Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) on Rodeos ( DA Administrative Order No. 06-13 )

February 06, 2013

February 6, 2013


SUBJECT : Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) on Rodeos


Pursuant to the provisions of Republic Act (RA) 8485, otherwise known as the "Animal Welfare Act of 1998'', the following rules and regulations are hereby promulgated for the information, guidance and compliance of all concerned.

1. Basic Policy and Objectives

1.1 Concerns for all persons responsible for the event, which includes participants and animals used in Rodeo Training.

1.1.1 Use of animals appropriate for the Rodeo event as specified in this IRR.

1.1.2 Maintenance of high standard of husbandry, care and handling/transport based on the recommended practices.

1.1.3 Personnel of the Rodeo events should undergo training with accredited partner institutions of the Bureau of Animal Industry-Animal Welfare Division.

1.1.4 Ensure that the Physical Health and welfare needs of the animals are met. Injured or sick animals should receive treatment that will alleviate pain or distress being suffered. In the case of severely ill animals, they should be killed humanely.

1.1.5 Transport and slaughter of animals should conform to the existing code.

1.1.6 Performance of surgical procedures should be done by a duly licensed veterinarian.

2. Definition of Terms

2.1 Animal refers to cattle and horses

2.2 Animal Welfare Marshalls refer to duly licensed veterinarians, preferably with experience in Rodeo events appointed by the Rodeo organizers and deputized Animal Welfare Officers to be responsible for the welfare of animals.

2.3 Bareback Bronc Riding refers to the use of rigging in the absence of a saddle while riding a horse. SaCIAE

2.4 Barrel Racing refers to a timed event in which an individual horse and rider complete a clover leaf pattern around three barrels.

2.5 Bull (or) Steer Riding refers to riding an above 2 years old bull or steer using a girth rope.

2.6 Carambola refers to 2 or 4 persons the animal must be caught without the use of lasso. It must be properly restrained, wrestled and tied (3-leg or 4-leg tie) properly. *

2.7 Casting down refers to the throwing down of animal using single. *

2.8 Calf lassoing on foot refers to the roping of animal around its neck by a competitor throwing a rope while standing, walking or running.

2.9 Chute refers to a stockade from which animals are released into the arena.

2.10 Chute Fighters refers to animals that regularly resist being held in chutes.

2.11 Chute Stalled Stock refers to animals that refuse to leave the chute when the gate is opened.

2.12 Cinch usually refers to a strap or buckle that connects the saddle or bareback rigging to the girth.

2.13 Competitor refers to a person or team who participates in a rodeo event.

2.14 Contract Stock refers to a stock maintained for use in rodeo events.

2.15 Dallied refers to tying off a rope to the saddle horn.

2.16 Flagged refers to the judge dropping/raising the flag by the judge to signify the start/end of the event. *

2.17 Flank Strap/Rope refers to a rope or strap that is tied over a lower back and around the flanks of a horse or bull.

2.18 Gullet refers to the underside of the front of a saddle.

2.19 Hazer refers to a rider who keeps the steer running in a straight line.

2.20 Judge refers to a person appointed by the rodeo association to officiate rodeos.

2.21 Rigging refers to a girth strap and handle used in bareback riding.

2.22 Rodeo refers to any exhibition, competition, spectacle or display (whether or not conducted for the purpose of gain) involving cattle or horses (but not any other type of animal) which includes any one or more of the following activities:

 saddle bronc riding;

 bareback bronc riding;

 bull riding;

 steer riding or wrestling;

 roping and tying of cattle;

 team roping of cattle or any similar activity involving unbroken horses.

2.23 Rodeo association refers to a body or entity established for the purpose of coordinating and assisting in the running of rodeos and/or governing the sport. It must be registered by BAI and issued a permit for the activity.

2.24 Rodeo organizer — a person, or the nominated representative of a rodeo, who instigates and promotes the rodeo. CcAHEI

2.25 Roping event refers to a calf roping event, team roping event or break-away roping event.

2.26 Rodeo Veterinarian refers to a duly licensed veterinarian accredited by the BAI-AWD.

2.27 Rodeo Stockman refers to a person who provides animals for rodeo events.

3. Permits

3.1 Rodeo Association or entities organizing rodeo events must secure Certificate of registration from BAI AWD, renewable annually.

3.2 Rodeo organizers or entities organizing rodeo events shall secure animal show permits from BAI-AWD and other LGU related permits.

4. Venue

4.1 Arena should be examined by rodeo organizers and RAWO to ensure that it is free of holes, rocks, obstacles and other sharp or hazardous objects that may injure both the competitors and animals.

4.2 Arena should be spacious enough so as not to create potential danger to animals, competitors and spectators. Arena should have appropriate soil based surface, rotary hoed and softened to a depth of 8 to 10 cm. Other surfaces should be well drained to ensure secure footing.

* Bull Riding arena 50 x 100 m up to 100 x 200 m

* 1.5 feet compact soil and 8 to 10 cm beach sand/fine sand as long as not cement the base.

* Academe bull riding 20 x 50 m (round)

4.3 Arena fencing should discourage stock from attempting to push through the fence or there should be no protrusion on fences, gateways or chutes that might cause injury to stocks.

4.4 Euthanasia and well maintained destruction equipment such as captive bolt and licensed firearms (not less than .22 calibers) must be in the venue/site during any rodeo event.

4.5 Chutes and holding yards shall be available to keep a rodeo animal.

4.6 Conveyance should be available to remove an injured animal for transfer to a suitable place for further examination and treatment.

4.7 Organizers shall provide an adequately equipped area for emergency treatment for both competitors and animals.

5. Responsible Officers/Personnel

5.1 Rodeo Organizer

5.1.1 There should be at least two (2) Animal Welfare Marshalls appointed and present in each rodeo event.

5.1.2 The Rodeo Organizer/Animal Welfare Marshall should ensure that all animals used are apparently healthy and should disqualify animal that is not fit for the Rodeo event.

5.1.3 They must make sure that competitors in the different events are not under the influence of drugs and alcohol.

5.1.4 They must ensure that the transport and handling of animals including the provision of appropriate food, water and shelter.

5.2 Rodeo Veterinarian

5.2.1 There should be two Animal Welfare Accredited Rodeo Veterinarians in any event. TcDIaA

5.2.2 Prior to the start of the rodeo and in case of multiple events, veterinarian should inspect all animals used in the competition and at the end of each; another check should be made to determine if the animals are still fit to compete.

5.2.3 Veterinarian must be the final arbiter on whether an animal is fit for the competition.

5.2.4 Veterinarian should have a complete record of the injuries and other defects which should be part of the report before and after the event.

5.2.5 Injured animals should be treated appropriately and should be isolated if necessary.

5.2.6 Only duly licensed veterinarian should be allowed to perform surgical procedures.

5.2.7 Rodeo associations must ensure a report is provided to the Bureau of Animal Industry-Animal Welfare Division within 30 calendar days after the event. The report must provide the following:

 Names, addresses and contact details of the rodeo organizers, judges and attending rodeo veterinarian,

 The number and type of events and animal used,

 The number, types and severity of any animal injuries,

 Breaches of standard and corrective actions taken, and

 Actions taken against personnel who failed to comply with standards/rodeo rules. Permit or AWD Form

5.3 Judges

5.3.1 Judges must have a thorough knowledge of this IRR on Rodeo and must ensure that any competitor who breaches the enforceable provisions of this IRR during a rodeo is reported.

5.3.2 Rodeo associations must ensure a Report is provided to the Bureau of Animal Industry-Animal Welfare Division within 15 calendar days after the event. The Report must provide the following:

 The date and location of the rodeo;

 Names, addresses and contact details of the rodeo organizers, judges and attending rodeo veterinarian;

 The number and type of events and animal used;

 The number, types and severity of any animal injuries;

 Breaches of standard and collective actions taken;

 Actions taken against personnel who failed to comply with standards/rodeo rules.

5.5 * Competitors

5.3 * Competitors in rodeo events are responsible for the animals they are using during an event. All competitors must: AaHcIT

 Not treat animals in a way which causes injury or harm

 Only use equipment complying with these standards

 Obtain prompt and proper treatment for any injury to any animal they use in the competition (other than animals supplied by the contractor)

 Comply with all relevant sections of these standards

5.6 Livestock Supervisor

5.6.1 The livestock supervisor must provide expert advice on animal's health, injury or disease status, and the animal's suitability for the competition.

5.6.2 The livestock supervisor must inspect all animals before and after the event.

5.6.3 The livestock supervisor must be available at all times to deal with animal emergencies.

5.6.4 The livestock supervisor must contribute to the event report.

6. Animal Health

 Animals should be regularly monitored to detect signs of disease, injury and distress.

 Animals should receive prompt treatment, and if necessary, should be promptly and humanely euthanized.

6.1 General Safety and Welfare

6.1.1 Animals used in rodeos must be treated humanely.

6.1.2 All animals used in rodeos must be in good health. 

6.1.3 No stimulants, hypnotic or other substances are to be used on any animal other than that prescribed by a veterinary practitioner for the legitimate treatment of injury or illness.

6.1.4 Cattle and horses must be penned separately in the yards and during transport.

6.1.5 Animals with young at foot must not be yarded or used in connection with a rodeo.

6.1.6 Animals deemed to be unsuitable for competition by the livestock supervisor must be withdrawn immediately.

6.1.7 Livestock must be removed promptly from the arena after completing an entry.

6.1.8 Any animal demonstrating symptoms of extreme stress must be immediately turned out of the chute.

6.1.9 No small animal or pet will be allowed in the arena or in the line of sight of livestock.

6.1.10 Livestock must not be directly exposed to fireworks that are likely to cause fear or distress. AEaSTC

6.2 Sick and Injured Animals

6.2.1 No sore, lame, sick, injured, or sight-impaired animal is permitted to be used in rodeos.

6.2.2 If an animal becomes sick or injured between the time it is drawn and the time it is scheduled to be used, it must be withdrawn from the event.

6.2.3 Any animal which becomes lame, sick, injured or has defective eyesight during the competition must be removed from the competition.

6.2.4 A conveyance must be available to remove a seriously injured animal to a suitable place for further examination and treatment.

6.2.5 Sick or injured animals must be isolated from others, and given appropriate treatment.

6.2.6 The livestock supervisor's decision on the suitability of an animal for competition is final.

6.2.7 Severely injured livestock must be promptly and humanely euthanized in accordance with Administrative Order No. 13 series of 2010 and Administrative Order No. 9 series of 2011.

6.3 Injury Prevention

6.3.1 Chutes, yards, lanes and races must be designed, constructed and maintained in a way that minimizes the risk of injury to handlers or animals, and assists the quite and efficient handling of stock.

6.3.2 An animal that repeatedly gets down in the chute, or tries to jump out of it, or becomes excessively excited must be released and examined by the livestock supervisor. If found to be unfit for any reason, the animal must be withdrawn from participation for that day or session.

6.3.3 Trained people must be available to humanely assist an animal if it gets caught in chutes, yards or races.

6.3.4 Aggressive animals must be isolated from others.

7. Animal Handling and Housing

The accommodation and handling of animals must ensure their safety and well-being.

7.1 Livestock Handling Equipment

7.1.1 All livestock must be treated humanely, and handling equipment must not be used cruelly or excessively.

7.1.2 Equipment for livestock-handling must be of the type and specification generally used to transport and handle horses and cattle, and must comply with R.A. No. 8485, the Animal Welfare Act of 1998.

Electric Pods

7.1.3 Electric pods must only be used to protect the safety of humans and animals; and must be:

 of low amperage; and cIADaC

 only low powered by dry cell batteries; and

 of a type and standard commercially available not modified; and used generally for the handling, yarding and transport of livestock; and

 used with restraint and restricted to the minimum amount necessary; and

 Only applied to hindquarters and shoulder of the animal.

7.1.4 an electric pod must not be:

 used in the arena under any circumstances; or

 used on horses, except for the purpose of getting a horse that has stalled in the chute to exit the chute or;

 used in time events if an animal is loaded and standing in the time event chute/box, or to send an animal into the arena when the chute box gate is opened; or

 used in riding events, except for the purpose of getting an animal that has stalled in the chute to exit the chute; or

 used in riding events when the chute gate opens unless it is necessary to protect both the animal and the contestant from possible injury against the chute or chute gate, or to turn out a chute-stalling animal. In such cases the pod may be applied only to the animal's shoulder or hindquarters to clear it from the chute, and under the stock contractor's direct supervision.

Handling Aids

7.1.5 The use of aids such as flappers, metallic rattles and light polythene tubing to encourage movement in response to sound is acceptable, and for handling animals in yards, lanes and races.

7.1.6 The use of aids such as sticks, lengths of heavy plastic, metal piping, fencing wire or heavy leather belts to strike or poke animals with enough force to cause pain or injury, is not permitted.

7.2 Event Equipment

7.2.1 Event equipment is used to assist the event and must be designed, set or used on the animal in way which ensures that the animal is not injured.


7.2.2 Spurs must not be used as a goad.

7.2.3 To reduce possible injury to the animal, the spur rowel must be dulled and not less than 3mm wide at its narrowest part. The minimum diameter to the point of the rowel is 2cm.

7.2.4 For bucking horse events the rowels must be running.

7.2.5 For bull riding, the rowels may have restricted movement but must not be fully locked, and be able to move at least a quarter turn.

Flank straps

7.2.6 Flank straps must only be lined, quick release straps. The lining must be soft and flexible such as a soft plastic, felt or sheepskin. STHDAc

7.2.7 The strap's lined portion must be positioned to cover both flanks of the animal and its belly. The coverings and linings must be soft and flexible, and must not be worn or damaged. Sharp or cutting objects must not be used.

Protective horn wraps

7.2.8 Horn wraps must be used in team-roping.

Neck ropes

7.2.9 Neck ropes must be fitted to horses used for roping and tying. The catch rope must pass through it before it is tied to the saddle horn.

7.2.10 The neck rope must be no more than half the distance down the roping horse's neck, as measured from the head.

Jerk line

7.2.11 The jerk line rope must be fed from the bridle through a pulley on the saddle to the rider.

7.2.12 The contestant must adjust the catch rope, reins and jerk line to prevent the horse from dragging the roped animal.

7.2.13 When using a jerk line, the rider dismounts to throw the steer, the jerk line should be played out in a series of jerks, to encourage the horse to move backwards slowly, retaining the tension on the rope, thus preventing entanglements.

7.3 Arena, Chutes and Yards

7.3.1 The arena, chutes, yards and races must be inspected by the BAI-AWD before the rodeo events to ensure that they will not compromise the animals' welfare.

7.3.2 The arena surface must provide traction, stability, reduction of shock and improved safety for personnel and livestock.

7.3.3 The arena must be big enough for the events taking place, to ensure that the size does not pose a danger to livestock, competitors and spectators.

7.3.4 Equipment must be on hand to make necessary repairs to these facilities.

Fixed Arenas

7.3.5 Fixed arena must be a secured construction and flush on the inside. If cable is used in steel arena, it must be strained and the space between the cables must not be wide enough to allow stock to pass through it. The minimum height must be at least 1.6 meters.

Portable Arenas

7.3.6 Portable arenas must have suitably braced and secured panels.

7.3.7 A stock contractor supplying fencing, yards or chutes must ensure that they comply with these standards.

Time-event chute

7.3.8 The time-event chute for steer wrestling must be at least 75cm wide at the animal's head height in the chute and when the gate is open.

7.3.9 In general, the standard arena should be suitable, soil-based surface, rotary-hoed or softened to a depth of about 8-10cm, and be free of rocks, holes and obstacles.

7.3.10 Other surfaces may be used if they are well drained, provide secure footing and are at least as safe for the animals as an appropriate soil-based surface. ISCDEA

7.3.11 Careful planning and construction of arenas will make handling and removing stock easier, and will also increase stock, competitor and public safety. The top rail of arenas should be made of steel to prevent breakage in the event of an attempted escape by an animal.

7.3.12 The construction, height and appearance of arena fencing should discourage stock from attempting to push through the fence or jump over it. There should be no protrusions on fences or gateways that are likely to cause injury.

7.3.13 Arena fences should be clearly visible and not appear open to the animal.

7.3.14 If it is thought that stock will pressure certain points of an arena more than others, care should be taken to ensure that the fencing is suitable.

7.3.15 The minimum height for portable arenas should be 1.8 meters.

8. Animal Management

 To protect animals from distress and injury, ensuring their safety, well being, and psychological health.

8.1 Horses

8.1.1 Horses used in rodeo rough-stock events must be at least 3 years of age, sound and fit for intended use. Age must not be used as the sole criterion of maturity; other factors such as size and physical conformation must be taken into account.

8.1.2 The criterion for determining the suitability of a rodeo bucking horse must be complete epiphysial closure. This can best be determined by the presence of the central adult incisors in wear, or, where there is doubt, by radiography.

8.1.3 Horses under three years old must not be used for bucking events.

8.1.4 Horses used for bucking events must not be used on more than three occasions in a day.

8.1.5 If a horse show signs of injury of fatigue, it must not be used.

8.2 Cattle

8.2.1 All cattle must be fit, healthy and suitable for the intended use.

8.2.2 The following limitations must be observed:

 The same cattle must not be used for steer wrestling and roping events on the same day

 Contract stock cattle must not be used more than three times on any one day, including practice for events and the event itself  

 Local stock cattle must be used more than two times on any one day, including practice for events and the events itself.

 In roping and tying events each competitor is allowed only one loop (throw) and, in team roping, only two loops are allowed in each team. CHATEa

8.2.3 Cattle used in roping and tying must be fit, healthy and without defects. The minimum weight for cattle used is 100kg and the maximum allowable weight is 130 kg.

8.2.4 Steers used in steer roping events must have a bodyweight at least 200kg.

8.2.5 Animals used in steer wrestling must be fit, healthy and without defects. The minimum weight for cattle used in steer wrestling is 200kg and the maximum weight is 300kg.

8.2.6 Animals used in team roping must be fit, healthy and without defects. The minimum weight for cattle used in team roping 200kg and the maximum weight is 300kg.

8.2.7 Cattle showing signs of injury or fatigue must not be used.

8.2.8 The use of contract stock for rodeo events is strongly encouraged.

8.2.9 The numbers of times that cattle may be used in competition varies, according to the rigours of the event and the conditioning of cattle to rodeo competition.

8.2.10 Cattle used in roping and tying events should optimally weigh 115kg.

8.2.11 Cattle used in steer wrestling events should optimally weigh 250kg.

8.2.12 Cattle used in team roping events should optimally weigh 250kg.

9. Special Requirements for Rodeos

9.1 All Events

9.1.1 Any equipment which may compromise an animal's welfare, either on the animal or which is to be used on the animal is not allowed.

9.1.2 A judge may instruct anyone to remove or modify equipment for which they are responsible, in accordance with these standards.

9.2 Saddle Bronc Riding

9.2.1 The saddle must not be set too far forward on the withers and must be correctly fitted. The minimum under the gullet of the saddle must be 10cm. sharp or cutting objects must not be used in a cinch, saddle or girth.

9.2.2 The front cinch must be a minimum of 12.5cm wide. The back cinch must not be over-tightened.

9.3 Bareback Bronic Riding

9.3.1 The bareback rigging must not be more than 26cm wide at the handhold, and no more than 16cm wide at the D rings.

9.3.2 Suitable pads must be placed under the rigging and extend a minimum of 5cm past the back of the rigging. The girth on rigging must be no less than 12.5cm wide.

9.4 Bull Riding

9.4.1 The equipment used in bull riding rigging shall be a loose rope with or without a hand-hold. There must be no knots or hitches preventing the rope from falling from the animal after the contestant has been thrown or dismounted. A contestant must not re-set and re-pull the rope more than twice if the bull is standing quietly in the chute. SIcTAC

9.5 Jerking Down and Dragging

9.5.1 Pulling an animal backward off its feet (jerk down) or dragging a roped animal is unacceptable. Contestants must use an appropriate technique, and appropriate and properly fitted equipment, to protect the animal against an abrupt stop after it has been roped, and to prevent the rope horse from dragging the roped animal.

9.5.2 Contestants will be deemed to have been in breach of these standards if they:

 Pull the calf backwards off its feet, or

 Drag it more than one meter after it is tied

9.5.3 The time limit to rope, throw by hand and complete the tie is 30 seconds from when the barrier is released. After the tie is completed and time signaled, the roper must immediately mount the horse and the ride it forward to loosen the catch rope.

9.5.4 Only one loop is allowed per contestant in each round of the event. If the first throw to prevent prolonged chasing of an animal around the arena.

9.5.5 A contestant who continues to tie the calf after the 30 seconds siren, or after the calf is jerked down or dragged, should be disqualified.

9.6 Steer Wrestling

Time Limit

9.6.1 The time limit to catch and throw the steer is 30 seconds from when the barrier is released.

Legal Throws

9.6.2 The steer must not be knocked down or thrown before the catch is made, and it is brought to a stop. If the animal is off its feet before a legal throw is made, it must stand on all four feet and be properly thrown.

9.7 Team Roping

Protective Horn Wraps

9.7.1 Horn wraps must be used in team roping to protect the ears, eyes and base of horns from possible injury.

Time Limit

9.7.2 The time limit to rope the head and the heels of the steer is 30 seconds from when the barrier is released. The time will be taken when the steer is properly roped with the catch ropes dallied, with both horses facing the steer, and with no slack in the ropes.

9.7.3 Only two loops are allowed in each round of the event (one for the header and one for the heeler). If a throw fails to catch the animal, the ropers are not permitted a second attempt to prevent the prolonged chasing of an animal around the arena.


9.7.4 The steer must be standing when it is roped by both the header and the heeler, and not be roughly handled. The only permitted head catches for team-roping are around both horns, the neck, or around a half head. THIASE

9.7.5 To prevent slack being taken up too hard, both horses' front feet should be on the ground when the time is taken.

9.7.6 The heel catch should be around both back legs, including behind the shoulders, provided the catch is made over the heels.

9.7.7 The heeler should not attempt a heel catch before the header has dallied his catch rope and changed the direction of the steer.

SECTION 10. * Role of the Bureau of Animal Industry, LGUs and Other Concerned Agencies.

The Bureau of Animal Industry shall register all facilities or structure for the confinement of animals where they are bred, treated, maintained or kept either for sale or trade or for training purposes pursuant to the provisions of DA-AO No. 8 series of 1999, DILG Memo Circular 2005-01 and R.A. 9482, where euthanasia shall also be conducted. It shall facilitate information exchange, review and monitor approved facilities and provide policy advice.

The Director may call upon any government agency for assistance consistent with its powers, duties and responsibilities for the purpose of ensuring the effective and efficient implementation of the rules and regulations promulgated there under. It shall be the duty of such government agency concerned to assist said Director when called upon for assistance using any available fund in its budget for the purpose.

SECTION 11. Prohibited Acts and Penalties.

Acts of neglect, torture, killing, inadequate care, sustenance or shelter, or other activities or practices under the foregoing rules and regulations are hereby considered prohibited and shall be prosecuted in accordance with Section 6 of Republic Act No. 8485.

Any person, firm, company, government or non-government institution, people's organization and the like who fails to observe the provisions of this Administrative Order which is intended to further define, qualify and fill in details of the provisions of Republic Act No. 8485 shall be punished under the pertinent provisions of the Act and its corresponding penalties. This is without prejudice to whatever administrative sanction that may be imposed such as cancellation of permit of registration, or suspension or revocation of accreditation of the establishment by the Bureau of Animal Industry.

SECTION 12. Repealing Clause.

All existing administrative orders, rules and regulations or parts thereof which are inconsistent with the provisions of this order are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.

SECTION 13. Separability Clause.

If any provision of this Order is declared unconstitutional or invalid, the remaining portions thereof which are not affected thereby shall continue to be in full force and effect.

SECTION 14. Effectivity.

This order shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in the Official Gazette or in any newspaper of general circulation and the filing of three (3) certified copies with the UP Law Center. SDTIaE

(SGD.) PROCESO J. ALCALASecretaryDepartment of Agriculture