An Act Creating the Second Legislative District of the City of Zamboanga ( Republic Act No. 9269 )

March 19, 2004

March 19, 2004



SECTION 1. Creation. — There is hereby created another legislative district in the City of Zamboanga. Henceforth, barangays Ayala, Bagong Calarian, Baliwasan, Baluno, Cabatangan, Camino Nuevo, Campo Islam, Canelar, Capisan, Cawit, Dulian (Upper Pasonanca), La Paz, Labuan, Limpapa, Maasin, Malagutay, Mariki, Pamucutan, Pasonanca, Patalon, Recodo, Rio Hondo, San Jose Cawa-cawa, San Jose Gusu, San Roque, Sta. Barbara, Sta. Maria, Sto. Niño, Sinubung, Sinunuc, Talisayan, Tulungatung, Tumaga, Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3, and Zone 4 shall compose the first legislative district while barangays Arena Blanco, Boalan, Bolong, Buenavista. Bunguiao, Busay, Cabaluay, Cacao, Calabasa, Culianan, Curuan, Dita, Divisoria, Dulian (Upper Bunguiao), Guisao, Guiwan, Kasanyangan, Lamisahan, Landanga Gua, Landang Laum, Lanzones, Lapakan, Latuan, Licomo, Limaong, Lubigan, Lumayang, Lumbangan, Lunzuran, Mampang, Manalipa, Mangusu, Manicahan, Mercedes, Muti, Pangapuyan, Panubigan, Pasilmanta, Pasobolong, Putik, Quiniput, Salaan, Sangali, Sta. Catalina, Sibulao, Tagasilay, Taguiti, Talabaan, Talon-talon, Taluksangay, Tetuan, Tictapul, Tigbalabag, Tigtabon, Tolosa, Tugbungan, Tumalutab, Tumitus, Victoria, Vitali and Zambowood shall form part of the second legislative district. DSTCIa

The foregoing provision shall be without prejudice to the resolution by appropriate agency or forum of any existing boundary disputes or cases involving questions of territorial jurisdiction between Zamboanga City and the adjoining local government units: Provided, However, That the territorial jurisdiction of the disputed area or areas shall remain with the local government unit, which has existing administrative supervision over said area or areas until the final resolution of the case. TBCScdtai

SECTION 2. Election of Representatives. — For the purpose of the 2004 election, the City of Zamboanga shall elect only one (1) representative, who shall represent the City until the representative of each legislative district shall have been elected in the immediately succeeding regular election to be held after the 2004 election and thereafter.

SECTION 3. Rules and Regulations. — The Commission on Elections shall issue the necessary rules and regulations to implement the provisions of this Act.

SECTION 4. All laws, rules and regulations which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby amended, repealed or modified accordingly.

SECTION 5. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved: March 19, 2004