Directing the Formation of an Executive Committee for the Philippine Hosting of the ASEAN Tourism Forum 2016 ( Memorandum Order No. 78 )

April 21, 2015

April 21, 2015



WHEREAS, the ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) is held annually on rotation basis among the Member States and has served as the venue for National Tourism Organizations (NTO) to introduce their plans, campaigns and programs for the upcoming year;

WHEREAS, the Philippines will host the ATF in Manila on 18 to 25 January 2016 and at the same time chair the meetings of ASEAN Tourism Ministers and ASEAN NTO; and

WHEREAS, in order to effectively carry out and implement the Philippines obligations in hosting the ATF 2016, there is a need to constitute, organize and create an Executive Committee to include other line agencies of the government, local government units concerned, and the private sector.

NOW, THEREFORE, the following are hereby ordered:

SECTION 1. The Secretary of Tourism is directed to undertake all the necessary preparations for the holding of the ATF 2016, and implement the conduct of all plans, programs and activities related thereto.

SECTION 2. The Secretary of Tourism shall be the overall Chairperson of the ASEAN Tourism Forum 2016-Executive Committee (ATF-EC), which shall be composed of the following: aHTcDA

Members : Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs
    Secretary, Department of Public Works and Highways
    Secretary, Department of Trade and Industry
    Secretary, Department of Budget and Management
    Chairperson, Cultural Center of the Philippines
    Chief Operating Officer, Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority
    Chief Operating Officer, Duty Free Philippines Corporation

The ATF-EC Chairperson may designate additional members to the ATF-EC to assist in the organization and implementation of plans and programs for ATF 2016. The ATF-EC Chairperson may also create working committees to handle the various components of the ATF 2016.

The Tourism Promotions Board (TPB), as the ATF-EC Secretariat, shall work on a day-to-day basis with the ASEAN-Tourism Association and its partners, to provide administrative and technical support. The TPB shall consolidate all the plans, programs and activities and submit them to the ATF-EC for approval.

SECTION 3. All departments, bureaus, offices, national government agencies, and government-owned or -controlled corporations are hereby enjoined to give full support, assistance and cooperation to ATF-EC. Local government units, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector are also encouraged to give assistance to the ATF-EC and to participate in the various activities to be conducted in connection with this Order.

SECTION 4. Funding for the ATF shall be sourced from the budget of the Department of Tourism and the corporate funds of the TPB and Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority, and other agencies and local government units are authorized to allocate such amounts as may be necessary to defray the expenses for this event, subject to existing laws and budgetary, accounting, and auditing rules and regulations.

DONE in the City of Manila, this 21st day of April, in the year of Our Lord, Two Thousand and Fifteen.