Implementing Rules and Regulations for Executive Order No. 625 Creating a National Committee on Geological Sciences ( MNR Order No. 03-83 )

May 10, 1983

May 10, 1983


SUBJECT : Implementing Rules and Regulations for Executive Order No. 625 Creating a National Committee on Geological Sciences

Pursuant to Executive Order No. 625 dated October 8, 1980 and Executive Order No. 708 dated July 27, 1981, to implement the provision thereof, the following rules and regulations are hereby promulgated for the guidance of the Committee.



SECTION 1. The seal of the Committee shall contain the words National Committee on Geological Sciences-Philippines-1980.

SECTION 2. The domicile and principal Office of the Committee shall be at the Bureau of Mines and Geo-Sciences, MNR Bldg., 1515 Roxas Boulevard, Ermita, Metro Manila.


Objectives, Powers and Functions

SECTION 1. Objectives. — The Committee shall have the following for its principal objectives: (a) promote and coordinate Philippine activities on geological sciences, (b) ensure unified action by government agencies in national and international activities related to the geological sciences (c) serve as advisory body to the President of the Philippines and other agencies/institutions on geology as it relates to mineral and energy resources development, and environmental protection, (d) eliminate undue duplication of efforts and expenditures in the field of geological study and investigation, (e) facilitate geologic data banking, analysis, exchange and monitoring and dissemination.

SECTION 2. Power and Functions. — To attain its principal objectives, the Committee shall exercise the following powers and functions:

a. Promote, coordinate and monitor national programs and activities related to the geological sciences;

b. Facilitate effective representation of the Philippines through properly selected/organized adhering bodies and representatives in international geological organizations;

c. Act as national contact to government or private international organizations in matters pertaining to Philippine geological activities;

d. Advise the President of the Philippines and other government and private entities on matters concerning development/conservation of energy and mineral resources, environmental protection, and participation in international geological programs;

e. Facilitate the compilation, storage, retrieval, analysis and dissemination of information about matters pertaining to the geological sciences;

f. Solicit and accept donations and monetary contributions from local and foreign sources for the purpose of implementing/financing the programs of the Committee;

g. Create ad hoc sub-committees/working groups to undertake specific tasks or assignments; and

h. Formulate and implement such rules and regulations as may be necessary to administer the provisions of Executive Order No. 625.



SECTION 1. The Committee shall be composed of the following agencies through their official representatives:

- Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey

 (Ministry of National Defense) 

- Bureau of Mines and Geo-Sciences

 (Ministry of Natural Resources) 

- Department of Geology and Geography

 (University of the Philippines) 

- Mines Research Division

 (Philippine Council for Agriculture and

 Resources Research and Development) 

- Ministry of Foreign Affairs 

- National Economic and Development Authority 

- National Irrigation Administration 

- National Power Corporation 

- National Research Council of the Philippines

 (National Science Technology Authority) 

- Natural Resources Management Center

 (Ministry of Natural Resources) 

- Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and

 Astronomical Services Administration

 (Ministry of National Defense) 

- Philippine Atomic Energy Commission 

- Philippine Institute of Volcanology

 (Formerly Commission on Volcanology)

 (National Science Technology Authority) 

- Other concerned agencies that may

 wish to join the Committee.

SECTION 2. The Official Representative of the member agencies shall be the head of the respective agencies or his duly designated permanent representative. In addition, an alternate representative shall be designated who shall represent the agency in the absence of the head or the permanent representative.

SECTION 3. The Bureau of Mines and Geo-Sciences shall serve as the lead agency of the Committee.



SECTION 1. The regular meetings of the Committee shall be held once a month at a place and time duly designated by the Chairman of the Committee.

SECTION 2. Special meetings may be called by the Chairman or sub-committee chairman as deemed necessary.

SECTION 3. Quorum. — A simple majority (50% + 1) of the members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum, for the conduct of official business.

SECTION 4. During regular and special meetings, all questions shall be decided by consensus, if possible. Where consensus, it not attainable, any member may propose a division of the house, which shall be decided by votation, of the principle of one representative one vote. The concurrence of a simple majority of members present and voting shall be necessary for the passage of any official motion or proposal.



SECTION 1. The Executive Officers of the Committee shall be composed of the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman and the Executive Secretary.

SECTION 2. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall be elected from among the heads or permanent representatives of the member agencies. They shall hold office for a term of two (2) years or until their successors are duly elected and qualified.

SECTION 3. Duties of the Chairman. — The Chairman shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Committee, and as such, he shall exercise, among others, the following powers and duties;

a. preside over all regular and special meetings of the Committee;

b. call a meeting whenever he deemed necessary;

c. represent the Committee in matters where representation would be required unless agreed upon other wise in a regular or special meeting called for the purpose;

d. approve expenditures and disbursement of funds of the Committee before payment is made; and

e. exercise other duties that the Committee may from time to time delegate to him.

SECTION 4. Duties of the Vice-Chairman. — In case of the Chairman's absence, disability, or incapacity, the Vice-Chairman shall act in his place and shall be vested with the powers that appertain to the Chairman.

SECTION 5. The Executive Secretary shall be designated by the Director of Mines and Geo-Sciences as the head of the lead agency.

SECTION 6. The duties of the Executive Secretary are:

a. organized and direct the activities of the Secretariat;

b. supervise and coordinate all matters related to the routine operations of the Committee;

c. assist the Chairman and Vice-Chairman in the proper implementation of all decisions and programs of the Committee;

d. supervise the preparation of all reports and communications, official papers and preservation of records of the Committee;

e. arrange the preliminaries in the conduct of the meeting in collaboration with the Chairman of the Committee; and

f. recommend to the Director of Mines and Geo-Sciences or the Chairman such matters necessary for the smooth and effective operation of the Secretariat.

SECTION 7. The Executive Secretary shall head the Secretariat whose members shall be designated by the Director of Mines and Geo-Sciences, and which shall consist, among others of Assistant Executive Secretary, Technical Assistants, Finance Officer/Treasurer, Legal Officer, and Clerical Secretaries.

SECTION 8. The Assistant Executive Secretary shall assist the Executive Secretary in his duties and assume the functions of the Executive Secretary in his absence.

SECTION 9. The Technical Assistant shall assist the Executive Secretary and Assistant Executive Secretary on matters involving research and preparation of reports, communications and official papers relating to programs and decisions of the Committee.

SECTION 10. The Finance Officer shall prepare annual budgetary requests, disburse and receive funds of the Committee when necessary, and manage the finances of the Committee subject to accounting and auditing rules and regulations.

SECTION 11. The Legal officer shall act as Legal Counsel of the Committee.

SECTION 12. The Clerical Secretaries shall take the minutes of the meetings, file and preserve all records, documents, communications, maintain and man the Office of the Committee, and assist the Executive Secretary in all clerical matters.


Financial Transactions

SECTION 1. Funds for the operation and maintenance of the Committee shall come from the allocation included in the Bureau of Mines and Geo-Sciences budget as provided in Executive Order No. 625 or Appropriation Act.

SECTION 2. Funds of the Committee may be augmented by donations, endowments or contributions from the other member agencies in cash or in kind, or from public or private institutions in the Philippines or elsewhere. They shall accrue to a trust fund which can be disposed off by the Committee thru the Chairman subject to accounting and auditing rules and regulations.

SECTION 3. Collections from donations, endowments or contributions of the Committee shall be deposited with the Philippine National Bank or any authorized government depository bank.

SECTION 4. The deposits of the Committee in authorized government depository bank shall be withdrawable on the joint signatures of the Chairman and the Auditor of the Bureau of Mines and Geo-Sciences or their authorized representatives.



SECTION 1. These rules and regulations or any of its section may be altered, amended, or repealed, by a majority vote of the members of the Committee, at any regular or special meeting duly called for that purpose.


Final Provisions

SECTION 1. If any clause, sentence, provision or section of this Order shall be held invalid or unconstitutional, the remaining parts shall not be affected thereby. aisa dc

SECTION 2. All orders, rules and regulations inconsistent with the provisions of this Order are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.

SECTION 3. The effectivity of this Order shall retroact, upon its approval to the date of the effectivity of Executive Order No. 625.

APPROVED: May 10, 1983

(SGD.) TEODORO Q. PEÑAMinisterMinistry of National Resources


JUANITO C. FERNANDEZChairman, National Committee on Geological Sciences