Guidelines on the Registration of Organic Food and Organic Input Producers ( DA Administrative Order No. 14-11 )

April 08, 2011

April 8, 2011


SUBJECT : Guidelines on the Registration of Organic Food and Organic Input Producers


Pursuant to Section 16 of Republic Act No. 10068 otherwise known as "Organic Agriculture Act of 2010" and its Implementing Rules and Regulations, the Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Product Standards (BAFPS) hereby issues the following guidelines for the registration of organic food and organic input producers/establishments: DIAcTE

I. Scope

This guideline provides information and prescribes the rules and regulations for the registration of organic food and organic input producers/establishments to include importers, exporters, manufacturers and processors, to ensure farmers and end-users that the products being marketed are of good quality as guaranteed by the accredited organic certifying body(s) and compliant to the Philippine National Standard for Organic Agriculture.

The following are covered by this guideline:

A. Organic Food

1. Fresh

2. Processed

B. Organic Inputs, Producers/Establishments

1. Seeds and planting materials

2. Plant protection and pest management products

3. Compost and Fertilizers, Soil Conditioner, Plant Growth Promoter

4. Bio Control Agents (BCA)

5. Feeds

II. Definitions

For the purposes of this Order, the following definitions shall apply:

Organic — refers to the particular farming and processing systems, described in the standards and not in the classical chemical sense. The term "organic" is synonymous in other languages to "biological" or "ecological". It is also a labeling term that denotes products considered organic based on the Philippine National Standards for organic agriculture.

Organic food establishment — refers to an entity, whether local or foreign, that produces fresh or processed organic food.

Organic input establishment — refers to an entity, whether local or foreign, that produces inputs acceptable for organic agriculture.

III. Registration

A. For Organic Input Establishment

It shall contain the following information:

1. the name, address and contact information such as phone number and email address/website of each organic input/establishment that the registrant owns or sells;

2. the primary purpose and business activity of each input establishment, including the dates of operation in a year, if the organic input establishment is seasonal; AHECcT

3. a list of organic input produced and their corresponding brand names;

4. the name, address and contact information of the organic input certifying body that certified the products sold;

5. a written assurance that the registrant will notify BAFPS of any change in the products, function or legal status of the domestic input establishment (including cessation of business activities) not later than thirty (30) days after such change;

6. a List of materials (common names and scientific name in the case of plant parts) used in the production of each particular input.

B. For Organic Food Establishment

It shall contain the following information:

1. the name, address and contact information such as phone number and email address/website of each organic food establishment that the registrant owns;

2. the primary purpose and business activity of each organic food establishment, including the dates of operation in a year, if the organic food establishment is seasonal;

3. a list of organic food produced and their corresponding brand names;

4. the name, address and contact information of the certifying body — certifying that the products sold are compliant to the Philippine National Standards for organic agriculture and processing;

5. a written assurance that the registrant will notify BAFPS of any change in the products, function or legal status of the domestic food establishment (including cessation of business activities) not later than thirty (30) days after such change;

IV. Requirements

A. Organic Fertilizer (solid or liquid)

1. Administrative requirement:

 Duly accomplished and notarized Application Form with documentary stamps. Original must be submitted together with the duplicate copy.

 Organic certification from a DA-accredited certifying body. EASCDH

2. Technical requirements:

(A) For new application — Fertilizers

 Proposed packaging materials/label or bag;

 Guaranteed analysis of nutrients (macro and micro) including percentage of moisture and C:N ratio, in accordance to the PNS;

 Raw materials used;

 Brochure/pamphlet describing the product including rate of application and direction for use;

 General description of production process (Confidential Business Information);

 Test for pathogens;

 Bio-efficacy data generated by accredited researchers/institutions for fertilizers;

 Any claim on the presence of beneficial microorganisms must be specified;

 Other relevant information (i.e., brochure/pamphlets of exporting/manufacturing firm or company profile).

(B) For new application — BIO-CONTROL AGENTS (BCA)

 Guaranteed analyses of active ingredients;

 Source of claim of bioactive ingredient/compound;

 Brochure/pamphlet describing the product including rate of application, direction for use and recommended PHI (Pre-harvest Interval);

 General description of production process (Confidential Business Information);

 Bioefficacy, environmental impact and toxicology data generated by accredited researchers/institutions;

 Any claim of effects other than efficacy should be supported by appropriate documentation;

 Other relevant information (i.e., brochure/pamphlets of exporting/manufacturing firm or company profile).

 Institutional producers or private companies should register their facilities for biosafety compliance.

For natural products used as bio-pesticide inputs

 Submit bio-efficacy tests

(C) For renewal application

 Inform BAFPS of any changes on the above items

 Recent chemical analysis from a duly accredited laboratory TcHCDE

a) At least one (1) month prior to the expiration of the registration, the company, firm or farm must apply for renewal, otherwise fees shall apply for late registration.

b) For products that are currently registered with FPA, but the validity of registration is about to expire, it shall be subject only to renewal requirements by BAFPS.

V. Status


a) Renewal of license is done annually. Product registration is done every three (3) years with submission of sample for validation of product quality and safety.

b) Provisional registration valid for one (1) year is given if the bioefficacy test has been done for one cropping only; Full registration is given after significant effectiveness of product for second cropping is validated.

c) Data generated from foreign countries may be accepted and given one (1) year probationary registration subject to generation of local bioefficacy data.


a) Product registration is valid for five (5) years; if there is no report of any misuse after 5 years, only documentary submissions is required.

VI. Fees

Aside from cash basis, registration fees shall either be in Postal Money Order or Manager's Check payable to the DA Cashier's office. Personal and out-of-town checks are NOT accepted.


1. Organic Food Dealer P1,500.00
2. Organic Fertilizer Dealer P2,000.00/store
3. Bio-Control Agents Dealer P2,500.00
4. Dealer of both Fertilizer/BCA P4,000.00
5. Importer/Exporter P3,000.00
6. Input Manufacturer/Processor P3,000.00



VII. Separability Clause

Should any provision of this Order or any part thereof be declared invalid, the other provisions, so far as they are separable, shall remain in force and in effect. cTADCH

VIII. Repealing Clause

All previous guidelines and circulars inconsistent herewith are hereby superseded or modified accordingly.

IX. Administrative Penalties

Administrative sanctions shall be imposed against all persons or entities who violate or refuse to abide by the provisions of this Administrative Order pursuant to the Penal Provisions under Section 26 of R.A. 10068, Articles 19, 95 and 107 of Chapter I, IV and V of the Consumer Act of the Philippines (R.A. 7394) and other pertinent laws and regulations.

X. Effectivity

This Order shall take effect immediately.


(SGD.) PROCESO J. ALCALASecretaryDepartment of Agriculture