Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 11084 ( DOH Administrative Order No. 2019-0016 )

June 25, 2019

June 25, 2019


SUBJECT : Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 11084, "An Act Increasing the Bed Capacity of Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center, Located at Baguio City, from Five Hundred (500) to Eight Hundred (800) Beds Capacity, and Appropriating Funds Therefor"



The Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center (BGHMC) is an ISO-certified, DOH-retained Level III hospital in the Cordillera Administrative Region. Founded on February 3, 1902 as the Baguio Sanatorium, with an 8-bed facility; re-named Baguio Hospital in 1907, and Baguio General Hospital on February 22, 1941.

In 1961, accreditation was given by the Philippine Medical Association and the Philippine College of Surgeons. Residency training programs for Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Surgery and Obstetrics were opened. The Under-Six Clinic, a nutrition program under the leadership of Dr. Natividad Clavano, received the Decade Marker Award for 1977-1987, and was included in the UNICEF-in-Country program. TCAScE

Name changes were made: Dr. Efrain C. Montemayor Medical Center on December 14, 1981; and Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center on November 29, 1989.

In May 1998, Republic Act 8634 increased its bed capacity from 400 to 500 beds due to 97.07% bed occupancy rate. In 2017, occupancy reached 146%; patient-to-nurse ratio was at 1:20 in the wards, and 1:4 in the Intensive Care Unit. On September 23, 2018, Republic Act 11084 increased bed capacity to 800.


This Administrative Order sets the Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 11084, "An Act Increasing the Bed Capacity of the Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center, located at Baguio City, from Five Hundred (500) to Eight Hundred (800) Beds Capacity, and Appropriating Funds Therefor."


1. A.O. No. 2012-0012 — refers to the "Rules and Regulations Governing the New Classification of Hospitals and Other Health Facilities in the Philippines" issued by the DOH on July 18, 2012, as amended.

2. Act — refers to Republic Act (R.A.) No. 11084, "An Act Increasing the Bed Capacity of the Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center, located at Baguio City, from Five Hundred (500) to Eight Hundred (800) Beds, and Appropriating Funds Therefor."

3. BGHMC — refers to Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center.

4. IRR — refers to the Implementing Rules and Regulations of R.A. No. 11084 n .

5. Level 3 Hospital — refers to the type of general hospital according to functional capacity as provided in A.O. No. 2012-0012, as amended.

6. Medical Center — refers to a hospital staffed and equipped to care for many patients and for a large number of kinds of diseases and dysfunctions using modern technology.


A. General Policies

The BGHMC shall provide tertiary-level of promotive, preventive, diagnostic, curative, rehabilitative and palliative health care services, as well as teaching, training and research services, also in accordance to provisions of and related issuances to R.A. No. 11223, or the "Universal Health Care Act." The Medical Center shall be fully equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and facilities, complemented by adequately trained and competent human resources for health as appropriate for a licensed and accredited Level III General Hospital.

The BGHMC shall strengthen its existing basic and specialty services, and aim for the improvement of its service capability and capacity while continually serving as end-referral hospital in the City of Baguio and Cordillera Region and the adjacent areas of the surrounding provinces, complementing local health systems and providers in these areas. The increase in bed capacity and capability shall be consistent with the BGHMC's Hospital Development Plan (HDP) as approved by the Health Facility Development Bureau (HFDB). ASEcHI

B. Implementing Mechanisms

The implementation of the Act shall be supported by the following guidelines:

1. Expansion of Services

The BGHMC shall develop and submit its Hospital Development Plan (HDP) to the HFDB through the Cordillera Center for Health Development. The HDP shall be consistent with the Philippine Health Facility Development Plan (PHFDP) leading towards an 800-bed Level 3 General Hospital and Medical Center with specialty and sub-specialty services. The incremental annual increases in bed capacity and commensurate services shall be achieved within three (3) years of implementation of this Act.

2. Health Human Resources

Based on the approved HDP, the BGHMC shall request for an increase in its health human resources based on DBM-DOH Joint Circular No. 2013-01, "Revised Standards and Organizational Structure and Staffing Pattern of Government Hospitals, CY 2013 Edition" dated 23 September 2013.

The BGHMC shall honor the positions, security of tenure, and other rights of its human resource complement. The Medical Center shall evaluate the existing human resource complement, re-classify and/or propose upgrading of positions, promote professional development and hire additional staff to comply and conform to the Civil Service Commission and DOH standards and intent of the Act.

3. Assets and Liabilities

All movable and immovable assets and records of the BGHMC, as well as its liabilities and obligations shall be properly documented and be accounted for in accordance with existing policies and guidelines.

4. Equipment

The BGHMC shall make an inventory of the existing hospital equipment and undertake upgrading to conform to the DOH standards of a Level 3 General Hospital and Medical Center as provided for under A.O. No. 2012-0012. Additional equipment and facilities shall be provided to complement the expansion of services consistent with the approved HDP.

5. Infrastructure

The BGHMC shall implement and seek the support of the DOH for the construction, repair and/or renovation of its physical infrastructure, consistent to the approved HDP, and conforms to all existing laws, regulations, national and international standards for hospital buildings, also in line with the Hospitals Safe from Disasters Program, the Green Healthcare Facilities Guidelines, among others.

6. Systems Development

The BGHMC shall conform to and sustain the standards of hospital operations to provide quality health care and safety for patients, health workers and other clientele of the Medical Center. It shall implement an electronic information system conforming to the basic requirements of the Integrated Hospital Operations and Management Program (IHOMP).

7. Quality Management

The BGHMC's Quality Management System shall conform to ISO 9001:2015 standards. It shall enhance operations with the implementation of the Continuing Quality Improvement Program, Patient Safety Program, and Manuals of Standards of Hospital Operations and Management by HFDB, policies and standards by Health Facilities and Services Regulatory Bureau (HFSRB), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) and other standards by international organizations that support national or local standards. Its management shall comply with the gender and development (GAD) mainstreaming policies for government bureaucracies.

The Medical Center shall complete all stages and become certified with the Performance Governance System towards its organizational development and performance improvement, as guided by DOH performance accountability measures such as the Hospital Scorecard.


1. Administrative Control

The highest DOH-designated official of the Center for Health Development-Bicol (CHD-Bicol) shall have oversight jurisdiction and control over the SIMC's operations. The CHD-Bicol shall monitor the implementation of R.A. No. 11108, and may recommend the necessary further upgrading as guided by this Order.

The Medical Center Chief (MCC) of the BRGHGMC shall be accountable and responsible for the implementation of quality standard hospital operations and management. The MCC shall establish responsibility accounting as means of management control and determine respective contributions and performances of the Medical Center's division and units. The MCC shall also submit developmental plans, financial and statistical reports to the DOH Central Office.

2. Sourcing and Use of Funds

The amounts necessary to carry out the provisions of R.A. No. 11108 shall be sourced out accordingly: cSaATC

a. Capital investments for infrastructure and equipment shall be sourced from DOH appropriations under the General Appropriations Act (GAA), hospital income including PhilHealth payments, public-private partnership, and/or other financing modes or schemes subject to prevailing government rules and regulations;

b. The additional Miscellaneous and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) resulting from the hospital expansion shall be sourced from the GAA, hospital income including PhilHealth payments, public-private partnerships, and/or other financing modes or schemes; cHDAIS

c. Personal Services (PS) to carry out the full implementation of the staffing pattern following the DOH-DBM Joint Circular 2013-01, and other related issuances shall be sourced out from the GAA and other sources; and

d. Release of funds from the DOH shall be approved by the appropriate authority.


If any of the provisions under this Order is declared unauthorized or rendered invalid by any court of law or competent authority, those provisions not affected thereby shall remain valid and effective. CHTAIc


This Order shall take effect fifteen (15) days after publication in a newspaper of general circulation.

(SGD.) FRANCISCO T. DUQUE, III, MD, MScSecretary of Health


n Note from the Publisher: Written as "R.A. No. 11082" in the original document.