civil Service Laws, rules and regulations:

A. Issuing or causing the issuance/renewal of any NPDL in violation of any of the provisions of this Order;

B. Reporting or certifying that an applicant met the qualifications; submitted the documentary requirements; and/or that the applicant is physically and mentally fit to operate a motor vehicle; when any or all of such statement(s) is not the case;

C. Failure to indicate the appropriate Restriction or Condition in the NPDL;

D. Failure to file and certify any required report;

E. Conspiring and/or assisting in the commission of any of the foregoing acts; and

F. Violating or preventing, by his act or omission, the enforcement or implementation of any of the provisions of this Administrative Order.

X. Repealing Clause

All prior orders, circulars and memoranda as well as any related issuances or part thereof, inconsistent with these provisions are hereby repealed or amended accordingly.

XI. Separability Clause

If any provisions of this Administrative Order or the application thereof to any person or circumstance are held invalid, the remainder of this Order, and the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances, shall not be affected thereby.

XII. Effectivity

This Order shall take effect fifteen (15) days after publication in two (2) newspapers of general circulation in the Philippines.


(SGD.) ATTY. ALFONSO V. TAN, JR.Assistant Secretary



Published in The Philippine Daily Inquirer on October 25, 2015.