Omnibus Guidelines on the Domestic Adoption Process ( DSWD Administrative Order No. 011-09 )

September 08, 2009

September 8, 2009


SUBJECT : Omnibus Guidelines on the Domestic Adoption Process

I. Rationale

It is the policy of the State to ensure that every child remains under the care and custody of his/her parent/s and be provided with love, care, understanding and security towards his/her full human development. Only when such efforts prove insufficient and no appropriate placement or adoption within the child's extended family is available shall adoption by an unrelated person be considered.

In all matters relating to the care, custody and adoption of a child, his/her interest shall be the paramount consideration in accordance with the tenets set forth in the United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rights of the Child; UN Declaration on Social and Legal Principles relating to the Protection and Welfare of Children with Special Reference to Foster Placement and Adoption, Nationally and Internationally; and the Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Inter-country Adoption. This is also emphasized in Republic Act No. 8552 or the Domestic Adoption Act of 1998. Towards this end, the State shall provide alternative protection and assistance through foster care and/or adoption for every child who is neglected, orphaned or abandoned. Institutionalization should be resorted to as a temporary and/or last resort for these children.

Current situations indicate that the processing of adoption cases takes a long time due to various reasons, thus, delaying the child's right to a family. Despite the Department's policy on "Turn Around Period of Local and Inter-country Adoption", movement and placement of children is still slow. A survey was done on the operation of the Adoption Resource and Referral Unit (ARRU) of DSWD Field Offices on July 17, 2008, which pointed to a number of situations/gaps in the domestic adoption process including among others, the lengthy judicial process on declaration of abandonment.

To institutionalize the mechanism and procedures to fast track the adoption process particularly on the matching of children to Prospective Adoptive Parents (PAPs) and the movement of cases of children in order to lessen the negative effects of their prolonged stay in centers and institutions, this Administrative Order is hereby formulated. It supports the Department's policy on de-institutionalization and will facilitate the speedy placement of abandoned/surrendered children to permanent homes.

II. Mandates and Legal Bases

The State values the dignity of every person and guarantees respect for the individual rights including that of children. Towards this end, it shall give highest priority and importance to the enactment of measures that will ensure the rights and welfare of children for their full and healthy development and well-being. (Article 2, Sec. 11, 1987 Philippine Constitution) aSADIC

The State also recognizes the rights of children as enshrined and guaranteed in the following international instruments, local laws and regulations:

A. International Instruments

1. United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted by the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989 and ratified by the Philippine Government on July 26, 1990;

2. United Nations Declaration on Social and Legal Principles Relating to the Protection and Welfare of Children with Special Reference to Foster Placement and Adoption nationally and internationally;

3. The Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and Cooperation in respect of Inter-Country Adoption;

B. National Policies

1. Republic Act No. 8043 n or The Inter-Country Adoption of 1995 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations;

2. Republic Act No. 8552 or The Domestic Adoption Act of 1998 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations; and

3. Republic Act No. 9523 or "An Act Requiring the Certification of the DSWD to Declare a Child Legally Available for Adoption";

4. Department Administrative Order No. 18, series of 2005 entitled "Turn-Around Period of Local and Inter-Country Adoption."

III. Objectives


To facilitate the provision of immediate and permanent placement of a child needing an adoptive family. DSHTaC


1. To integrate and facilitate regional and interregional matching of children to prospective adoptive parents thru the Department's Adoption Resource and Referral Office (ARRO).

2. To institutionalize the standard turn-around period for clearing children available for local adoption.

3. To strengthen the Adoption Resource and Referral Units (ARRUs) and Adoption Resource and Referral Office (ARRO).

4. To enable the social workers to effectively manage adoption cases.

5. To define the roles and functions of the National Child Welfare Specialist Group (NCWSG) as the matching body at the national level.

IV. General Policies

1. The child's best welfare and interest shall be the paramount consideration in all matters relating to the care, protection, custody and adoption of the child.

2. All efforts to prevent the child from unnecessary separation from his/her biological parents shall be exhausted.

3. The biological parent/s shall be safeguarded from hurried decisions by providing them counseling, focusing on their strengths as parent/s with emphasis that poverty should not be a reason for giving up their child for adoption.

4. Children with special needs shall be immediately cleared for inter-country adoption.

5. Children who had been independently placed out with families should be given priority consideration for adoption by same families, provided that they are qualified to adopt a child. During the petition for adoption, the child may remain with the said family. EcDATH

6. Licensed foster parent/s who decide to adopt the child/ren under their care shall be allowed to do so, provided that they are qualified to adopt and that the child they want to adopt is legally free for adoption and not yet matched to other prospective adoptive parents, either domestic or inter-country. Said foster parents desiring to adopt their foster child need not undergo the matching process.

 However, the same thorough study must be made on licensed foster families to determine their motivations, capacities and potentials as prospective adoptive parents.

7. Placement of a child locally shall be exhausted and only when this is not possible shall inter-country adoption be considered.

8. The integration of the regional and interregional matching shall be done at Central Office level by one authorized body, which is the National Child Welfare Specialist Group (NCWSG).

9. The CWSG at Field Offices shall cease to function upon approval of this Omnibus Guidelines for Domestic Adoption Process and the NCWSG shall thereafter commence its functions, as mandated in the provisions of the Domestic Adoption Act.

10. The NCWSG shall be lodged at the Program Management Bureau (PMB) in the Central Office. The PMB Head will now perform the functions, which used to be lodged with the Regional Directors.

11. A licensed social worker shall be designated to handle adoption cases on a full time basis, both at the Adoption Resource and Referral Unit (ARRU) in Field Offices and Adoption Resource and Referral Office (ARRO) in the Central Office.

12. "Religious Affiliation" as a criteria shall only be considered if the child has reached an age and level of understanding of religious practices. Generally, the age at which understanding can be said to occur would be 6 years old and above.

13. Post-Adoption Services shall be provided to the adoptee, adoptive parents and birth parents by trained social workers of the Department, the social services units of Local Governments, Family Courts, licensed and accredited child-caring/placing agencies and other individuals or entities involved in adoption as may be authorized by the Department. DTCAES

V. Definition of Terms

1. Department — shall refer to the Department of Social Welfare and Development.

2. Secretary — shall refer to the Secretary of the Department of Social Welfare and Development or his/her duly authorized representative.

3. Child — shall refer to a person below eighteen (18) years of age or a person over eighteen (18) years of age who is unable to fully take care of him/herself or protect him/herself from abuse, neglect, cruelty, exploitation or discrimination because of physical or mental disability or condition.

4. Child Caring Agency (CCA) — shall refer to private, non-profit or charitable institutions or government agencies duly licensed or accredited by the Department that provides 24-hour residential care services for abandoned, orphaned, neglected or voluntarily committed children (IRR of RA 8552).

5. Child-Placing Agency (CPA) — shall refer to private, non-profit or charitable institution or government agencies duly licensed or accredited by the Department to provide comprehensive child welfare services including but not limited to receiving applications for adoption/foster care, evaluating the prospective adoptive/foster parents, preparing the home study and all other processes required for adoption. (IRR of RA 8552)

6. Social Case Study Report — shall refer to a written report of the result of an assessment conducted by a licensed social worker as to the socio-cultural and economic condition, psychological background, current functioning and facts of abandonment or neglect of the child. The report shall also state the efforts of social worker to locate the child's biological parents/relatives.

7. Voluntarily Committed or Surrendered Child — shall refer to a child whose parent/s or legal guardian knowingly and willingly relinquished parental authority to the DSWD or any duly accredited child-placement or child-caring agency or institution. This refers to a child who has been surrendered in writing by his/her parent/s or guardian thru a notarized Deed of Voluntary Commitment (DVC). cDICaS

8. Foundling — shall refer to a child whose facts of birth are unknown. 

9. Abandoned Child — shall refer to a child who has no proper parental care or guardianship, or whose parent/s have died or who have deserted him/her for a period of at least three (3) continuous months, which includes foundlings.

10. Neglected Child — shall refer to a child whose basic needs have been deliberately not attended to or inadequately attended to, physically or emotionally, by his parents or guardian.

11. Involuntarily Committed Child — shall refer to a child whose parent/s known or unknown, have been permanently and administratively deprived of parental authority over him/her due to abandonment; substantial, continuous or repeated neglect and abuse; or incompetence to discharge parental responsibilities.

12. Matching — shall refer to the judicious selection of a family for a child based on the child's needs and in his/her best interest as well as the capability and commitment of the adoptive parents to provide such needs and promote a mutually satisfying parent-child relationship. (IRR of RA 8552)

13. Prospective Adoptive Parent/s (PAPs) — shall refer to a person/couple whose application for adoption has been approved.

14. National Child Welfare Specialist Group (NCWSG) — shall refer to the committee in-charge of local matching of child/ren to prospective adoptive parent/s through the matching conference.

15. Adoption Resource and Referral Office (ARRO) — The office at the Department's Central Office that will manage the adoption process. It shall be manned by adoption experts from the public and private sectors. (Article 8 Section 23 of RA 8552)

16. Adoption Resource and Referral Unit (ARRU) — The unit in the Department's Field Offices that will manage the adoption process. It shall be manned by social workers trained in the adoption process. It is under the supervision of the Division Chief for Operations. cTCaEA

17. Supervised Trial Custody (STC) — shall refer to the first six months after the placement of a child in an adoptive home whereby a social worker helps the adoptive family and the child in the adjustment process to facilitate the legal union through adoption.

18. Post-Adoption Services — shall refer to psycho-social and support services provided to the adoptee, adoptive parents and birth parents by trained social workers of the Department, the social services units of local government, family courts, licensed and accredited child-caring/placing agency and such other individuals or entities involved in adoption as may be authorized by the Department, after the issuance of the Decree of Adoption.

VI. Implementing Procedures

A. DSWD Centers/Institutions/Child-Caring/Placing Agencies and Community-Based

Upon the child's admission to the Center/Institution/CCA/CPA or referral of same from the community, the concerned social worker shall gather all information and ensure that the following procedures and requirements mentioned below are followed.

1. For Involuntarily Committed, Abandoned and Neglected Child:

a. Review all records and available documents

b. Send-out letter through registered mail with return card to last known address of parent/s or guardian (if necessary)

c. Conduct home visit (if applicable)

d. In case the parent/s is/are unknown, facilitate tri-media publication (local or national newspaper, radio and television station), with a whole body picture of the child upon abandonment on three (3) different dates to be able to trace/locate the relatives of the child; secure written certification from such station or publication after the case was aired/published

e. Secure Police/Barangay Blotter or certified copy of Tracing Report from the Philippine National Red Cross (PNRC) National Headquarters

f. Secure Birth Certificate of the child (if available) TIHDAa

g. Prepare a comprehensive Child Study Report (CSR)

h. Prepare the Petition for issuance of a Certification to declare a child legally available for adoption

i. Prepare and submit the completed documentary requirements, with most recent photograph to the DSWD-Field Office for matching purposes

2. For Voluntarily Committed Child:

a. Provide thorough counseling to the child's biological parent/s and discuss with him/her/them the implications of relinquishing his/her/their parental authority over the child to prevent giving up the child for adoption

b. Explain the content and facilitate the signing of Deed of Voluntary Commitment (DVC) in triplicate and its notarization

c. Secure child's Birth Certificate in SECPA (if necessary)

d. Take a recent whole body picture (3R in size) of the child

e. Apply for issuance of a Certificate to declare a child legally available for adoption

f. Prepare a comprehensive Child Study Report (CSR) and complete other documentary requirements, then submit to the DSWD-Field Office

 If there are discrepancies/inconsistencies in information with any of the requirements, the social worker handling the case shall be responsible to work out said discrepancies.

 These processes shall take no longer than ninety (90) days from the time of the child's admission to the centers/Institutions/CCAs/CPA to the time said documents are submitted to DSWD-Field Office ARRU.

3. The DSWD Centers/Institutions/Units and NGO Child Caring/Placing Agencies shall immediately submit two (2) sets of complete documents (1 set of original and 1 set of photocopy) of the child to the ARRU after the Deed of Voluntary Commitment (DVC) or Certification of Availability for Adoption are made available. Likewise, two (2) sets of documents on prospective adoptive parents shall be submitted to the ARRU. HATEDC

B. Field Office Level

1. The ARRU shall receive and review the Child Study Report and other documentary requirements within two (2) days, upon receipt thereof. The duplicate set (photocopy) of documents shall be maintained at the DSWD Field Office (FO).

 Likewise, complete home study reports and supporting documents of PAPs shall be reviewed and included in the roster of families for matching.

 Documents with incomplete/inconsistent or insufficient data shall be returned back to concerned Centers/Institutions/CCA/CPA with information on the discrepancy/lacking document/s within one day after review.

2. The ARRU shall forward to DSWD CO-ARRO the Child Study Report and other complete documentary requirements of a child recommending for local matching within two (2) working days of receipt from the Centers/Institutions/CCA/CPA.

 Likewise, the ARRU shall forward the complete documents of prospective adoptive family to the ARRO within two (2) working days upon receipt thereof.

C. Central Office Level

1. The ARRO Secretariat shall review and enter into the databank the child/ren/family/ies' child/home study reports and other documentary requirements upon receipt and prepare within the day, the roster/profile of child/ren/family/ies for matching.

2. The ARRO shall likewise review the home study reports and other documentary requirements of recommended PAPs and conduct prioritization for inclusion in the roster and the NCWSG's consideration and assessment.

3. The ARRO shall provide the NCWSG members advance copies of the reports at least three (3) working days before the matching schedule.

4. For the matching conference to proceed there must be a quorum among the NCWSG members (three (3) members out of five (5) present), together with an ARRO staff designated to serve as the secretariat. DCcAIS

5. To avoid delay or postponement of the matching, an alternate for each NCWSG member should be identified.

6. The matching conference shall be conducted at least every two (2) weeks and more as the need arises.

7. The social worker of the child may attend the case conference in the ARRO to recommend their prioritized most suitable PAPs.

8. Cases of children below (2) years old shall be presented twice in the matching conference to exhaust local PAPs. Priority shall be given to PAPs from the region where the child came from.

9. The following children shall be immediately cleared for inter-country adoption, if were not matched during the first presentation:

9.1 Children with special medical needs like cerebral palsy, heart or kidney ailments, blindness, Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or affected by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS);

9.2 Mentally challenged and/or with mental/developmental delay/history;

9.3 Children with disabilities;

9.4 Children born out of incestuous relations/victims of rape; and

9.5 Children ages two (2) years old and above, older children/sibling group.

10. The child shall be immediately cleared for inter-country adoption if there are no available local families in the Central Office.

11. After a child is matched with the family that will best meet his/her needs, the NCWSG will issue the Certificate of Matching approved by the Head of the Program Management Bureau. The ARRO secretariat will inform the concerned DSWD Field Office/s, copy furnished CCAs/CPA concerned on the result of the matching within one (1) day. ScTaEA

12. Once the PAP accepts the matched child, the ARRO shall prepare the Pre-Adoptive Placement Authority (PAPA) to be signed by the PMB Head, which shall be issued to Field Office concerned.

 In case the PAP declines the proposed placement, they will be required to explain in writing the reasons for not accepting the child. If valid, they shall continue to be included in the roster of the available adoptive families. However, should they refuse the child matched with them with no valid or sufficient reasons, they shall be subject for re-evaluation of the social worker before being considered for another matching.

 The NCWSG shall be the one responsible for determining the acceptability of the reasons offered by the PAP.

13. The respective social workers of the child and of the adoptive family shall prepare them emotionally and psychologically before the actual placement. The physical transfer of the child from the child caring/placing agencies or DSWD centers/institutions shall take place within five (5) days upon the issuance of duly approved PAPA.  

 The schedule and place of the actual transfer shall be agreed upon by the concerned parties.

14. The six (6) months supervised trial custody period commences from the physical transfer of the child to her/his prospective adoptive family. During this period, the social worker shall conduct monthly home visits to monitor adjustment of the prospective adoptive parents and the child and shall regularly submit progress reports on Adoptive Placement Supervisory Visits to the PMB Head, copy furnish the concerned DSWD Field Office or child-caring/placing agency. The supervised trial custody period may be shortened of * lengthened as the case may be, depending on the adjustment of the child/ren to PAP/s.

15. If the adjustment of the child is satisfactory, final supervised trial custody report will be submitted to PMB with the recommendation, for the issuance of the consent to adoption signed by the DSWD Undersecretary for Operations and Capacity Building Group (OCBG), a week after the supervised trial custody (STC) period has been completed. TDaAHS

16. After the supervised trial custody period the Consent to Adoption signed by the DSWD-OCBG Undersecretary shall be issued by the ARRO to the DSWD Field Office, which shall immediately inform the concerned CCA/CPAs/Centers/Institutions.

17. If the placement/relationship is found unsatisfactory by either the child or the adopter(s) or if the social worker finds that the continued placement of the child is not the child's best interest, said relationship/placement shall be terminated by the Department and the ARRO can proceed to consider another possible placement. Should there be no available PAPs, the Department shall arrange for the child's temporary care. No termination of placement shall be made unless it is proven that the social worker has exhausted all efforts to remove the cause of the unsatisfactory relationship/placement within a reasonable period of time.

18. DSWD Field Office shall monitor the placement of the child until such time that the adoption decree has been issued. PMB shall be furnished with a copy of the Decree.

VII. Institutional Arrangements

A. DSWD Central Office

The DSWD Central Office through the Program Management Bureau (PMB) shall manage and supervise the Adoption Resource and Referral Office (ARRO). There shall be as many Social Welfare Offices (SWO) as necessary in the ARRO, headed by a SWO IV, one (1) Legal Officer, one (1) Legal Assistant and as many Administrative staff as necessary.

The ARRO staff shall perform the following functions in accordance to Sec. 38 of the IRR of the Domestic Adoption Act of 1988:

1. Maintain an updated database of children legally available for adoption and prospective parent/s so as to facilitate their matching;

2. Conduct regular nationwide information and educational campaigns on domestic adoption; CcHDSA

3. Keep record of adoption proceedings;

4. Act as Secretariat to the NCWSG during matching conferences;

In addition, the ARRO staff shall perform the following:

a. Review the child/ren and family/ies' child/home study report and other documentary requirements forwarded by the ARRU for issuance of certification of child's availability for adoption and local matching.

b. Convene the National Child Welfare Specialist Group (NCWSG) for local matching conferences as frequently as mandated by this guideline.

c. Provide technical assistance to ARRU in DSWD Field Offices and to CCAs/CPA on the implementation of the adoption program.

d. Make available the roster/profile of children and PAPs and provide technical inputs in the identification of PAPs in the Region who are not included in the prioritized most suitable PAPs.

e. Maintain a data bank of children issued with certificates of availability for adoption and children placed out for local adoption.

f. Document the minutes of matching conferences.

g. Conduct program review and evaluation workshops on adoption.

h. Inform the DSWD Field Office concerned of the result immediately after the conduct of matching conferences.

i. Perform other functions as may be defined by the Department.

j. Monitor and evaluate the flow of the domestic adoption process every quarter.

B. DSWD Field Office

The DSWD Field Office shall operate and manage its ARRU. The unit shall be under the supervision of the Chief of the Operations Division and shall be headed by a Social Welfare Officer (SWO) III and complemented by two (2) SWO II to solely handle/review adoption cases and one (1) Administrative Staff which shall be drawn from the existing staff of the regions. ITcCSA

The ARRU staff shall perform the following functions:

1. Receive and review the child/ren and family/ies child/home study reports and other documentary requirements to ensure completeness and consistency of information with all other documents prior to submission to the ARRO.

2. Conduct regional adoption fora, dialogues and other information and educational campaigns;

3. Conduct quarterly meetings, dialogues together with child caring and child placing agencies, Family Courts, and hospitals to discuss adoption concerns;

4. Network with child caring and child placement agencies for improved service delivery;

5. Recruit/develop and maintain a pool of PAPs;

6. Network with the Adoptive Families Foundation (AFF) and Association of Child-Caring Agencies of the Philippines (ACCAP) on matters related to domestic adoption particularly on advocacy and resource generation;

7. Prepare/submit monthly reports to the Program Management Bureau;

8. Conduct regular monitoring to ensure fast movement of cases in all concerned agencies (LGU, NGO, child-caring/placing agencies);

9. Facilitate capability-building activities to enhance the social workers' knowledge, attitude and skills (KAS) on adoption and foster care;

10. Keep files and social case study reports of child and PAPs;

11. Follow-up submission of documents with noted discrepancies from DSWD Centers/Institution and CCAs/CPAs;

12. Maintain a data bank of adoption cases;

13. Monitor the issued Consent to Adoption, which shall ensure that the adoption plan is facilitated and pursued by PAPs; TCADEc

14. Provide post-adoption services to the child and adoptive families after the issuance of the decree of adoption.

C. DSWD Centers/Institutions, Community-Based Service Unit or Child-Caring/Placing Agencies

1. Prepare and ensure proper case management in accordance with the standard turn-around time.

2. Ensure that the documentary requirements of children for issuance of a Certification and for local matching are complied with. In the absence of essential requirements, such as the birth/foundling certificate in SECPA form, the concerned social worker must undertake necessary actions to ensure that the lacking documents will be complied.

3. Accomplish and submit all pertinent documentary requirements on time.

4. Provide psychological services to the child/PAP prior to the adoptive placement.

5. Inform the ARRU on cases of independent placement, immediately upon receipt of the PAP's petition for adoption.

6. Participate in the capability building of social workers and other recognized training institutions.

7. Encourage their social workers to attend matching conferences to present the case study of the child.

8. Submit an inventory of children every 15th of June and December to DSWD-Program Management Bureau (PMB), while CCAs/CPAs shall forward the same to the DSWD-Standards Bureau (SB);

D. National Child Welfare Specialist Group (NCWSG)

This shall be composed of the following members appointed by the Department's Undersecretary for Operations and Capacity-Building Group:

1. One (1) registered social worker of the Department with at least Social Welfare Officer (SWO) IV position whose expertise is on child welfare cases; ITcCaS

2. A lawyer specializing on child and youth welfare cases;

3. A pediatrician;

4. A psychologist/psychiatrist; and

5. A representative of a non-government organization.

The department shall identify their respective alternates to ensure that matching can be conducted anytime the child/ren is/are available for matching. The DSWD representative shall chair the committee.

The NCWSG shall perform the following functions:

1. Match children for local adoption.

2. Recommend for possible inter-country placement.

3. Implement an integrated system and network of selection and matching of children and PAPs.

4. Initiate, review and recommend changes on policies concerning placement.

5. Perform other functions as may be defined by the Department.

The department shall likewise issue an authority to their membership to the NCWSG who shall serve for a term of two (2) years, which may be renewed for another term.

Only the NCWSG members who are not with the Department shall be entitled to a per diem of One Thousand Pesos (Php1,000) for every meeting which should not exceed four (4) meetings a month.

VIII. Effectivity

This Administrative Order shall take effect immediately. All previous issuances inconsistent with this Order are hereby repealed/revoked accordingly.

Issued in Quezon City, this 8th day of September, 2009. STcHDC




Process Flow on Domestic Adoption


Documentary Requirements

Documents needed for children voluntarily committed to DSWD:

[/] Updated Child Study Report (within 3-month period)

[/] Recent photographs (2 full body size-3R or 4R)

[/] Original Birth Certificate in Security Paper (SECPA) Form or  Foundling Certificate for abandoned children (ICAB and  DFA requirement for passport and visa for cases of inter-  country placement)

[/] Deed of Voluntary Commitment, duly notarized with a  Certificate of Notarial Act

[/] Certified true copy of Certificate that the Child is

Legally  Available for Adoption

[/] Health/Medical Profile and History (appendix M of Adoption  Manual)

[/] Psychological Evaluation Report of children, ages 5 years old  and above 

[/] Death Certificate of parent/s (SECPA form), if appropriate

[/] Marriage Certificate in SECPA form or Certificate of No  Marriage of parents in SECPA form, if not married or  Decree for Annulment of Marriage, if annulled or Decree  for separation, if legally separated

[/] Psychiatric Evaluation of Biological Parents, supported by a  document signed by a psychiatrist, as necessary

[/] Updated Child's Profile

Documents needed for children declared abandoned/involuntarily committed to DSWD:

[/] Updated Child Study Report (within 3-month period)

[/] Recent photographs (2 full body size-3R or 4R)

[/] Original Birth/Foundling Certificate in Security Paper  (SECPA) Form

[/] Certified true copy or original copy of Certificate that the  Child is Legally Available for Adoption

[/] Health/Medical Profile and History (appendix M of Adoption  Manual)

[/] Psychological Evaluation Report of children ages 5 years old  and above

[/] Updated Child's Profile


Child Profile

Name of Child __________________ Sex ______ Date of Birth _________ Age ___

Religion _____________________ Baptized on _____________________________

Agency Address _______________________________________________________

 __________ Residential __________ Foster Care


a. Legally available for adoption on ____________________ on ________________

b. Surrendered on _______________________________ by ___________________

Birth Status: _________________________ Legitimate _________ Illegitimate ____

Illegitimate but acknowledged ____________________________________________

Present Health Status ____________________________________

Special needs, or distinguishing features characteristic if any






Previous Illness/Hospitalization/Operation: _________________________________

Current functioning of Child: ____________________________________________

Significant social background of biological parent (e.g., organic/non-organic, illness,


Characteristic of Adoptive family recommended:



Date Presented for Local Matching: _______________________________________

Date Cleared for Interregional Matching: ___________________________________

Action Taken:

 [ ] Cleared for IR/ICA [ ] Matched at the Regional Matching

Prepared by:


Social Worker

(Signature Over Printed Name)


Adoptive Family Profile Form

Name of Adoptive Parent/s: _________________________

Address: ________________________________________



Marital Status:

 ( ) Single ( ) Divorced H ( ) Widow/er ( ) Married:

   W ( ) Yrs. _______

Children in the Family

Living with the
A. Biological
B. Adopted
C. Other (Foster)


Child Preference:

 Age Preference: ___________ Sex: ( ) Male ( ) Female

 ( ) Related ( ) Not Related ( ) known but not related

Will accept/consider ( ) Physical handicap,

  Please specify ______________

 ( ) with emotional problem

 ( ) slow learner

 ( ) delayed development

 ( ) siblings, indicated

  Number and sex _____________

 ( ) malnourished

 ( ) with negative family background (e.g., mental  illness, unwed, rape, Imprisoned, incest, etc.)  please specify __________________

 ( ) other, specify ___________________

Characteristics of Child/ren Preferred: ___________________________

Description of Current Functioning of the Family:










Prepared by:



(Signature Over Printed Name)


Republic of the Philippines


Program Management Bureau

Batasan Complex, Constitution Hills, Quezon City

Certificate of Local Matching

This is to certify that child _____________________________________ (Name of Child) born on ________________ (Date of Birth) of __________________ (Name of Agency) was matched to __________________ (Name of Family) of ______________________________ (Address) during the Local Matching held on __________________.







Approved By:


Head, PMB




Pre-Adoption Placement Authority

The Department of Social Welfare and Development which is the welfare arm of the Philippines Government hereby authorizes the placement of, _________ Sex _______ born on ___________________ with _______________ residing address at ________________________________ effective ___________________ preparatory to adoption.

This placement is in accordance with Articles 183 and 184 of the Family Code of the Philippines, EO 20 and the Adoption policy of the Department of Social Welfare and Development, subject of the following conditions.

a) The family shall be responsible for the care, safety, and welfare of the child and shall report to the social worker, periodically and any time, problem relative to placement of the child.

b) The family shall be visited by the Social Worker handling the case at least once a month for the purpose of determining the adjustment process of the child to the family and extending social services and guidance in the care of said minor by the adoptive family.

c) Said child shall be removed from the family when the placement no longer meets his best welfare and interest, i.e., if the return of the child to his natural or biological parents is indicated as in the case when said child has not been legally declared available for adoption or if the placement of the child is a failure, subject to the proper management of the case with emphasis on the separation of the child from the prospective adoptive family. ADSTCa

d) Should adoption be approved by legal process, the final proceedings shall take place in the court which has jurisdiction over the residence of the adoptive family.

Supervision of the adoptive placement shall be exercised for a period of _________ months, to ensure the adjustment of the minor in this new found home and emotional readiness of both child and adoptive family for the legal union will be responsibility of ______________ Social Worker of _____________ Monthly reports on the status of the child shall be submitted by the assigned social worker to the DSWD Field Office. In case an extension of period of supervision is necessary, a corresponding report justifying this need should be prepared by the social worker and approved by the Program Management Bureau (PMB)-Director.


Director-Program Management Bureau

Date Issued:



We acknowledge the responsibility and conditions stipulated:

Adopting Father
Social Worker
Adopting Mother
Social Worker



Report on Adoptive Placement Supervisory Visits

Family: ____________________________________________________________

Child: _____________________________________________________________

Date of Placement: ___________________________________________________

Date of Supervision: __________________________________________________

Supervisory Contact No. _______________________________________________

Type of Contact: _____________________________________________________

With Whom: ________________________________________________________

1. Child's progress, problems (physical, social, emotional, medical)




2. Child integration into family and reaction to teach family members:




3. Adoptive parent's adjustment to child:





4. Other children/family members at home and their reactions to new child; parent's handling of children:




5. Home Condition:




6. Discussing legal adoption (at appropriate time)




7. Evaluation and Recommendation




Prepared by:


Social Welfare

(Signature Over Printed Name)

Recommending Approval:


 Unit Head/Officer in-Charge

 Adoption Resource and Referral Unit

 (Signature Over Printed Name)



Field Director

(Signature Over Printer Name)

Note: Accomplish in triplicate. 1 for Field Office 1 SW's file and forward one copy to Social Technology Bureau for research purposes.


Affidavit of Consent

I, _________________ (name of affiant), Filipino ______________ (marital status), of legal age and with address at _________________________ after having been duly sworn to in accordance with Law sayeth;

That I am _____________________ (Undersecretary) of the Department of Social Welfare and Development-Operations and Capability Building Group, Republic of the Philippines;

That minor, _____________________ (name of minor) was born on ____________ (date of birth) at _____________________ (place of birth);

That herein minor was ____________________________________________ (state whether voluntarily committed or legally declared abandoned, by whom, place and date when committed or legally abandoned).

That __________________ (name of adoptive parents) or _______________________ (address) were approved as adoptive parents of herein minor by Department of Social Welfare and Development, Field Office. __________, ______________________ (state provincial location of Field Office); Republic of the Philippines;

That the minor's placement with aforementioned family has been authorized effective _______________ (date of placement);

That as report submitted by the _________________________ herein minor has __________________________________________ (brief description of minor's adjustment with the adoptive family and its members).

That in the view of the foregoing facts, I as OCBG-Undersecretary of the Department of Social Welfare and Development in accordance with Article 188 (2) of the Family Code of the Philippines (Executive Order No. 209), do voluntarily consent to the adoption of herein minor ________________ (name of minor) by __________________________ (name of adoptive parents). cHATSI

In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand on this _______ day of _______ 200__.



Operations and Capacity Building Group


SUBSCRIBE AND SWORN to before me this ______ day of ____________, 200_ in Affiant exhibited to me Residence Certificate No. ________________ issued at __________________ on ________________.


Doc. No. __________

Page No. __________

Book No. _________

Series of 200_


Child Study Report

I. Identifying Information



 Date of Birth/Found

 Place of Birth/Found

 Date of DVC/Court Order of Declaration of Abandonment

 Source of Referral

 Present Whereabouts

 Date of Admission

 Family Composition

II. Circumstances of Referral — Indicate circumstances surrounding the referral and admission of the Child to the Child Caring Agency e.g., referring parties, reasons for admission.

III. Description of Child Upon Admission — This should cover physical appearance, personality, habits and other significant observations about the child. It should be specific, accurate and factual.

IV. Medical and Development History of the Child — This consists of information on types of immunizations received and dates given, previous illness, treatment and medication and when available, the results of any special medical evaluation.

V. Current Functioning of the Child — This should cover the child's physical, psychological, social developmental functioning/activities of the child e.g., school, center, foster home.

VI. Description of the Child's Present Environment — This includes environment of the child. Significant adults/children interacting with him/her, and disposition of the child towards his adoption. Description of foster family/center where the child came from and his/her functioning/relationship with foster family/center personnel from the time of admission to child's discharge for placement. Stage of development which child went through (by month). Describe mental development, motor development. CHATEa

a. On placement and separation from the child:

i. Information on how the following reacted to the separation/placement of the child:

 Birthparents/birth relatives

 Caregiver/Foster parents

 Prospective adoptee himself/herself

 Prospective Adoptive Parents (PAPs)

b. Information regarding the grieving process undergone by:

 Birthparents/birth relatives

 Caregiver/Foster parents

 Prospective adoptee himself/herself

 Prospective Adoptive Parents (PAPs)

c. Information regarding grief resolution of:

 Birthparents/birth relatives

 Caregiver/Foster parents

 Prospective adoptee himself/herself

 Prospective Adoptive Parents (PAPs)

VII. Background Information on Child's Parent/s/Family

This tackles pertinent background information on birth family such as:

a) Physical Description

 Physical appearance of birthmother/father, body built, height, complexion, hair, eyes, nose, disability/deformity

 Health History (physical and mental)

o Hereditary/non-hereditary illness/es

o Medication given CDHaET

o Pre-natal history

b) Education/Occupation/Income and Earnings

c) Psychological background


 Hobbies, interest, talents

 Quality of intra-familial relationship

 Family dynamics (birthparent's relationship with their children and siblings relationship) relatives

 Childhood experiences of birthparents (positive/negative that may have an impact on quality of parenting)

 Assessment of mental ability-level of intelligence/personality

 Negative history of substance/alcohol abuse, sexual abuse, domestic violence, imprisoned parent/s criminal record

 Quality of child rearing

d) Surrounding circumstances leading to the child's being given up for placement.

 Inability to care for the child due to poverty

 Born out of an illicit affair/incest/rape

 Imprisoned birthparent/s

 Mentally ill birthparent/s

 Birthparents were minors when child was born (emotionally immature)

 Physical disability/illness of the child warranting further interventions

 Serious life threatening illness

VIII. Evaluation — Summary statement on why the child's needs adoption. EAICTS

IX. Recommendation — Summary statement to indicate the type of family that would be suitable given the parenting needs of the child.

Published in the Official Gazette, Vol. 105, No. 43, page 6392 on October 26, 2009. 

n Note from the Publisher: Written as "Republic Act No. 8403" in the original document.