Guidelines on the Hygienic Slaughtering of Captive-Bred Saltwater Crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) for Food ( DA Administrative Order No. 26-12 )

November 07, 2012

November 7, 2012


SUBJECT : Guidelines on the Hygienic Slaughtering of Captive-Bred Saltwater Crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) for Food 


WHEREAS, the Department of Agriculture recognizes the emergence of captive-bred saltwater crocodile as a food animal;

WHEREAS, the technical procedures and requirements for slaughtering crocodile is different from other food animals;

WHEREAS, there is a need to ensure the hygienic production of crocodile meat to safeguard the health of the consuming public from zoonoses and other hazards posed by exotic or unconventional meat;

WHEREAS, there is a need to support the endeavor of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) to protect endangered crocodile species;

WHEREAS, the National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS) is mandated to promulgate and implement policies, procedures and guidelines governing proper handling, inspection, processing, storage and preservation of meat and meat products and to protect the interest, health and general welfare of the meat consuming public.

NOW THEREFORE, I, PROCESO J. ALCALA, Secretary of Agriculture, pursuant to Republic Act No. 9296, otherwise known as the Meat Inspection Code of the Philippines, do hereby direct the adoption of this Guidelines on Hygienic Slaughter of Saltwater Crocodile for Food.



This Guideline applies to the hygienic slaughtering of captive-bred saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) for food.


Definition of Terms

1. Approved — Means allowed by the competent authority.

2. Bleeding — The severing of the large blood vessels in the back region of the neck to allow the free flow of blood from the carcass as soon as possible after stunning. aCcADT

3. Captive-bred saltwater crocodile — Are crocodiles individually produced under controlled conditions or with human intervention, registered, and covered with a permit issued by the DENR for commercial purposes.

4. Carcass — Skinned body of a crocodile minus the head, feet and offals.

5. CITES — Convention for International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, a treaty regulating international trade of fauna and flora.

6. Clean — In relation to:

a) Carcass or meat, means free from all visible contaminants such as but not limited to ingesta, dust, rail grease, fecal material, excretions, parasites and pathological conditions;

b) Premises means surfaces or floors, walls, ceilings, equipment, accessories and utensils free of visible contamination, washed, sanitized and free of objectionable odors.

7. Condemned — In relation to a crocodile carcass or its part, means that the carcass or carcass part is not suitable for human or animal consumption, and requires destruction.

8. Contamination — The presence of objectionable matter including substances or microorganisms that make crocodile meat unwholesome.

9. Competent authority — The official authority charged by the government with the control and regulation.

10. Crocodile Meat — The edible part of any slaughtered captive-bred saltwater crocodile excluding offals.

11. Disease — In relation to an animal, means the presence of an infectious agent or pathological process that:

a) affects the health of an animal to an extent that would prevent acceptance of the carcass, the meat or the parts derived from the animal for human consumption; or

b) may not necessarily affect the health of the animal, but may be transmitted to other animals or humans who may come in contact with the animal or with the carcass or who might consume meat derived from the animal.

12. DENR — Department of Environment and Natural Resources.

13. Edible — Suitable for human consumption.

14. Exotic Meat — meat derived from less familiar sources.

15. Inedible — Unsuitable for human consumption.

16. Food Animal — All domestic animals slaughtered for human consumption such as but not limited to cattle, carabaos, buffaloes, horses, sheep, goats, hogs, deer, rabbits, ostrich and poultry.

17. Holding pen — A place where crocodiles are temporarily reared/rested or confined before slaughter.

18. Inspector — A professionally qualified and properly trained officer, duly appointed by the NMIS or the Local Government Units for meat inspection and control of hygiene under the supervision of a veterinary inspector.

19. NMIS — National Meat Inspection Service.

20. Operator — The person, owner or manager who at the time is in attendance and responsible for the operation of the crocodile slaughter facility.

21. Premises — A building or structure, and equipment, where crocodiles are processed for the production of meat for human consumption. ACcTDS

22. Saltwater crocodile — refers to captive-bred Crocodylus porosus.

23. Sanitize — The application of approved chemical and/or physical agents and processes to clean surfaces to minimize the risk of contamination of meat by microorganisms.

24. Sterilize — In relation to equipment or utensils used in the hygienic slaughtering or processing of crocodiles, cleaned and immersed in water heated to not less than 82ºC until sterilization is effected, or treated by other effective means.

25. Stunning — The procedure by which an animal is rendered unconscious before being bled to death.


General Considerations

The slaughtering of captive-bred saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) shall be governed by the following conditions:

1. Crocodile to be slaughtered shall be duly registered under DENR.

2. Slaughter of crocodile shall be done only by trained/experienced butchers.

3. Use of crocodile meat and other by-products for human consumption shall be subject to NMIS guidelines. Containers of meat and other edible by-products for export shall be individually labeled indicating the corresponding CITES lag number and source of crocodile (i.e.,name of farm).

4. Procedures in the slaughter of crocodile shall follow this guidelines.

5. The crocodile shall only be slaughtered in an NMIS accredited facility.

6. Crocodile skins shall be marked by PAWB or concerned Regional Offices using tags duly prescribed by CITES at the cost of crocodile owner. The concerned DENR Regional Offices shall submit record of marked skins and their corresponding CITES tags to PAWB for consolidation and data-basing.


Meat Establishment, Equipment and Implements for Slaughtering and Processing

A. Location of Meat Establishment

1. Free from objectionable odor, flying ash, dust or other environmental contaminants.

2. Not subject to flooding.

3. Approved by competent authority in relation to land use.

4. Accessible to water supply, power and distribution.

5. Suitably taking into consideration future habitation and development so as not likely to create a nuisance or public health hazard.

B. Building construction and Layout

1. The design and layout of the premises and its equipment shall facilitate the hygienic production of meat and any inspection or auditing necessary during or after production.

2. The premises shall be adequately supplied with hot and cold potable water at a volume and pressure to enable hygienic practice.

3. The construction materials used shall have all exposed surfaces that are durable, non-toxic, smooth-surfaced (consistent with safety in the case of floors),corrosion resistant, impervious, resistant to or protected from impact, easily cleaned, resistant to chipping or flaking, and of a finish which makes contamination clearly visible. ACIDTE

4. The building shall be constructed such that joints are effectively sealed.

5. The establishment shall be constructed to minimize accumulation of dust, water, litter or waste materials on ledges, sills and, by means of adequate coving, at wall to floor junctions.

6. All equipment and appliances used for meat processing purposes shall be durable, non-toxic, smooth-surfaced, corrosion resistant, impervious, resistant to or protected from impact, easily cleaned, resistant to chipping or flaking, and of a finish which makes contamination clearly visible.

7. The design, construction, installation and use of equipment and fittings shall preclude the adulteration of product with any contaminants and the equipment and fittings shall be installed in a way that allows effective cleaning of the premises or equipment.

8. There shall be physical separation between edible and inedible areas and areas for the processing of animal food.

9. Construction shall be designed to exclude:

a) the entrance of any animals not intended for use in meat processing, including dogs, cats, birds, rodents and insects;

b) any harborage for vermin, and

c) environmental contaminants, including dust.

10. Lighting shall be sufficient to enable hygienic processing, inspection and auditing.

11. Ventilation shall maintain product wholesomeness and remove excess heat, steam and condensation and minimize the entry of odors, dust, vapor or smoke. Airflows from inedible to edible areas shall be minimized.

12. Door openings and passageways shall be of a size ensuring product does not come into contact with jambs or walls.

13. The roof shall be waterproof.

14. Where closed long chutes or pipes are used for the transfer of product, they shall be demountable or provided with inspection plates to enable effective cleaning.

C. Perimeter Fence

1. Constructed to prevent entry of unauthorized personnel and escape of crocodiles.

D. Holding Pen

1. Constructed to hold one crocodile per pen to assure personnel safety as well as humane handling of crocodile.

E. Slaughter area/facility

1. Facilities shall be provided for the washing and antimicrobial treatment of the animal body.

2. Elevated platform or similar facility for pithing to prevent contamination.

3. Bleeding rail with hook and roller shall be provided.

4. To facilitate hygienic processing, the facilities shall be:

a) provided with equipment to contain blood and liquid waste and drained to a drainage system or container and subsequently disposed.

b) adequately supplied with potable water sufficient to wash hands and equipment during processing. 

c) provided with an adequate supply of a suitable agent for sanitizing hands and equipment. DECcAS

5. There shall be enough working space to facilitate inspection.

F. Drainage and Effluent

1. The drainage system must effectively remove solid and liquid waste in a manner which does not jeopardize the wholesomeness of meat.

2. Floors shall be evenly graded and drained so that liquids do not accumulate and provide a rate of drainage consistent with the operations in the area.

3. Open drains shall be properly trapped and covered.

4. The drainage system shall prevent odors, vermin, any objectionable material or storm water entering the premises through that system and prevent the accumulation of any water or waste product.

5. Sewage/septic systems shall drain separately from other drainage systems.

6. Liquid waste, suspended fats and sewage shall be disposed of by a means approved by the competent authorities and in a manner that prevents contamination of potable water supplies and does not enter crocodiles' raising or holding facilities.

G. Hygiene and Sanitation Facilities

1. Hygiene and sanitation facilities shall be provided at the premises to allow for cleaning, sanitizing, and where applicable, sterilizing of premises, equipment and protective clothing.

2. Premises shall have handwashing facilities which are:

a) provided with hot and cold water.

b) provided with an effective sanitizing agent.

c) equipped with taps which are not operated by hand.

d) if provided with hand drying facilities, they shall not contaminate washed hands nor the surrounding areas.

e) connected directly to the drainage system or into the floor drains.

3. Sterilizers for knives and other equipment shall be provided with potable water at a temperature of not less than 82ºC, or an equivalent method of sterilization and an overflow directed to the drainage system.

H. Processing Areas

1. Processing areas shall be designed so that inedible material does not pass through edible material areas.

2. Hand wash basins and sterilizers shall be readily accessible and at appropriate locations for use during processing.

3. A suitable means of keeping/holding clean equipment such as hooks to prevent contact with any source of contamination.

4. Processing tables for skinning and meat preparation shall be provided.

5. Rail or other carcass elevating devices shall be of sufficient height to ensure that there is adequate carcass clearance over, or from, equipment and structures not designed for contact to prevent any cross contamination.

6. Conveniently located wash-down hose points with hose storage reels or racks shall be provided.

7. Where carcass washing is carried out during processing, carcass wash areas shall be:

a) constructed to confine wash water to that area and direct it to the drainage system; and

b) constructed to prevent spraying or splashing or aerosol contamination of other meat or areas.

8. The processing area shall have clearly identified facilities for removing edible and inedible material from the processing areas.

I. Chillers and Freezers

1. Chillers and freezers shall be provided if the operation requires proper storage of crocodile meat. ADSTCI

2. Chiller and freezer capacity shall be adequate for maximum daily production and accommodate the total quantity of product likely to be held on the premises at any one time.

3. A chiller shall be capable of reducing the internal temperature of the carcass to 1-3ºC within 24 hours.

4. Freezers used to store crocodile meat shall be capable of maintaining temperatures of -18ºC or colder when fully loaded.

5. Equipment for the accurate monitoring and display of chiller and freezer temperatures shall be provided and operate at all times while chillers and freezers are in use.

6. Cooling unit discharge shall be contained and directed to the drainage system.

7. Chillers and freezers shall be provided with facilities (racks, stands, etc.) to store cartons and containers of products (tubs, trays, etc.) in such a manner that the cartons and containers and product stored therein are protected from deterioration and contamination through floor contact, splash and drip from other products.

8. The design of such facilities shall not impede the effective cleaning of the chiller or freezer.

J. Loading Areas

1. Load-out and load-in areas associated with chillers and freezers shall be provided with a protective awning and the floors shall be constructed of impervious material and effectively drained. The loading areas shall commensurate with the size of transport vehicles routinely associated consigning product from or to the premises.

2. Loading in or loading out of skin of crocodiles, skins and materials shall be carried out in a manner that does not represent a source of contamination to meat and meat products.

K. Skin Storage Area

1. Skin storage area shall be provided and physically separated from the clean areas.

L. Cleaning and Storage Facilities

1. Cleaning facilities shall be situated so as not to jeopardize the hygienic processing of crocodiles.

2. Separate facilities shall be provided for the cleaning of appliances and mobile equipment where such things as steam, splash from wash water and cleaning chemicals used or produced during the cleaning process are potential sources of contamination of meat and meat products.

3. Facilities shall be provided for the storage of cleaned equipment such as product containers, trays, tubs and mobile equipment to protect them from contamination.

4. Separate facilities, lockable where required, shall be provided for the exclusive storage of all processing and packaging materials, laundered protective clothing and chemicals used for cleaning, sanitizing, etc.

5. Storage of material shall be in a manner to prevent contamination of such material that could jeopardize the wholesomeness of meat.

M. Amenities

1. Amenities shall be located so as not to jeopardize the hygienic processing of animals.

2. Access to amenities shall be achieved without employees from areas edible product is handled, passing through areas where inedible product is handled or vice versa.

3. Impervious walkways shall be provided from the work place to the amenities. TSDHCc

N. Maintenance

1. The maintenance of premises and equipment shall:

a) Facilitate hygienic processing;

b) Ensure equipment is in a proper state of operational adjustment;

c) Ensure that defects or damage are repaired in accordance with good practice; and

d) Ensure repaired items are in good working order.


Documentary Requirements Before Slaughter

The following documents shall be presented to the meat inspection officer prior to slaughter:

1. Veterinary Health Certificate — This certification shall include vaccination history and medical record if any.

2. Shipping Permit — This permit is required when crossing provincial borders.

3. Certification/Clearance from the concerned DENR Office that the crocodiles are captive-bred and were legally acquired.

4. Wildlife Local Transport Permit from the concerned DENR-PENRO or CENRO.

5. Harvested crocodiles shall be slaughtered only in NMIS accredited slaughter facility.


Pre-Slaughter Handling and Restraint

1. Select animals for slaughter and transfer to holding pen where they will stay for six months before slaughter during which the animals are free from treated feeds or medication. Feeding condemned carcass is prohibited during this period.

2. Animals must be in good health condition.

3. The animals shall be transported in a vehicle with adequate ventilation.

4. Withhold feed for two to three days prior to slaughter.

5. An appropriate restraining method (e.g.,the use of duct tape for the mouth) shall be employed when necessary to prevent the animal and workers from injuries.


Slaughtering Procedure

A. Stunning and Restraining

1. The animal is rendered unconscious in the holding pen with the use of electric stunner (220v).

2. Use appropriate restraining materials (e.g.,duct tape, rope).

3. As soon as possible after killing, crocodiles shall be washed and the bleeding site swabbed with an approved sterilizing agent then bled in an appropriate manner. A maximum of 10 minutes should elapse between stunning and bleeding.

B. Killing and Pithing

1. The animal is transported at the kill floor area/platform immediately after stunning to sever the spinal cord and major blood vessels.

2. A stainless metal rod is inserted into the cranial cavity to destroy the brain.

C. Washing and Hanging

1. Right after pithing, the animal body is washed and cleaned with an approved detergent or disinfectant prior to skinning (ex. chlorine wash at 100 ppm). ESCTIA

2. The throat and cloaca are plugged with an appropriate material (ex. Wax paper to prevent the escape of stomach and intestinal contents.)

3. The crocodile carcass is suspended on the bleeding rail to allow the blood to sufficiently drip.

D. Skinning

1. Skinning shall be done on approved processing tables. Sufficient space shall be provided to ensure one carcass does not contact another.

2. Where leakage of ingesta or fecal material is likely to occur, a method to prevent or control such leakage shall be used (ex. plugging of throat and cloaca).

3. Meat shall not come into contact with external crocodile skin surfaces, or with equipment surfaces. Where equipment surfaces come in contact with external skin surfaces, they shall be sterilized before meat is allowed to contact them.

4. Where localized abscesses are encountered during skinning, equipment shall be immediately sterilized and abscesses removed by trimming to prevent the spread of contamination.

5. Unskinned carcasses shall not be laid on the floor of either the processing or refrigeration rooms. Skinned carcasses shall not be in contact with any floors, walls or unhygienic surfaces.

E. Head and Feet Cutting

1. After skinning, the head and feet are removed.

2. Removal of implanted microchip (if any) from the carcass may also be facilitated or done after the removal of head and feet.  

F. Evisceration

1. Any meat that can be removed without evisceration taking place such as those coming from the tail should be removed prior to opening the body cavity. If other meat is to be recovered, evisceration shall be completed prior to such process commencing.

2. Where carcasses are eviscerated, this may be done on the processing tables, or by suspending the carcass vertically so that the viscera falls directly into the container.

3. Viscera shall be extracted intact, with no contamination of the meat by gut contents, and disposed of in an approved manner. Where the esophagus and/or cloaca pose a risk of contamination during processing, preventive controls shall be instigated.

4. If the viscera are inadvertently punctures during evisceration, the meat surrounding the body cavity shall be left intact and washed thoroughly.

G. Fabrication

1. Meat shall be removed from carcasses by methods that prevent contamination.

2. Crocodile meat shall be subjected to antimicrobial treatment (chilled [5ºC] chlorinated water [20-50 ppm]).

H. Packaging and Labeling

1. Meat for human consumption shall be packed in clean, unused, impervious material, and then completely enclosed in a clean unused approved container. Crocodile meat shall be chilled or frozen prior to distribution.

2. Packaging of crocodile meat for human consumption shall bear the appropriate labeling requirements (AO 24 s. 2010 General Guidelines on labeling of Meat and Meat Products). CIaDTE


Inspection Procedure

A. Ante-Mortem Inspection

1. The operator of the processing premises shall have in place a system which ensures that:

a) live crocodiles are treated humanely; and

b) moribund, unhealthy or rejected crocodiles are not processed for human consumption.

2. If the observations made at ante-mortem inspection suggest that crocodiles display symptoms of a notifiable disease the relevant government veterinarian shall be contacted as soon as possible. The affected crocodiles shall be withheld from slaughter until a course of action has been determined under relevant regulation for the control of exotic disease in animals.

B. Post-Mortem Inspection

1. Operators of crocodile processing establishments shall have in place systems to ensure that carcasses and their parts:

a) are disease free and wholesome;

b) are not contaminated with foreign material during processing;

c) which are diseased or contaminated, are handled in a manner which ensures that other product is not contaminated.

C. Disposition of Carcasses

The meat inspection officer shall ensure that any carcass or part is handled in one of the following ways:

1. Carcasses and their parts shall be passed for either human consumption, animal food or be condemned in accordance with the criteria in Appendix A of thus Guideline.

2. Emphasis shall be placed on normal healthy carcasses and parts. Departures from normal as described in Appendix A shall be dealt with according to the dispositions described for each observation or set of observations.

3. A critical risk represents a condition, which carries with it a significant risk to human health.

4. A major risk represents a condition, which, while not carrying a significant risk to human health, does affect the wholesomeness of product.

5. A minor risk represents a condition, which does not carry a human health risk, but does affect the wholesomeness of product only in that there may be defects recognized as objectionable to consumers (presentation faults).

6. Carcasses and their parts may be retained pending laboratory confirmation or other examination before disposition.

7. Carcasses and their parts passed for animal food shall be clearly identified by approved methods.

8. Where carcasses or parts are downgraded for animal food and constitute a potential disease risk to animals if consumed in a raw form, they shall be identified by approved methods and consigned to premises for heat sterilization.

9. Condemned carcasses and their parts shall be clearly identified or denatured to prevent use for human consumption.


Hygienic Requirements

Hygiene controls of all operations should effectively prevent physical and microbiological contamination of product and risks to health and safety of plant personnel. aSEDHC

1. Cleaning and sanitizing

a) Buildings, surroundings, perimeter fencing, roadways, yards, rooms, equipment and other facilities of the registered premises shall be maintained in good repair and in a clean, orderly condition at all times.

b) A person shall not commence each day's operation using plant, equipment, vehicles or protective clothing unless such plant, equipment, vehicles and protective clothing are clean.

c) Equipment, implements, tables, utensils, protective gear and containers shall be cleaned regularly during orations. They shall be immediately and thoroughly cleaned and sanitized whenever they come in contact with diseased or infective material, or infective material, or become contaminated in any way. They shall also be effectively cleaned and sanitized at the conclusion of work each day.

d) Cleaning compounds and similar materials (detergents and sanitizers) shall be approved for use in meat processing premises and shall not be allowed to come into contact with meat or packaging materials during cleaning and sanitizing of rooms, equipment or utensils.

e) Except when approved for use without a final rinse, any chemical residue shall be removed from surfaces likely to contaminate edible product by thorough rising with potable water before the area or the equipment is again used for handling edible product.

f) Cleaning compounds or other materials likely to cause contamination of product shall not be stored in edible product areas. Cleaning equipment shall be stored materials labeled and stacked orderly.

2. Pest Control

a) All possible precautions shall be taken to ensure that pests do not contaminate edible product and materials, equipment and utensils.

b) There shall be an effective and continuous program for the control of insects, birds, rodents and other pests.

c) Pesticides shall not be used in a manner that risks contamination of product or equipment.

d) Before pesticides are applied, all meat and wrapping material shall be removed from an edible product room. All equipment and utensils shall be thoroughly washed before being used again.

3. Hygiene and health of personnel

a) A program of continuing training in the hygiene handling of edible product shall be implemented in each processing premises.

b) Operators shall ensure that no employee while known to be suffering from, or to be a carrier of a disease capable of being transmitted through meat, or while afflicted with infected wounds, sores or diarrhea, is permitted to work in any capacity in which it is possible either directly or indirectly to contaminate product with pathogenic micro-organisms. Any person so afflicted shall report the illness to the management.

c) When it considered appropriate and/or the operator, persons who come into contact with meat and meat products shall have a medical examination at times when clinically or epidemiologically indicated. The medical examination shall pay particular attention to infected wounds and sores, enteric infection (especially with respect to Salmonella) and respiratory diseases.

d) Every person who is cut or injured shall cease work until their wound is suitably dressed. No person working in an edible product area shall wear any bandage unless that bandage is completely protected by a waterproof and conspicuously colored covering which cannot be easily detached. Adequate first aid facilities shall be provided for this purpose. acITSD

e) Every person engaged in the production of meat and meat products while on duty shall frequently and thoroughly wash their hands using liquid sanitizer and potable water. Hands shall be washed before commencing work, after using toilet facilities or blowing nose, and whenever necessary otherwise:

1) after handling diseased or contaminated material.

2) notices requiring hand washing and sanitation shall be prominently displayed in appropriate places.

f) Every person involved in meat processing for edible products shall maintain a high standard of personal cleanliness. They shall at all times wear suitable clothing of a color that allows easy detection of visible contamination, head covering enclosing hair and enclosed footwear. These articles shall be kept clean consistent with the work in which the person is engaged.

g) Protective clothing used for meat processing shall be durable, non-toxic, smooth-surfaced, corrosion resistant, easily cleaned, resistant to wear and have a finish that make surface contamination clearly visible.

h) Protective clothing such as aprons, gloves, and implements shall be properly cleaned at the end of the day or operation and when necessary in a facility provided for this purpose.

i) Aprons and personal working gear including knives and scabbards shall not be worn into toilet areas. Hooks shall be provided at designated sites within production areas for the hanging of these articles.

j) Visitors to areas for edible products shall be properly clad in clean protective clothing, including head covering enclosing hair.

k) Any behavior which could result in contamination of meat, such as eating, smoking and throwing of product is prohibited.

l) Care shall be taken by employees to prevent the contamination of product by cosmetics, chemicals, sweat and such accidental acts as coughing and sneezing. Loose jewelry such as wrist watches, rings, bracelets, or the like shall not be worn where they could accidentally contaminate product.

4. Storage and Disposal of Waste

a) Waste material shall be handled in such a manner as to prevent contamination of food or potable water.

b) Access to waste materials by pests shall be prevented.

5. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)

a) Operators shall ensure hygienic operations by having in place and operating a hygiene-monitoring program approved by the competent authority. 


Mark of Inspection

A Meat and Meat Products Inspection Certificates (MMPIC) shall be issued by the meat inspection officer to show that an article was inspected and passed in accordance to DA-NMIS regulations.



All existing rules and regulations, policies, procedures and standards not inconsistent with this Order shall continue to be in full force and effect. SIHCDA



Any person who shall violate any provision of this Order shall be punished with a fine of not more than one thousand pesos (PhP1,000) in accordance with the provisions of the IRR of RA 9296 (Meat Inspection Code of the Philippines) or by imprisonment for not more than six (6) months in accordance with the provisions of RA 8485 (Consumer Act of the Philippines), or both, at the discretion of the court.

The certificate of Accreditation issued by the NMIS to an accredited slaughterhouse shall be revoked if they are found to be in violation of any section of this Order.


Non-Liability Clause

The Secretary of the Department of Agriculture or his duly authorized representative shall not be held liable for damages to animals in the course of the implementation of the provisions of this Order.

Any person, firm, shipper or livestock handler found liable for violating any provisions of this Order shall shoulder the cost incurred for demurrage, cartage, labor incidences to inspection, cost of disinfection and disposition.



This Order shall take effect fifteen (15) days after publication of the same in a newspaper of general circulation or the Official Gazette, and its filing with the UP Law Center.

This guideline shall take effect upon approval.


(SGD.) PROCESO J. ALCALASecretaryDepartment of Agriculture


(SGD.) DR. MINDA S. MANANTANExecutive DirectorNational Meat Inspection Service