Guidelines in the Application for Department of Health Permit to Construct (DOH-PTC) ( DOH Administrative Order No. 2016-0042 )

December 14, 2016

Law Summary: DOH Administrative Order No. 2016-0042

The Department of Health (DOH) Administrative Order No. 2016-0042 provides guidelines for the application process of a Department of Health Permit to Construct (DOH-PTC) for various health facilities in the Philippines. This order is a continuation of earlier mandates which aimed to centralize the permitting and licensing functions for hospitals and other healthcare institutions to improve efficiency and responsiveness. The decentralization of these processes to Regional Offices is a significant aspect aimed at streamlining government regulations.

One of the primary objectives of this order is to establish a clear framework for both government and private health facilities applying for a DOH-PTC. The order defines the roles and responsibilities of the Health Facilities and Services Regulatory Bureau (HFSRB) alongside the respective Regional Offices, ensuring that applications for permits are processed in a timely and standardized manner. It addresses previously observed inefficiencies in the processing of applications, especially with the increasing volume submitted by various healthcare entities.

The order encompasses a broad range of health facilities, including hospitals, drug abuse treatment centers, birthing homes, and psychiatric care facilities. Each type of facility is subject to specific criteria and mandatory compliance with established design and planning guidelines, ensuring that facilities are constructed according to standard safety and operational practices. The guidelines include checklists for reviewing floor plans, ensuring that facilities meet the minimum standards for safety, accessibility, and functionality.

Furthermore, the order highlights the importance of compliance with various regulatory frameworks, such as the National Building Code and the Fire Code of the Philippines. It mandates that all health facilities must incorporate provisions for waste management, environmental protection, and health safety standards throughout their design and operational protocols. The emphasis on adherence to applicable laws reflects the broader goal of enhancing the overall quality and safety of health services provided to the Philippine public.