Adoption of the 2012 Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos ( NNC Governing Board Resolution No. 6, S. 2012 )
October 31, 2012
October 31, 2012
WHEREAS, malnutrition and diet-related non-communicable diseases remain to be a problem in the Philippines and that poor nutrition can be caused by poor nutrition practices as a result of inadequate information on proper diet and nutrition behaviors;
WHEREAS, the development and dissemination of nutritional guidelines can contribute to improved nutrition since nutritional guidelines are primary recommendations to promote good health through proper nutrition including advice on consumption of foods for which there are public health concerns;
WHEREAS, the Philippines has developed the Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos in 1990 which was later revised in 2000 to ensure that the messages responded to specific health and nutrition problems prevailing in the country at that time and that the NNC Governing Board approved its adoption in the country;
WHEREAS, the 2000 Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos served as a tool for nutrition education, promotion of desirable dietary and nutrition habits and as such the messages have been promoted nationwide in the country;
WHEREAS, given changes in the nutrition situation in the Philippines and new information on nutrition and related interventions to address nutrition problems, the Food and Nutrition Research Institute of the Department of Science and Technology (FNRI-DOST) initiated the revision of the 2000 Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos;
WHEREAS, the FNRI-DOST, through an inter-agency and multi-disciplinary technical working group, developed the 2012 Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos by undertaking the necessary processes including multi-sectoral consultations;
WHEREAS, the 2012 Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos, consisting of ten (10) key messages, includes both food-based and behavior-driven guidelines and addresses current nutritional and dietary problems; AIHaCc
WHEREAS, the NNC Technical Committee approved the 2012 Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos during its meeting on 16 October 2012 after finding it to be sufficient and acceptable for endorsement to the NNC Governing Board for approval.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, in consideration of the benefits of adopting a revised Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos that is relevant to the current nutritional and related situation, to adopt the 2012 Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos as the official nutritional guidelines in the country, as follows:
1. Eat a variety of foods everyday to get the nutrients needed by the body.
2. Breastfeed infants exclusively from birth up to 6 months then give appropriate complementary foods while continuing breastfeeding for 2 years and beyond for optimum growth and development.
3. Eat more vegetables and fruits everyday to get the essential vitamins, minerals and fiber for regulation of body processes.
4. Consume fish, lean meat, poultry, egg, dried beans or nuts daily for growth and repair of body tissues.
5. Consume milk, milk products and other calcium-rich foods, such as small fish and shellfish, everyday for healthy bones and teeth.
6. Consume safe foods and water to prevent diarrhea and other food- and water-borne diseases.
7. Use iodized salt to prevent Iodine Deficiency Disorders.
8. Limit intake of salty, fried, fatty and sugar-rich foods to prevent cardiovascular diseases.
9. Attain normal body weight through proper diet and moderate physical activity to maintain good health and help prevent obesity.
10. Be physically active, make healthy food choices, manage stress, avoid alcoholic beverages and do not smoke to help prevent lifestyle-related non-communicable diseases.
1. For the FNRI-DOST to develop the reference handbook and conduct researches toward continuous improvement of the Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos;
2. For the FNRI-DOST to conduct policy review and evaluation of the 2012 Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos by 2020 to determine its relevance and appropriateness to the changing diet, nutrition and health situation in the country;
3. For the NNC Secretariat to spearhead the formulation and evaluation of a communication and promotion plan to ensure the widest dissemination and use of the 2012 Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos and ensure participation of non-government organizations, media, the academe and civil society;
4. For the Department of Agriculture to promote production of food commodities for Filipino consumers;
5. For the Department of Health to formulate new, and enhance existing policies, and develop guidelines on the use and promotion of NGF within the health sector and other related stakeholders; TaHDAS
6. For the Department of Education to integrate the 2012 Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos in the school curricula for primary and secondary education;
7. For the Department of the Interior and Local Government to issue a memo circular to local government units to enjoin them to promote the Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos among their constituents;
8. For the Department of Labor and Employment to disseminate the Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos in the labor sector to promote health and nutrition among workers and employers; and
9. For the other members of the Governing Board to promote the Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos within their networks.
1. For the different relevant agencies to include budget in their annual appropriations to support the promotion of the Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos; and
2. For the NNC to monitor and ensure the implementation of this GB resolution. DISaEA
Approved this 31st day of October 2012.
(SGD.) HONORABLE ENRIQUE T. ONA, MDSecretary of Health and Chairperson
(SGD.) ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF HEALTH MARIA-BERNARDITA T. FLORAS, CESO IIExecutive Director, IV, National Nutrition Council and Council Secretary
(SGD.) HON. PROCESO J. ALCALASecretary of Agriculture and Vice-Chairperson, NNC Governing Board
(SGD.) HON. MANUEL A. ROXAS IISecretary of the Interior and Local Government and Vice-Chairperson, NNC Governing Board
(SGD.) HON. FLORENCIO B. ABADSecretary of Budget and Management and Member, NNC Governing Board
(SGD.) HON. BRO. ARMIN A. LUISTRO, FSCSecretary of Education and Member, NNC Governing Board
(SGD.) HON. ROSALINDA DIMAPILIS-BALDOZSecretary of Labor and Employment and Member, NNC Governing Board
(SGD.) HON. MARIO G. MONTEJOSecretary of Science and Technology and Member, NNC Governing Board
(SGD.) HON. CORAZON JULIANO-SOLIMANSecretary of Social Welfare and Development and Member, NNC Governing Board
HON. GREGORY I. DOMINGOSecretary of Trade and Industry and Member, NNC Governing Board
(SGD.) HON. ARSENIO M. BALISACANSecretary of Socio-Economic Planning and Director General, National Economic and Development Authority and Member, NNC Governing Board
(SGD.) MR. EDGARDO C. AMISTADMember, Advisory Council League of Corporate Foundations and Member, NNC Governing Board
(SGD.) DR. IRENE B. MARAMAGSecretary General, Rural Improvement Clubs of the Philippines, Inc. and Member, NNC Governing Board
(SGD.) MS. SONIA R. LORENZOExecutive Director
Published in The Philippine Star on July 2, 2013.