Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations Governing the Administration and Enforcement of Republic Act No. 7183 ( IRR of RA 7183 )
October 30, 2012
October 30, 2012
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 12 of Republic Act No. 7183 dated January 30, 1992, the following rules and regulations necessary to regulate and control the manufacture, sale, distribution, use and importation, including the determination and review of the gun powder and other raw material content of firecrackers and pyrotechnic devices, are hereby promulgated:
Types of Firecrackers and Pyrotechnic Devices That May be Manufactured, Sold, Distributed and Used
SECTION 1. As used in these rules, the following types of firecrackers are hereby enumerated and defined according to their respective structure, appearance and dimensions and may be manufactured, sold, distributed and used:
a. Baby Rocket — a firecracker with a stick so constructed that lighting of the wick will propel the whole thing to lift a few meters before exploding. The firecracker is about 1 1/2 inches in length by 3/8 in diameter while the stick is about a foot in length;
b. "Bawang" — a firecracker larger than a "Triangulo" with 1/3 teaspoon of powder packed in cardboard tied around with abaca strings and wrapped in the shape of a garlic;
c. "EL Diablo" — a firecracker tubular in shape about 1 and 1/4 inches in length and less than 1/4 inch in diameter with a wick; also known as "Labintador";
d. Judah's Belt — a string of firecrackers consisting of either "diablos" or small "triangulos" that can number up to a hundred or thereabouts and culminating in a large firecracker usually a "bawang";
e. Paper Caps — minute amounts of black powder spread in either small strips of paper or on a small sheet used for children's toy guns;
f. Pulling of Strings — a firecracker consisting of a small tube about an inch in length and less than 1/4 of an inch in diameter with strings on each end. Pulling both strings will cause the firecrackers to explode; THcEaS
g. Sky Rocket (Kwitis) — a large version of baby rocket designed to be propelled to a height of forty (40) to fifty (50) feet before exploding;
h. Small "Triangulo" — a firecracker shaped like a triangle with powder content less than the "bawang" and usually wrapped in brown paper measuring 1/4 inch length in its longest side;
i. Watusi — usually reddish in color about 1 1/4 inch in length and 1/10 inch in width usually ignited by friction to produce a dancing movement and a crackling sound; and
j. Other types equivalent to the foregoing in explosives content.
SECTION 2. As used in these rules, the following types of Pyrotechnic Devices are enumerated and defined according to their respective structure, appearance and dimensions and may be manufactured, sold, distributed and used:
a. Butterfly — a butterfly-shaped pyrotechnic device designed to lift above ground while providing light;
b. Fountain — a type of sparkler which is square, cylindrical or conical in shape and is ignited on the ground to provide various rising colors and intermittent lights upon being ignited;
c. Jumbo Regular and Special — a type of sparkler similar to a fountain but bigger in size;
d. "Luces" — any of the several kinds of sparklers;
e. Mabuhay — a type of sparkler bunched in bundle of a dozen;
f. Roman Candle — a type of sparkler similar to a "fountain" but shaped like a big candle;
g. Sparklers — pyrotechnic devices usually made of black powder on a piece of wire or inside a paper tube designed to light up and glow after igniting;
h. "Trompillo" — a pyrotechnic device usually fastened at the center and designed to spin first clockwise and then counter-clockwise and provides various colored lights when ignited;
i. Whistle Device — any of the various kinds of firecrackers or pyrotechnics designed to either simply emit a whistle-like sound or explode afterwards when ignited;
j. All kinds of pyrotechnic devices ("Pailaw");and
k. Other types equivalent to the foregoing pyrotechnic devices.
SECTION 3. Classification of Firecrackers and Other Pyrotechnic Devices According to Their Proper Usage. —
All firecrackers and pyrotechnic devices shall be classified into four (4) classes according to their proper use:
a. Class 1 — Fireworks suitable for use inside domestic buildings. When used according to the instructions, these fireworks shall not cause injury to people standing one (1) meter or more away and shall not cause damage to property. In the case of hand-held fireworks, any person holding them shall not be injured;
b. Class 2 — Fireworks suitable for outdoor use in relatively confined areas. When used according to instructions, these fireworks shall not cause injury to people standing five (5) meters away or more. In the case of hand-held sparklers, any person holding them shall not be injured by the dropping of hot slag or ejection of sparks. The fuse fitted to the fireworks should enable any person lighting the fireworks to retire safely to a distance of at least five (5) meters; HSCAIT
c. Class 3 — Fireworks suitable for outdoor use in large open spaces. When used according to the instructions, these fireworks should not cause injury to people standing twenty-five (25) meters or more away. Any person lighting these fireworks would be expected to wear suitable personal protection; and
d. Class 4 — Fireworks that do not conform to the requirements of classes 1, 2 and 3 are deemed to be class 4 and thus unsuitable for sale to the public including partially assembled fireworks, which are specialist devices for use in major displays. These must not be sold to or used by the general public except for licensed pyrotechnicians and/or fireworks display operators only.
Prohibited Types of Firecrackers and Pyrotechnic Device
The manufacture, sale, distribution and use of other types of firecrackers not mentioned in the foregoing section, with net explosive(s) ingredients content of more than 1/3 teaspoon, in which the technically safe equivalent of it is equivalent to not more than 0.2 gram, which will endanger life and limb, are prohibited. Pyrotechnic devices generally referred to as fireworks have different nature of effect and purpose. It has also different packaging as compared with firecrackers.
SECTION 1. The manufacture, sale, distribution and use of other types of firecrackers and pyrotechnic devices not mentioned in the foregoing section, of such explosive content that could endanger life and limb, such as atomic big triangulo and super lolo and their equivalent are hereby prohibited. Determination of what constitutes prohibited firecrackers and pyrotechnic devices is vested in the Chief of the Philippine National Police (PNP).
SECTION 2. Prohibition on Certain Firecrackers and Pyrotechnics Composition. — Under no circumstances shall firecrackers and pyrotechnic devices using sulfur and/or phosphorous mixed with chlorates be allowed.
SECTION 3. Prohibition on the Supply of Certain Firecrackers and Pyrotechnic Devices Products. — Classes 1, 2, and 3 are suitable for the general public. Class 4 shall only be sold to licensed pyrotechnicians and/or fireworks display operators.
Kinds of Licenses and Permits
SECTION 1. Manufacturer's License. —
Authority to possess explosive(s) ingredients for use in the manufacture of authorized and allowable firecrackers and pyrotechnic devices for sale to the public. Further, a manufacturer's license is also deemed to be considered to possess a dealer's license within his manufacturing complex only. Every manufacturer must have at least one (1) licensed pyrotechnician. The granting of a Pyrotechnician's License shall be based on the level of experience, training, expertise in the manufacture of firecrackers and pyrotechnic devices and the completion of manufacturer's training course provided by PNP Civil Security Group (PNP CSG) or its duly accredited institution.
SECTION 2. Dealer's License. —
Authority to possess authorized and allowable firecrackers and pyrotechnic devices for sale to the public.
SECTION 3. Retailer's Permit. —
For individuals selling firecrackers of not more than fifty (50) kilograms of finished products and pyrotechnic devices of not more than five hundred (500) kilograms of finished products, a Retailer's Permit may be issued by the PNP. The authorization is given by a licensed dealer of firecrackers and pyrotechnic devices to the person who intends to retail his product/s and the permit will be approved by the Chief, Firearms and Explosives Office (FEO) if within Regions 1, 2, 3, 4A, 4B, 5, CAR and NCR. The issuance of a provisional Firecracker/Firecracker Display (FC/FD) Retailer's Permit in the provinces of Regions 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, ARMM and CARAGA will be issued by the CSG Regional Satellite Offices (SATO)/Firearms and Explosives, Security Agencies and Guards Section (FESAGS) which shall submit their monthly reports to the Chief, Explosives Management Division of FEO for accounting and recording purposes. cDTACE
SECTION 4. Fireworks Display Operator's (FDO) License. —
Authority to design, operate and perform fireworks display for the public.
SECTION 5. Special Permit for Fireworks Display. —
a. Authority given to licensed FC/PD Manufacturers/Dealers to set up a fireworks show anywhere in the Philippines.
b. All fireworks displays using Class 4 fireworks should only be made by a Licensed Manufacturer and/or Dealer allowed to conduct the display and is limited to those who have Fireworks Display Operator's License only. The permit to display issued by FEO should only be limited to one venue and one occasion. Every display of fireworks needs an approved permit from the FEO indicating the exact date and the place where the display will be conducted.
SECTION 6. Permit to Transport Firecrackers and Pyrotechnic Devices. —
Permit given to any licensed manufacturer and/or dealer and person/s transporting firecrackers and pyrotechnic devices of more than one thousand (1,000) kilograms of combined weight of finished products. For the purchase of less than one thousand (1,000) kilograms of finished products, proof of the purchase from the registered dealer or manufacturer shall be sufficient.
SECTION 7. Filing of Application for Licensee. —
Any person desiring to manufacture, sell or distribute firecrackers or pyrotechnic devices shall file his application with the Director, CSG through the Provincial Director of the province or city where the business is located. Applicants from Metro Manila shall submit their applications through the Chief of Firearms and Explosives Office, CSG, Headquarters, Philippine National Police. Approval of Retailer's Permit is mentioned in SEC. 3.
Requirements in the Application of Licenses and Permits
SECTION 1. For Manufacturer's License:
a. Prescribed application form;
b. For a corporation, original or machine validated copy of certificate of registration with the Securities and Exchange Commission together with its Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws, of which, one hundred percent (100%) of the capitalization is owned by Filipino citizens;
For a single proprietorship or a partnership, original or machine validated copy of certificate of registration with the Bureau of Commerce, Department of Trade and Industry together with its Articles of Partnership, of which, the owner/s must be Filipino citizen/s.
c. Original Certificate of Registration of the business from the City or Municipal Treasurer of the place of business;
d. For provincial applicants, endorsement from the Provincial Director (PD)/City Director (CD) of the province/city where the business is located. However, applicants from NCR shall submit applications through the Chief, Firearms and Explosives Office, PNP;
e. Original copies of business permit, police and court clearances of the licensee;
f. Original copy of Special Bank Receipt;
g. Location sketch and floor plan of the warehouse (storage/bodega) and site development plan of the manufacturing complex comprising of the mixing station, grinding station, packaging station, fuse making or "nagmimitsa" station and loading station; TcICEA
h. Certified photocopy or duplicate original of the zoning certificate from the City/Municipal Engineer that the manufacturing complex is located in the designated zone, the outer perimeter of which shall be at least three hundred (300) meters away from the nearest residential unit (manufacturers only);
i. Provincial/City Police Office and/or FESAGSS Inspection Report with properly labeled pictures of the warehouse (storage/bodega) and of the manufacturing complex for provincial applicants. However, for Metro Manila applicants, FEO Inspection Report will be sufficient. Further, information to be included in the Inspection Report are the following data which must be attested by the police inspection team:
1) Name and address of the company;
2) Kind of license; and
3) Quantity of explosive ingredients indicated in the license.
j. Certification from the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) that the company has complied with the prescribed fire safety measures; and
k. Fireworks Safety Training Course (FSTC) Certificate conducted by PNP CSG or its duly accredited institution.
SECTION 2. For Dealer's License:
a. The same requirements as specified in the Manufacturer's License excluding para 1g and 1i above;
b. Detailed location, proper signage and floor plans of the store and the warehouse (storage/bodega) where the firecrackers and pyrotechnic devices will be stored. A warehouse (storage/bodega) is required if the quantity of stocks of fireworks is more than fifty (50) kilograms and pyrotechnic devices of more than five hundred (500) kilograms; and
c. Inspection Report with properly labeled pictures of the store and the warehouse (storage/bodega) conducted by the police inspection team.
SECTION 3. For Retailer's Permit:
a. Letter Request establishing the exact address where the selling will be done;
b. Certification from the Dealer's owner that the person applying for retailer is authorized by him;
c. Photocopy of the Manufacturer's/Dealer's License;
d. Barangay, Police and Court Clearances;
e. Fireworks Safety Training Course (FSTC) Certificate conducted by the PNP CSG or its duly accredited institution;
f. Original Special Bank Receipt; and
g. Business License/Mayor's Certificate.
SECTION 4. For Fireworks Display Operator's (FDO) License:
a. Letter Request;
b. Certification from the Manufacturer and/or Dealer that he is connected with the company;
c. Original or authenticated Fireworks Safety Training Course (FSTC) certificate;
d. Resume of applicant; cSTDIC
e. Certified photocopy of the Manufacturer's License and/or Dealer's License; and
f. Original copy of Special Bank Receipt.
SECTION 5. For Special Permit for Fireworks Display:
a. Letter Request;
b. Original or Certified photocopy of the contract/Agreement;
c. Certified photocopy of Manufacturer's License and/or Dealer's License and Fireworks Display Operator's (FDO) License; and
d. Original copy of Special Bank Receipt.
SECTION 6. For Permit to Transport Firecrackers and Pyrotechnic Devices:
a. Letter Request;
b. Certified photocopy of Dealer's License;
c. Proof of purchase/Official Receipt; and
d. Original copy of Special Bank Receipt.
Processing of Application
SECTION 1. The Philippine National Police through the Firearms and Explosives Office and other authorized PNP Units/Offices, shall have the sole authority to process, approve or disapprove as the case may be, applications for all kinds of licenses and permits as enumerated in Rule III hereof.
SECTION 2. Upon receipt of the application, the Provincial Director/City Director of the province/city shall check the submitted application folder as to its completeness, authenticity and validity of supporting documentary requirements. The investigating officer designated shall prepare the corresponding investigation report which shall form part of the Provincial Director/City Director's recommendation or indorsement of the application to D, CSG.
SECTION 3. Applications submitted directly to C, FEO by the applicants from Metro Manila shall be treated in the same manner. C, FEO shall designate an investigating officer to conduct the requisite investigation and prepare the investigation report prior to the indorsement of the application to D, CSG.
SECTION 4. In the processing of applications received from the province or applications from Metro Manila, C, FEO, through the Chief, Explosives Management Division, (C, EMD) shall check whether the applicant has complied with all the requirements. Having established that the application has complied with all the requirements, the same shall be forwarded to D, CSG for approval.
SECTION 5. The Manufacturer's license or the Dealer's license shall be prepared in three (3) copies distributed as follows:
a. Original copy of the license;
b. One copy for the Provincial Director/City Director, if in the province; and
c. One copy for the C, FEO.
Renewal of License
SECTION 1. Manufacturer's and Dealer's licenses shall be valid until June 30 of every year. Therefore, the same should be renewed on or before this date. cIECTH
SECTION 2. Application for renewal shall be filed and processed in accordance with RULE V of this implementing rules and regulations and shall comply with the following requirements:
a. The same requirements as specified in Rule IV of this IRR; and
b. Manufacturer's copy of the latest monthly report and 12 months consumption of explosives/explosive ingredients in the prescribed format (manufacturers only).
Safety Guidelines
SECTION 1. A zone shall be designated by the local government unit thru a local ordinance where a manufacturing complex may be established. The outer perimeter of this zone shall at least be three hundred (300) meters away from the nearest residential unit. Once a zone has been defined, no residential unit shall be permitted nearer than three hundred (300) meters from the perimeter of such zone.
SECTION 2. The manufacturing complex shall be governed by, but not limited to, the following security measures:
a. All buildings shall have adequate ventilation, no concrete floors, securely locked, must be leak-proof and furnished with necessary fire extinguishers,
b. The warehouse must be at least fifty (50) meters away from any processing station of the complex; and
c. The following processing stations of the complex shall be laid out according to the indicated minimum distance from each other with all sides open:
1) Mixing — 50 meters
2) Grinding — 40 meters
3) Packaging — 40 meters
4) Fuse Making/Nagmimitsa — 20 meters
5) Loading — 20 meters
SECTION 3. There should be a sufficient distance between stores. Firewall is mandatory for every fireworks store.
Application to Import/Purchase Explosives Ingredients
SECTION 1. Any licensed manufacturer of firecrackers and pyrotechnic devices, who desires to import or purchase locally explosive ingredients for his manufacturing business, shall submit his application to D, CSG through the Provincial Director/City Director of the province/city where the manufacturing business is located. Licensees from Metro Manila shall submit their application to D, CSG through C, FEO for approval.
SECTION 2. The following documents shall comprise the application:
a. For importation — Prescribed application to Import Explosive Ingredients;
b. For Local Purchase — Prescribed application to Purchase Explosive Ingredients;
c. Copy of Manufacturer's/Dealer's License; and
d. Copy of Monthly Report on the acquisition and disposition of explosive Ingredients [Monthly Consumption Report for twelve (12) months]. IaEHSD
Processing of Application to Import/Purchase Explosive Ingredients
SECTION 1. Upon receipt of the application from the licensee, the Provincial Director/City Director shall check the following:
a. Compliance with the requirements of RULE VIII of this IRR; and
b. Proper accounting of all past acquisitions (importation and local purchase) of explosive ingredients.
SECTION 2. Thereafter, the Provincial Director/City Director shall forward the application to D, CSG thru C, FEO with his comment and recommendation.
SECTION 3. Application from Metro Manila residents shall be submitted directly to D, CSG thru C, FEO and shall be treated in the same manner as stated in Section 1 of this Rule.
SECTION 4. Applications to import explosive ingredients shall be processed by C, FEO and forwarded to D, CSG for approval or disapproval. Authorization to Import Explosive Ingredients shall be issued by D, CSG.
SECTION 5. Applications to purchase explosive ingredients shall be processed by C, FEO and forwarded to D, CSG for approval or disapproval using the processing portion of the application form.
How Importation/Local Purchase is Made
SECTION 1. The authorization to Import shall serve as the basis of the manufacturer to import the explosive ingredients specified therein.
SECTION 2. At least one (1) week before the arrival of the explosive ingredients from abroad, the importer shall submit to C, FEO the Application to Unload Explosive Ingredients from the Vessel and Transport to their Destination.
SECTION 3. The application shall be processed by C, FEO using the Processing Portion of the application form and forward same to D, CSG for approval/disapproval.
SECTION 4. The approved application shall serve as the authority of the importer to unload explosive ingredients from the seaport (vessel),or airport. Shipment unloaded from the Port of Manila and Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) shall be transported to the warehouse (bodega) of the manufacturer and shall be escorted by EMD, FEO personnel. This holds true when movement/transport of explosive ingredients transcends from one region to another region or within Metro Manila, escorts shall also be provided by the office of EMD, FEO in addition to the escorts or guards which are provided by the manufacturer/dealer.
License and Permit Fees
The following license and permit fees shall be paid by the licensee to the Land Bank of the Philippines and shall form part of the mandatory requirements before the corresponding license or permit is released by FEO:
Permit to Import Explosives/Explosive Ingredients | - | P5,000.00 |
Permit to Purchase Explosives/Explosive Ingredients | - | 1,500.00 |
Permit to Transport Pyrotechnic/Firecrackers | - | 360.00 |
Permit Fee to Display Fireworks | - | 3,000.00/show |
Permit Fee to Import Theatrical Effects | - | 1,000.00 |
Manufacturer's License | - | 10,000.00 |
Dealer's License | - | 5,000.00 |
License for Fireworks Display Operator | - | 5,000.00 |
Retailer's Permit Fee | - | 1,000.00 |
SECTION 1. General. — Warehouse (bodegas) for storage of explosive ingredients and finished firecrackers and pyrotechnic devices shall be located, constructed and managed so as to guard against pilferage and accidental explosion of their contents and to prevent injury to person or damage to property in case an explosion should occur. aEACcS
SECTION 2. Location. — For Manufacturers, the warehouse (bodega) and the manufacturing complex shall be located in accordance with specifications stated in RULE VII hereof. For dealers, the warehouse (bodega) shall be located at a safe distance away from their stores/establishments and from inhabited buildings.
SECTION 3. Construction. — The warehouse (bodega) shall be constructed of strong materials, equipped with fire extinguisher/s, proper signage, with proper ventilation, securely locked or otherwise protected and located away from fire hazards and slum areas to minimize pilferage and possible explosion.
Records and Reports
SECTION 1. Records. —
a. Licensed manufacturers of firecrackers and pyrotechnic devices shall keep in their possession a complete, itemized and accurate record showing the following:
1) Kinds and quantities of explosive ingredients which were imported or locally purchased during the month; and
2) Kinds and quantities of explosive ingredients used in the manufacture of firecrackers and pyrotechnic devices during the month.
b. Such records shall be subject to inspection by representatives of the PNP as often as necessary.
SECTION 2. Reports. —
a. At the end of the month, manufacturers of firecrackers and pyrotechnic devices shall submit to the D, CSG thru C, FEO, a monthly report showing the running balance of kinds/quantities of explosive ingredients that were imported and/or locally purchased as against items used and spoilage as provided in SECTION 1 of this RULE.
b. In the province, the monthly report shall be submitted by the PD/CD in four (4) copies to the Regional Director who shall retain the triplicate copy for his file and forward the original and duplicate copies to the D, CSG thru: C, FEO with his comment and recommendation.
c. Manufacturers in Metro Manila shall submit their monthly reports direct to D, CSG thru C, FEO.
d. The records copies of such reports retained by the manufacturer shall also be subjected to inspection by representatives of the PNP whenever the factory is inspected.
Confiscation, Investigation and Depository of Prohibited Firecrackers and Pyrotechnic Devices
SECTION 1. The FEO, CSG or the National Capital Region Police Office (NCRO) shall course the confiscation, investigation and depository of prohibited importation of finished firecrackers and pyrotechnic devices. If, intercepted by the Bureau of Customs (BOC),Manila, the same shall be turned over to the FEO, CSG for the filing of the case while those intercepted by the PNP and BOC outside Metro Manila shall be handled by the Police Provincial Office (PPO) that has jurisdiction over the area. The investigating unit outside Metro Manila will be responsible in the disposition of the confiscated prohibited firecrackers and pyrotechnic devices such as atomic big "triangulo" and "super lolo" and their equivalent.
SECTION 2. The PNP shall be primarily responsible for the administration and enforcement of this Implementing Rules and Regulations.
SECTION 3. All reports pertaining to the confiscation and investigation of prohibited firecrackers and pyrotechnic devices shall be copy furnished to C, FEO, CSG (Attn: C, EMD) for reference. TcDAHS
Miscellaneous Provisions
SECTION 1. Licensed manufacturers of firecrackers and pyrotechnic devices are authorized to sell or distribute their products anywhere in the Philippines. However, if they desire to put up a store or outlet, to sell or distribute their products in places other than their factory, they should secure the corresponding Dealer's License and comply with all the requirements for dealers as provided therein.
SECTION 2. Licensed manufacturers are prohibited from selling or transferring to other persons, the explosive ingredients they imported or purchased locally. Such explosive ingredients are for use only in their manufacturing operations.
SECTION 3. Licensed dealers are prohibited from keeping in their stores or establishments quantities of finished products of firecrackers in excess of a combined total of fifty (50) kilograms and one thousand (1,000) kilograms of pyrotechnic devices. The rest of the stock shall be kept in the warehouse (bodega) from which replenishments may be withdrawn from time to time as the need arises.
SECTION 4. Firecrackers and pyrotechnic devices shall bear labels indicating the name and address of their manufacturers, warning instructions written in Filipino and English and classification in accordance with Rule I, Section 3 of this IRR.
SECTION 5. The importation of finished firecrackers and pyrotechnic devices is prohibited. Imported firecrackers and pyrotechnic devices intercepted by the Bureau of Customs (BOC),other law enforcement agencies and those found in the market shall be deemed illegally manufactured and shall be subject to confiscation.
SECTION 6. Prohibition on the Supply to Minors. — It is prohibited to sell firecrackers and pyrotechnic devices to anyone under 18 years of age. Children using firecrackers and fireworks must be under adult supervision. Any buyer of firecrackers and/or pyrotechnic devices who is suspected to be below 18 years of age, but claims otherwise, shall be required to show proof of his age.
SECTION 7. Class 4 Firecrackers and Pyrotechnic Devices may only be used by the following:
a. Manufacturer; and
b. Dealer with training on fireworks display operator's course.
SECTION 8. One Store, One Permit. — Applications for dealers and/or retailer's licenses must specify the exact address where the selling will be done to avoid multiplicity of stores with one (1) permit only. Non-identification of the exact address by the applicant serve as one of the grounds for disapproval of the application. Selling in the place not mentioned in the permit is considered illegal. The original permit approved by C, FEO shall be displayed at all times inside the store ready for any inspection by members of the PNP assigned to implement this IRR.
Any person who manufactures, sells, distributes, or uses firecrackers and pyrotechnic devices in violation of the provisions of this Implementing Rules and Regulations shall be punished by a fine of not less than Twenty Thousand Pesos (P20,000.00) nor more than Thirty Thousand Pesos (P30,000.00) or imprisonment of not less than six (6) months nor more than one (1) year, or both such fine and imprisonment, at the discretion of the court in addition to the cancellation of his license and business permit, and confiscation by the Government of his inventory or stock.
Rescission Clause
All rules and regulations/policies/SOPs contrary to the foregoing are hereby rescinded. aICHEc
This 2012 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) shall take effect after fifteen (15) days from the filing of a copy hereof at the University of the Philippines Law Center in consonance with Sections 3 and 4, Chapter 2, Book VII of Executive Order No. 292, otherwise known as "The Revised Administrative Code of 1987", as amended.
Police Director General
Chief, PNP