Guidelines for the Selection of Organic Demo and Training Farms ( DA Administrative Order No. 10-12 )

February 29, 2012

February 29, 2012


SUBJECT : Guidelines for the Selection of Organic Demo and Training Farms


A nationwide educational and promotional campaign for the use and processing, as well as the adoption of organic agricultural systems as a viable alternative is essential in achieving the overall objective of RA 10068 to promote, propagate, develop further and implement the practice of organic agriculture in the Philippines.

Similarly, the Organic Agriculture Act provides for establishing and strengthening national, regional, provincial and community based learning centers to further highlight and showcase organic farming technologies and best practices that are consistent with the Philippine National Standards.

To facilitate the selection and establishment of organic demo and training farms, specific guidelines for this concern shall be provided and implemented through the Department of Agriculture in collaboration with local government units, NGOs, POs, private sector, SUCs and other learning institutions.

I. Objectives

The main objective of the guideline is to lay down the criteria, rules and regulations for the establishment of Organic Demo and Training Farms that will: CcSTHI

a. Showcase organic farming technologies and best practices consistent with the Philippine National Standards;

b. Serve as learning and training farms for capability building of farmers, producers and or processors interest in organic agriculture technologies; and

c. Promote and showcase organic products in the area.

II. Scope and Coverage

These guidelines establish the rules applied by the Department of Agriculture for establishing organic demo and training farms in areas identified by the DA RFUs in collaboration with interested proponents.

III. Implementation Mechanism

A. Site Selection

Priority areas for the establishment of the Organic Demo and Training Farms are the following:

1. Convergence initiative sites as identified by DA, DAR and DENR;

2. Existing farms that have been certified organic; and

3. Existing farms that have structures allowing for the conduct of trainings and/or workshops/seminars. aCcADT

In areas that do not have certified farms, existing organic farms that can prove their adherence to the Philippine National Standards are given preference. The latter should present documentation on the technologies they are adopting including a copy of their organic management plan.

In addition to the above-mentioned criteria, proposed sites should be established in areas that are easily accessible via main thoroughfares.

B. Criteria for the Selection of Eligible Proponents or Recipients

Eligible proponents or recipients of the assistance for the establishment of demo and training farms include:

1. Government institutions

2. Local Government Units

3. State Colleges and Universities

4. Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to include Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), and People's Organizations (POs)

5. Cooperatives

6. Indigenous People's Organizations

7. Private individuals

The proponents should satisfy the following criteria to qualify for the project:

 Legal document establishing proof of ownership of the land (i.e., titles, CLOA, stewardship agreements, etc.); cASTED

 Attestation or letter signifying that the lot shall be dedicated for sole use as an organic demo farm, and shall not be converted to any other purpose within (5) years from its establishment;

 Willingness to host or accommodate farmer trainees;

 Willingness to provide counterpart for the project in the form of manpower and labor for the operation and maintenance of the demo and training farm; and

 For CSOs should be accredited by the DA for the entitlement of Organic Funds.

The minimum requirement for the size of the lot shall depend upon the crops and/or livestock/poultry/aquaculture stocks to be grown and/or raised as outlined in Annex 1 of the guideline.

C. Operation of the Demo Farm

1. Farm inputs

 All inputs such as organic seeds, livestock/poultry/aquaculture stocks and minimal farm structure shall be provided initially by the project. Subsequent organic seeds and stocks should be produced by the proponent. Farm labor for cultivation (plowing, harrowing, weeding, etc.) or animal raising shall be the farmer's equity, except if the farm is established in a government lot. Labor cost for the construction of animal farm houses shall be provided by the project.

 In addition, sheds for bio-composting and related structures and units of equipment shall be at the expense of the project. After the project, such facilities will be turned over to the owner of the area/techno demo provided that the project is successful, otherwise, movable units of equipment and facilities shall be transferred to another co-operator. aCTcDS

 In its second year and thereafter of operation, project funds shall be limited only to the cost of trainings of farmers and technicians.

2. Produce

 Income from the produce or sale of crops, biocontrol agents/sprays, organic fertilizers, vermicompost and other organic formulations shall accrue to the owner of the lot. For animals/fishery products, the owner must return to the government the cost of the purchase of the stock. Any excess will be the net share of the owner.

 For government projects, the harvested crops or animals/fishery products and organic inputs shall be disposed of in accordance with existing government regulations.

 In case of crop failure due to force majeure, upon verification, the project may, shoulder the expenses, subject to the approval of the DA RFUs concerned for the continuation of demo and training farm and will not charge the owner for the cost of stocks.

3. Access

 The owner of the demo and training farm shall allow full access to interested farmers to visit the farm within the reasonable time of the day. No fees, such as entrance fees, shall be charged to the visitors. The cost for training shall be provided free by the owner. (However visitors should abide by the rules and guidelines to be drafted by the project re: proper decorum, garbage disposal, collection/gathering of anything in the demo area) DASCIc

4. Training activities

 The farm shall endeavour to conduct formal or informal training by at least thirty (30) farmers every quarter. Expenses for the training shall be at the expense of the project. No fees shall be collected from the trainees.

5. Signage

 A signage shall be put up in a conspicuous place, the size of which is 4 ft x 8 ft made of durable materials that can withstand the elements of nature with the following info: Name of the Farm, etc. Signage shall be at the expense of the project. The standard template is attached in Annex 2 of this guideline.

D. Application and Selection Process

The selection, approval and evaluation process shall follow the Guidelines for the Approval of Project Proposals for Organic Agriculture.

E. Fund Assistance

Selected demo farms shall be given an amount that shall not exceed One Million and Five Hundred Thousand Pesos (PhP1,500,000.00) which includes establishment of structures/housing facilities, provision of inputs/stocks and training expenses. The project fund covers the 5 year operation of the demo and training farms.

IV. Monitoring

Established demo farms shall establish a record keeping system demonstrating and highlighting organic farming management practices (i.e., farm diary, inputs, harvest records, sales records, etc.). Likewise, photo documentation is encouraged. The said documents will be open to the public.

Farm Managers/Responsible officers are required to give information and/or updates of the farm status to the DA-RFUs in a quarterly basis. These updates/news shall be posted in the dedicated website for organic agriculture. Likewise, the responsible officers shall also inform the DA RFUs of their activities, seminars and/or trainings in the farm. Managers and officers of the demo farms shall also furnish BAFPS copies of said documents. AcEIHC

Furthermore, the monitoring mechanisms for the demo farms shall be in consonance with the Guidelines for the Approval of Project Proposals for Organic Agriculture.

V. Penalty Clause

Should the cooperator of the lot or livestock desire to terminate the project, all project inputs must be returned to the government or to be transferred to another willing cooperator. A written notice to terminate shall be filed by the project co-operator with the concerned RFU within thirty (30) days prior to the date of intended termination.

The DA-RFU shall, likewise, terminate the project after due notice to the operator if the project after evaluation, dismally fails to accomplish the desired project outputs.

Aside from waiving the right to continue managing the operation of the demo and training farm, the proponent shall likewise refund to the DA the total amount of the latter's counterpart fund.



Hectarage/Population (No. of 
Rice 0.5 ha. (min)
Integrated Rice-Duck/Fish 230 heads (max)/ha.; 1 ha. (min)
farming system  
Corn 1 ha. (min)
High-value vegetables 0.5ha. min
Other vegetables including 0.5ha. min
indigenous vegetables  
Breeding sows 7 heads (max)/ha./batch
Pigs for fattening 14 heads (max)//batch
Broilers 300 heads/batch (max); 1 ha. (min)
Laying chickens 200 heads (max)/ha.; 1 ha. (min)
Dairy cows 2 heads (max)/ha.; 2 ha. (min)
Small Ruminants 20 heads (max)/ha.
Coconut (existing) 5 ha. (min)
Fruit trees (existing) 1 ha.
Integrated fruits, vegetables and 1 ha. (min)
animals (existing)  
Aquaculture 0.25 ha. (min)
  Stocking density shall be determined
  by BFAR

This Order shall take effect immediately. cDTIAC

(SGD.) PROCESO J. ALCALASecretaryDepartment of Agriculture