Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 ( Republic Act No. 9165 )

June 07, 2002

Law Summary: Republic Act No. 9165

Republic Act No. 9165, also known as the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002, was enacted to provide a holistic approach to tackling the issue of dangerous drugs in the Philippines. The primary aim of this legislation is to safeguard the well-being of citizens, particularly the youth, from the detrimental# Law Summary effects: of Republic drug abuse. The Act emphasizes a policy of prevention Act No,. education 916,5 and

rehabilitationRepublic, Act while maintaining No strict. enforcement 9165, known as against drug trafficking the and Comprehensive use Dangerous. Drugs Act It of seeks200 to2 strike, a establishes a balance rigorous between legal framework law aimed enforcement at combating and the the rampant need issue for of illegal drugs medical treatment in the for Philippines legitimate. The patients.

One Act is grounded of on the the state notable aspects of this Act is its establishment of frameworks for the treatment and rehabilitation of’s obligation drug dependents. It recognizes that individuals to protect the youth and citizenry who from the succumb to drug dependence require not just punishment but also mechanisms for social dangers of drug abuse and trafficking. Recognizing that drug dependence is a significant rein socialtegration problem through, comprehensive it incorporates rehabilitation both programs enforcement. and The rehabilitation mechanisms Department to address of drug Health-related offenses ( effectively.

TheDO ActH outlines) severe penalties is for the mandated possession to, manufacture oversee, and distribution coordinate, these and trafficking rehabilitation of efforts dangerous, drugs ensuring. Specific that thresholds sufficient treatment for the quantities facilities of drugs are involved dictate available across the country. the severity of penalties, including life imprisonment The law encourages and hefty voluntary submission for treatment fines for offenses involving large, quantities providing of certain exemptions from criminal penalties drugs. Moreover, the law for aims those seeking help.

toThe curb Act drug use among pres minors and vulnerable individualscribes, severe imposing penalties even stricter for various drug-related penalties for those who exploit these offenses groups including in possession drug,-related crimes distribution, and manufacturing of. dangerous drugs. Off This dual approach of penalization intends to deterenders drug can face life imprisonment or higher penalties depending on the type and quantity of drugs involved. Specific provisions also address the criminal responsibility of public officials if they are found misappropriating drug-related assets or involved in drug trafficking. The law underscores the seriousness of drug offenses and aims to deter illegal activities through strict legal repercussions.

To effectively enforce the provisions of Republic Act No.-related 916 activities while5 emphasizing the importance, the Philippine Drug Enforcement of Agency community (P safetyDEA) was.

establishedIn as addition the lead agency to in drug punitive law measures, enforcement. The PDEA is tasked with implementing national anti-drug campaigns, conducting investigations, Republic and ensuring compliance Act with No the. law. The agency also collaborates with various sectors, local government9165 places considerable emphasis on the units, rehabilitation and and treatment community organizations to bolster efforts against illegal drug activities, emphasizing of the drug dependents. It introduces a voluntary submission program need, allowing individuals to seek treatment for drug dependence for without facing a criminal charges, united front in the fight against the drug problem in society. provided they comply with the rehabilitation requirements. This provision acknowledges the importance of re-integration into society for individuals struggling with substance abuse, highlighting the government's commitment to health-oriented solutions rather than purely punitive measures.

The law also empowers the Dangerous Drugs Board and the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) to oversee the implementation and enforcement of its provisions. These agencies are responsible for coordinating efforts in drug prevention, control, and rehabilitation, ensuring that enforcement actions are effective and aligned with national policy. The establishment of treatment and rehabilitation centers is a crucial component of this law, aiming to provide accessible support for those in need while continuing to enforce strict legal repercussions for offenders.