Guidelines on the Collection of Data on Animal Slaughter ( DA Administrative Order No. 27-12 )

November 19, 2012

November 19, 2012


SUBJECT : Guidelines on the Collection of Data on Animal Slaughter


WHEREAS, the National Meat Inspection Commission renamed as the National Meat Inspection Service shall serve as the sole national controlling authority on all matters pertaining to meat and meat product inspection and meat hygiene; acADIT

WHEREAS, there is a need for NMIS to maintain a system of monitoring the number of animals slaughtered and volume of condemned animals/carcasses and primal parts from accredited and Locally Registered Meat Establishments (LRMEs) for statistical analyses, scientific research and guidance and information for decision-makers;

WHEREAS, Section 16 of Executive Order No. 116 defines the functions of the Bureau of Agricultural Statistics (BAS) as follows: (a) to collect, compile and release official agricultural statistics; (b) to exercise technical supervision over data collection centers; and (c) to coordinate all agricultural statistics and economic research activities of all bureaus, corporations and offices under the Department of Agriculture;

WHEREAS, BAS as the agency responsible for the compilation and release of all official agricultural statistics is mandated to maintain an orderly and reliable set of statistics on total number of animals slaughtered as basis for generating the country's total meat production;

WHEREAS, Section 5 of Executive Order No. 137 provides that the NMIS, in coordination with the LGU concerned, shall monitor, conduct field inspection and may require those involved in slaughterhouse operation to submit periodic and special reports to the NMIS;

WHEREAS, under the current set-up, Regional DA agencies including the DA-RFUs collaborate with LGU counterparts to implement, collect data, and, monitor and assess DA programs and projects thus, LGUs are required to make reports and, in most cases respond all at the same time to the data and information needs of different livestock groups under DA, particularly BAS and NMIS;

NOW THEREFORE, I, PROCESO J. ALCALA, Secretary of the Department of Agriculture and Chairperson of the NMIS Meat Inspection Board (NMIS-MIB), by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby issue this Order prescribing the Guidelines on the Collection of Data on Animal Slaughter.



The guideline shall cover the accurate data collection and submission of the number of animals slaughtered, volume of meat produced, and number of animals condemned during ante-mortem inspection and condemned carcasses and primal parts during post-mortem inspection in all accredited, locally registered meat establishments and "other areas." acCTIS



The guideline shall provide a means of accuracy in the documentation and submission of the number of animals slaughtered, volume of meat produced and condemnation of animals during ante-mortem inspection including the condemnation of carcasses and primal parts. It also aims to establish a unified methodology for data collection in order to facilitate the collection and consolidation procedures to have a unified database on animal slaughter.


Definition of Terms

Carcass — the fresh meat of any slaughtered animal after bleeding and dressing with the offals removed from the body.

Carcass/Dressed Weight — the weight of the body of any slaughtered animal after bleeding, dressing and evisceration.

Farm Household — a household of which a member tends animals and slaughter or dressed them when necessary, either solely or jointly with other members of the household.

Key Informants — are persons such as meat inspectors, livestock and meat traders, meat butchers, barangay officials, municipal veterinarian/agricultural officers, who are knowledgeable on slaughtering activity in the area.

Live Weight — the body weight of live animals.

Locally Registered Meat Establishments (LRMEs) — slaughterhouses, meat processing plants, poultry dressing plants, meat cutting plants and cold storages that are allowed to operate by the city/municipal government but are not accredited by the NMIS. DHEACI

Meat Establishments — premises such as slaughterhouse, poultry dressing plant, meat processing plant, meat cutting plant, cold storage warehouse and other facilities in which food animals or meat products are slaughtered, prepared, handled, packed or stored.

Meat Inspector — a professionally qualified and properly trained officer, duly appointed by the NMIS or the local government unit for meat inspection and control of hygiene under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Offals — edible or non-edible other than carcass.

"Other Areas" — refers to farm households (backyard), commercial livestock and poultry farms and markets (e.g., wet markets and vicinities, talipapa, bagsakan, rolling stores, meat shops/stalls, lechon house and stands, ambulant meat stalls/vendors/peddlers, supermarkets and grocery stores, restaurants, canteens and eateries, catering services, hotels and other institutional buyers).

Poultry Dressing Plant (PDP) — the premises that are approved and registered by the controlling authority in which poultry are dressed for human consumption.

Slaughter Report Form — primary data collection sheet for monitoring/recording the number and status of animal slaughtered/dressed and condemned for statistical analyses.

Slaughterhouse (also, Abattoir) — premises that are approved and registered by the controlling authority in which food animals are slaughtered for human consumption.


Strategies of Data Collection

4.1 Meat Establishments

4.1.1 Data Source

 All slaughterhouses and poultry dressing plants accredited by the National Meat Inspection Service; CSEHIa

 All Locally Registered Meat Establishments supervised by the Municipal Veterinarians/Agriculturist in all provinces;

 All Locally Registered Meat Establishments supervised by the City Veterinarians/Agriculturist in highly urbanized cities and independent component cities;

4.1.2 Main Data Items

 Number of animals slaughtered/dressed and destination

 Live weight of animals slaughtered/dressed

 Carcass/Dressed Weight of animals

 Number of animals/carcasses condemned including primal parts

4.1.3 Survey Instruments

 Daily Slaughter Report

 Monthly Summary Slaughter Report

 Daily Condemnation Report

 Monthly Summary Condemnation Report

4.1.4 Data Collectors

 NMIS Meat Inspectors of all the slaughterhouses and poultry dressing plants to record on a daily basis the number of animals slaughtered and number of animals/carcasses condemned including primal parts in their respective assigned accredited slaughterhouse/poultry dressing plants on the daily slaughter and condemnation report forms. DCIAST

 Local Meat Inspectors under the supervision of the Provincial Veterinarians and City Veterinarians to record in a daily basis the number of animals slaughtered and number of animals/carcasses condemned including primal parts in their respective assigned slaughterhouse/poultry dressing plants on the daily slaughter and condemnation report forms.

4.1.5 Frequency  Collection

 Daily recording of number and destination of animals slaughtered/dressed as well as number of animals/carcasses condemned including primal parts in the slaughterhouse or poultry dressing plants.  Submission

 Monthly submission of the daily slaughter report to PVOs and City Veterinarian Office every 15th of the month after the reference month.

 Quarterly submission of the monthly slaughter report to regional offices every 25th day of the month after the reference quarter.

4.1.6 Encoding

 A web-based electronic processing system should be adopted by the concerned office in the summary and submission of reports.

4.2 "Other Areas"

4.2.1 Data Source

 Sample farm households and commercial farms covered in the Backyard Livestock and Poultry Survey (BLPS) and Commercial Livestock and Poultry Survey (CLPS) being conducted by BAS in their regular periodic surveys.

 Key informants for information on number of slaughtered/dressed animals in "Other Areas" of slaughtering in every municipality/city. ISAcHD

4.2.2 Main Data Items

 Number of animals slaughtered/dressed

 Live weight of animals slaughtered/dressed

 Carcass/dressed weight of animals

4.2.3 Survey Instruments

 BLPS/CLPS Survey Forms

 Key Informants Form

4.2.4 Data Collectors

 BAS POC Staff/Data collectors under the supervision of the Provincial Agricultural Statistics Officer for the BLPS and CLPS.

 BAS PASOs, together with the Municipal/City Agriculturists or Veterinarians as key informants, to gather information regarding the slaughtering in "Other Areas".

4.2.5 Frequency

4.2.5 n  Collection

 Quarterly conduct of BAS surveys and monthly for the slaughtering in "Other Areas" gathered from selected key informants.



5.1. Local Government Units

5.1.1. Local Meat Inspector Accountable for the daily collection and recording of number of animals slaughtered and condemned for locally registered meat establishments and "A" accredited slaughterhouses. Record and submit accomplished daily slaughter and condemnation reports to the Provincial Veterinary Office (PVO) and NMIS Regional Office, BAS Provincial Operations Center (POC) every month through a computerized system. A duplicate copy of the accredited (Class AA, Class AAA) shall be submitted by LGUs to PVO.

5.1.2. Municipal Veterinarian/Agriculturist Ensure that data collection is properly undertaken by the meat inspectors. Be key informants in the collection of slaughtering in "Other Areas" or outside meat establishments.

5.1.3. City Veterinarian/Agriculturist  Ensure that data collection and consolidation is properly undertaken by the meat inspectors.   Be key informants in the collection of data outside meat establishments.

5.1.4. Provincial Veterinarian/Agriculturist  Collect and consolidate monthly slaughter and condemnation reports from the local meat inspectors in municipalities/cities in their respective provinces. ECcDAH   Record and submit and present compiled slaughter and condemnation reports from LRMEs to NMIS Regional Office and BAS POCs on a monthly basis through a computerized system.  Collaborate with BAS POC in the review and validation of provincial slaughter data.   Include the data collection in agenda on the monthly Meat Inspector's Meeting called by his/her Office.

5.2 Bureau of Agricultural Statistics (BAS)

5.2.1 Bureau of Agricultural Statistics Provincial Operations Centers (BAS-POCs)  Provide personnel and operational support for the regular collection of data in "Other Areas".  Collect slaughter data from farm household thru BLPS and commercial farms thru CLPS on a quarterly basis and slaughter in "Other Areas", in collaboration with the Provincial Veterinarians/MAOs thru key informants (KIs) on a monthly basis.  Collect the quarterly summary slaughter reports of the accredited and locally registered meat establishments from the PVO.  Generate the provincial level data of the number of total slaughter on a quarterly basis.  Conduct provincial data review to validate the total slaughter data generated, in collaboration with the Provincial Veterinary Office. aCSDIc  Submit the validated provincial total slaughter data to BAS-ROC through a computerized system.  Jointly with DA-RFUs and NMIS, responsible for the printing of the Slaughter and Condemnation Report Forms. (See Annexes 1 & 2).

5.2.2 Bureau of Agricultural Statistics Regional Operations Centers (BAS-ROCs)  Collect and compile the quarterly provincial summary slaughter reports submitted by BAS-POCs & NMIS Regional Office to generate the regional level data on the number of total slaughter on a quarterly basis.  Conduct regional data review to validate the total slaughter data generated, in collaboration with NMIS Regional Office and DA Regional Field Unit (RFU).  Submit the validated regional total slaughter data to BAS Central Office (CO) through a computerized system.

5.2.3 Bureau of Agricultural Statistics Central Office (BAS CO) Collect and compile the quarterly regional summary slaughter reports submitted by BAS-ROCs to generate the national level data for the total slaughter on a quarterly basis. Conduct national data review to validate the total slaughter data generated, in collaboration with NMIS Central Office. HIACac Develop a computerized system to be adopted by NMIS and LGUs. Be responsible in the processing of slaughter data using the computerized system and generate computer outputs. Provide NMIS computer-based data files and statistical tables. Be responsible in the release of official estimates on the total quarterly number of animals slaughtered with monthly disaggregation. Jointly with NMIS, be responsible for maintaining the systems developed under this project. Jointly with NMIS, inform and train the concerned entities in the implementation of this Order. The release of slaughter data will be based on the "BAS Official Release Calendar".

5.3 National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS)

5.3.1. NMIS Meat Inspector Accountable for the daily collection and recording of number of food animals slaughtered and condemned daily for Class "AAA" and Class "AA" accredited slaughterhouses and poultry dressing plants. Submit accomplished daily slaughter and condemnation reports to the NMIS Regional Office.

5.4.2. n NMIS Regional Office Collect monthly slaughter and condemnation reports from the local meat inspectors in cities/provinces in their respective region. cEHITA Submit and present compiled slaughter and condemnation reports of accredited slaughterhouses and LRMEs to NMIS Central Office copy furnished BAS ROCs on a quarterly basis through a computerized system. Collaborate with BAS ROC and DA RFU in the review and validation of regional slaughter data. Jointly with BAS and DA-RFUs, responsible for the printing of the Slaughter and Condemnation Report Forms.

5.4.3. NMIS Central Office Collect and compile the regional summary slaughter reports submitted by NMIS Regional Offices to generate the national level data for the total slaughter from all slaughterhouses on a quarterly basis. Verify and analyze all slaughter and condemnation summary reports prior to BAS computerized processing. Collaborate with BAS Central Office in the review and validation of the national slaughter data. Jointly with BAS, be responsible for maintaining the systems developed under this project. Jointly with BAS, inform and train the concerned entities in the implementation of this Order.

5.5. DA Field Operation Service/DA Regional Field Unit (RFU)

5.5.1. Collaborate with BAS Regional Operations Center (ROC), Provincial Veterinary Offices (PVOs) and NMIS Regional Office in the review and validation of regional slaughter data. IaDcTC

5.5.2. Jointly with BAS and NMIS, inform and train the concerned entities in the implementation of this Order.

5.5.3. Jointly with BAS and NMIS, responsible for the printing of the Slaughter and Condemnation Report Forms.

5.5.4. Jointly with BAS and NMIS, act as repository agency of total slaughter data.

5.6. The summary of responsibilities of each participating agencies with corresponding workflow is enclosed as "Attachment A".


Repealing Clause

The provisions of existing Administrative orders, Implementing Rules and Regulations and other issuances inconsistent with the provisions of the Order are hereby modifies, revoked or repealed accordingly.


Separability Clause

If any portion or provision of the Order is declared unconstitutional, the other portion or portions thereof which are not affected thereby must continue in full force and in effect.


Suppletory Clause

The provisions of all existing and applicable laws shall be deemed suppletory to this Administrative order.



This Administrative Order shall take effect fifteen days after its publication in the Official Gazette and filing of a copy at the UP Law Center. HcTSDa




(SGD.) DAVINIO P. CATBAGANAssistant Secretary for Livestock

(SGD.) ROMEO S. RECIDEAssistant Secretary for Policy & Planning and Director,

(SGD.) EDILBERTO M. DE LUNAAssistant Secretary for Field Operations


n Note from the Publisher: Copied verbatim from the official copy.